
  • 网络educational group
  1. 高校班主任作为特殊的教育群体,其学者化对高校教育的整体推进起着积极的作用。

    The college class-advisers serve as a special educational group , and their scholarization is playing an active role in the whole advancement of higher education .

  2. 初中体育课,由于其教学对象是少年儿童,他们处于生长发育的最敏感和活跃的青春期阶段,极为活跃和不稳定的生理、心理特点,成为了体育教育环节的一个特殊教育群体。

    The physical education of junior high is juvenile child because of its teaching for elephant , they are in psychological characteristic , very active and instability physiology and the most sensitive and active puberty stage of growth , have become a special educational group of sport educational link .

  3. 他们是我们受教育群体中最安静、最默默无闻的一群,很容易被老师和同学忽略。

    They are the quiet and easily - neglected group .

  4. 高等教育群体抱怨对外国科学学生和学者的签证延迟。

    Higher education groups complained about the delays for foreign science students and scholars .

  5. 护理创新型教育群体的5个转变

    Five Changes of Nursing Innovation-type Educational Population

  6. 腾冲县地处边境口岸,在云南省众多边境县中具有代表性,初中教师是一个特殊的教育群体,在教育中起着承上启下的作用。

    Junior teachers , as a special group of educators , play an important role in education .

  7. 成人高校大学生作为一个特殊的受教育群体,影响其心理健康的因素既与普通高校大学生有相似之处,更存在着区别性突出的成人特点,如:个性特点与个人观念更复杂;

    There are some differences between both adult and general college students in the factors affecting their psychological health .

  8. 对弱势教育群体进行补偿是实现受教育权平等的基本手段。

    Giving appropriate compensation to inequality under disadvantage is the basic means to realize the equal right to education .

  9. 主体性教学与素质教育群体性矛盾的成因、特点及对策

    On the student-centered teaching for quality education Cause of Formation , Character and countermeasure of the Contradiction Characteristic of the masses

  10. 高职高专学生是一个特殊的高等教育群体,其有着不同于其他高等教育群体的独特特点。

    The quality high special student is special higher education community , it has is different with the other higher education community 's unique characteristic .

  11. 首先文化环境的变化导致教育群体在语文教学中对诵读内涵产生曲解。

    First , the cultural changes in the environment lead to educational groups to a misunderstanding of the meaning of " reading " in the language teaching .

  12. 同时,采用调查研究的方法,对高职学生这个受教育群体的英语学习动机和心理进行了调查与分析,采集数据,分析影响高职学生学习动机的因素。

    I adopted the investigation method to analysis the English learning motivation of vocational institute students , obtained the data , and analyzed the factors that affect the motivation .

  13. 同时,对高职生这个新的受教育群体的英语学习动机进行了调查与分析。接着论文根据调查结果对如何培养和激发英语学习动机提出了切实可行的措施和办法。

    Besides , it investigates and analyses the English learning motivation of vocational college students . Then , according to the conclusion , it puts forward practicable measures and ways .

  14. 面对艺术院校培养的特殊受教育群体&艺术生,这样一群特点鲜明的学生,怎样对他们进行行之有效的思想政治教育是当前高校思想政治教育的重点之一。

    Arts College in the face of special education groups - Arts students , this group of distinctive characteristics of the students , how well they carry out ideological and political education is the current ideological and political education a priority .

  15. 学习障碍儿童是种特殊受教育群体,非等同于一般意义上的学习落后或学业不良,他们智力正常,但在思维、言语、阅读、书写、拼音或数学计算等方面能力不足。

    Learning disabilities were groups of special education populations , differing from common learning difficulties or under-achievers , in that they had the normal intelligence but impaired abilities in thinking , language skills , reading , writing , spell , or numerical calculation .

  16. 中学生作为当代中国较为特殊的受教育群体,他们个性化的阅读认知和思维模式正在慢慢形成,并且有一个趋向成熟的转型过程,因此对当下中学生的课外阅读进行调查和研究是很有必要的。

    Middle-school students in contemporary China are a special education groups . Their special reading and cognitive thinking is slowly formed , and there is a process of transition towards to mature , so it is necessary to make a survey on their extracurricular reading .

  17. 社会群体对文言这种特殊的语言形式无意识的疏离导致教育群体将诵读的内涵逐渐单一化,以至于在一些课堂中完全等同于背诵、默写,丧失了口诵心惟的精髓和灵魂。

    Social groups " classical " This particular form of language unconscious alienation lead to educational groups will " read " the connotation gradually monotonous , single , exactly the same as that in some classroom recitation , dictation , lost recited the heart but the essence and soul .

  18. 研究结果表明:当前汉语恭维语应答策略总体分布与传统模式不同,恭维语应答策略的分布在不同性别、年龄、教育群体间存在系统变异:1.汉语恭维语应答中的接受多于拒绝;

    The results suggest that , overall , native Chinese speakers respond to compliments differently from stereotypically expected and there is a correlation between the respondents ' CR strategy choice with their gender , age and educational level : 1 . Chinese speakers accept compliments more often than reject them ;

  19. 教育相关群体对中学教师的角色期望之比较

    The Comparison on Role-Expectation of Middle School Teachers between Educational Relative Groups

  20. 20世纪上半叶中国教育学家群体现象研究

    Study on the Phenomenon Group of Chinese Educationists during the First 20th Century

  21. 为新时期教育工会群体工作出谋划策。

    The article gives counsels for education labour union colony in the new period .

  22. 美国高等教育弱势群体处境研究

    Study of Vulnerable Groups in American High Education

  23. 不同教育程度群体的恭维语应答是否存在差异,有何差异?

    Do people of different educational level respond to compliments differently , if so , how ?

  24. 远程教育学习群体分析

    Analysis of Distance Learners

  25. 五个不同行业从业者的职业人际价值观不同类型的高职院校,不同的教育对象群体,所需就业能力不尽相同。

    Professional interpersonal values among five different professions ; The employments in vocational colleges are various to different educated targets .

  26. 性别角色不断发生变化,但即便使是在家庭内部或是受过高等教育的群体当中,性别歧视依旧存在。

    Gender roles are changing but prejudice persists , even in the privacy of a household and among the highly educated .

  27. 大学教师作为一个特殊的教育实践群体,他们通过日常可能的行为和实践,展示和实现着自己。

    As a special education practical community , the university teachers usually display and realize themselves through their daily possible behavior in practice .

  28. 分析美国高等教育弱势群体的处境,将会为国内的相关研究提供有益的启示。

    The analysis of the situation of vulnerable groups in American high education will offer useful implication for the related study in China .

  29. 教育相关群体教师角色期望状况及其特点和成因分析&以来自湖南长沙的调查为基础

    Status , Characteristics and Causes of Teachers ' Role Expectation of Colonies Concerned with Education & Based on a Survey in Changsha , Hunan

  30. 然而这些接受专业武术教育的群体相对于整个中国武术高等教育的发展人口基数来说,其所占的比重还是微不足道的。

    However , these groups receiving martial arts education just take up a small part as opposed to the developing population base of Chinese martial arts higher education .