
  • 网络numerical variable;metric variable
  1. 利用回归分析方法来分析变量之间关系时的一个基本要求是,被解释变量应是连续数值型变量。

    When it is used to analyze the relation between dependent variable and independent variables , the basic condition is that the dependent variable should be continuous numerical variable .

  2. 指针变量和存储模型紧密相关,不能简单地作为数值型变量予以处理。

    Since pointer variables have a strong tie with memory models , they cannot simply be treated as numeric variables .

  3. GM-APD单光子计数器工作于门控方式,根据统计光学理论,确定GM-APD单光子计数器输出的光子计数值为离散型随机变量。

    The photon counting values were discrete type random variables according to statistics optical theory .

  4. 对于数值型属性的语言变量使用隶属函数以及一些模糊算子,能够较准确表达模糊语言变量的含义;

    Membership functions are constructed to retrieve the information used language variables of numerical attributes .