
shù zì tōnɡ xìn xì tǒnɡ
  • digital communication system
  1. 数字通信系统设备性能的SYSTEMVIEW仿真

    Device Quality Simulation of Digital Communication System Based on System View Software

  2. 基于Internet的港口无线数字通信系统

    Wireless Digital Communication System Based on Internet for Port

  3. 无线数字通信系统中的DSP及USB技术应用研究

    DSP and USB Application Studies in Wireless Digital Trans-receiving System

  4. 基于MATLAB的数字通信系统可视化设计

    MATLAB Based Visualization Design in Digital Communication System

  5. 数字通信系统设计中FPGA的仿真

    Simulation of FPGA Design in Digital Communication System

  6. W波段低成本数字通信系统

    A Low Cost W - Band Digital Communication system

  7. 数字通信系统中信噪比与误码率关系的Matlab模拟

    Simulation of the Relation between Signal-to-noise Ratio and Bit Error Ratio in Digital Communication with Matlab

  8. 短波数字通信系统中数字AGC的DSP实现

    DSP Realization of Digital AGC of HF Digital Communication System

  9. 数字通信系统中PCM数字中继接口设计与实现

    Design and Implementation PCM Digital Relay Interface in Digital Communication System

  10. 基于ISP的数字通信系统帧同步电路设计

    Design of Frame Synchronism Device in Digital Communication System Based on ISP

  11. 用ISP技术实现的数字通信系统同步电路

    Synchronization circuit realized with ISP Technology for digital communication system

  12. 随着数字通信系统的不断方展,VLSI技术的不断提升,通信中的数字信号处理(Digitalsignalprocessing)亦扮演着愈来愈重要的角色。

    Digital signal processing is now playing more and more important role in communications with the evolution of digital communication systems and highly improvement in VLSI technology .

  13. 调制技术的过采样∑?adc非常适合用来实现数字通信系统和信号处理系统中的模拟接口部件。

    Modulation technology are well-suited to the implementation of analog interfaces in digital communication and signal processing systems .

  14. Chen-Mobius多路数字通信系统的Matlab仿真

    Matlab Simulation of Multi-channel Digital Communication System by Chen - Mobius Transform

  15. 在数字通信系统中,由于需要高速传输数据,常存在着码间干扰(ISI)。

    In digital communication system , high speed of data transmitting results in inter-symbol interference ( ISI ) .

  16. 因此,将OFDM技术应用到无线宽带数字通信系统的研究在最近几年得到了广泛关注。

    For this , the research aiming to apply OFDM to system of wireless broadband digital communication had received more and more attention in recent years .

  17. 本设计为数字通信系统提供了一种简单、易行的解决方案,对ARM处理器在数字通信中的应用研究具有重要的参考价值。

    This thesis design has provided one kind of simple solution for the digital communication system , has the important reference value to the ARM processor in digital communication applied research .

  18. 全部电路由硬件描述语言实现,可以集成在一片CPLD或FPGA芯片内部,用于数字通信系统接收端的帧同步和定时。

    All circuits are designed by HDL and can be intergrated in one CPLD or FPGA chip , used in the frame synchronization and timing of digital communications receiver .

  19. EDFA在565Mbit/s光纤数字通信系统上的实验

    EDFA Experiment on 565Mbit / s Fiber Optic Digital Communication Systems

  20. 前向纠错(FEC)和自动重传请求(ARQ)是数字通信系统中常用的两种差错控制方式。

    Forward-error correction ( FEC ) and automatic repeat-request ( ARQ ) are two kinds of error-control in digital communication system .

  21. 本文研究了参数可调双稳态随机共振系统作为一个非线性接收装置的基带数字通信系统,基带信号主要考虑脉冲幅值调制(PAM)信号的传输。

    The application of PSR system in baseband digital signal , mainly the pulse amplitude modulated ( PAM ) signal , is studied in this article .

  22. 正交幅度调制(QAM)具有较高的调制效率,被广泛应用于各种数字通信系统中。

    QAM ( Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ) has been widely used in various digital communication systems due to its high modulation efficiency .

  23. 本文参照Codex9600调制解调器建立QAM二维数字通信系统的数学模型。

    In this paper , the mathematical model of QAM two dimensional digital communication system based on the Codex 9600 modem is given .

  24. 飞机通信寻址和报告系统(ACARS)一种新的空地数字通信系统

    ACARS , A New Digital Communication System

  25. 为了改善数字通信系统发射和接收数据的同步性能,保证系统工作稳定、可靠,用ISP器件实现数字相关器。

    Realizing high speed digital correlator using ISP device in order to improve the data synchronization of the digital communication system and make the system stable and reliable .

  26. 最大似然序列检测技术被广泛应用于数字通信系统中来估计通过有噪声的符号间干扰(ISI)信道传输的数字数据序列。

    Maximum likelihood sequence detection ( MLSE ) is broadly use in the digital communication system to estimate the transferred data through the ISI channel with noise .

  27. OFDM(正交频分复用)技术具有速率高、频谱利用率高、抗多径时延、抗信道衰落等优点,被广泛应用于各种数字通信系统中。

    With the advantage of high speed , high spectrum efficiency , can strongly combat multi-path delay and fading , OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) is widely used in various digital communication systems .

  28. 本文主要介绍了基于二阶统计量(SOS)的数字通信系统的盲辨识和盲均衡。

    In this paper , the problem of blind identification and blind equalization of digital communication systems based on the second-order statistics ( SOS ) are addressed .

  29. 在这些通信理论和工程技术的指导下,完成了QPSK数字通信系统的软硬件设计和调试。

    With these communication theory and engineering technology guidance , the author has fulfilled the software and hardware design and debugging of QPSK digital communication system .

  30. 经实验验证,使用设计的卷积交织与解交织器与未使用相比QPSK数字通信系统性能明显提高。

    The design is implemented in FPGA . The experiment proves that the QPSK digital communication system performance is improved obviously when the convolutional interweaving is applied .