
  • data wire;data cable;USB;SDA;Micro USB
  1. 电路方面,文档录入机的控制电路和USB接口电路是整个系统设计的重点,而USB与文档录入机的信号采集共用数据线和地址线,因此数据和地址总线仲裁是设计的难点。

    In the circuit aspect , it record into with document the semaphore of the machine collect to use the data wire totally and address wire , avoid the data and the clash of address is to design a little bit difficult .

  2. Usb数据线用于连接电脑和手机,电脑和音响,等等。

    Usb data cable for connecting computers and mobile phones , computers and audio , and more .

  3. 支持系统的高能电池续航时间可达一周,具体时长依据使用情况而定,用USB数据线充电三个小时就能充满。

    It is powered by a heavy-duty battery that can last for up to one week , depending on use . The battery can be charged in just three hours , using a USB cable .

  4. 三维有限线积分变换及其在工业CT体数据线特征提取中的应用

    3D-FLIT and its application to linear feature extraction of ICT cubic data

  5. 同时近年Kerr介质还被大量作为量子信息研究中的数据线(DataBus)。

    Meanwhile Kerr medium could act as the data bus in the study of quantum information .

  6. 它还配了一条microusb数据线和一个用于充电的电源适配器。

    It also comes with a micro usb-cable and a power adapter for charging .

  7. B:用这根数据线,一边连接投影仪的输入口,另一端连接电脑的输出口。

    B : Use the cable . Connect one end to the projector input , and the other end to the computer output .

  8. 你需要相机的USB数据线或者一个读卡器。

    You will need your camera 's USB cable , or a memory card reader .

  9. 只是简单地将数据线接入USB插口,你会立即感受到无比的温暖。

    Simply plug them into your USB port , and you 'll feel the warmth almost immediately .

  10. 注意:按照打印机说明书把你的打印机通过USB或者并行数据线连接在电脑上。

    Note : See your printer documentation for specific instructions on connecting the USB or Parallel cable to your printer and computer .

  11. 系统由CCD摄像头采集图像,通过USB数据线将图像传输到计算机进行处理。

    The system collect images by the CCD camera system , and transfer data through the USB cable to the computer for processing .

  12. 该接口采用16位数据线,10位地址线,并以非DMA方式提供信息。

    The interface adopts 16-bit-wide data bus , 10-bit-wide address bus and provides information by non-DMA mode .

  13. MAI管理设备控制器内的所有状态寄存器,并且通过8位并行数据线与设备端MCU进行数据交换。

    MAI , which manages all the control status registers , exchange data with MCU through 8-bit data bus .

  14. 虽然不断有传言称苹果公司有朝一日会把其闪充数据线换成C型数据线,但这款新手机会继续保留多年来用以给苹果手机充电的闪充数据线,使苹果用户可以继续保留他们现有的配件。

    The phones will keep the Lightning cables they have been powered up with for years , allowing owners to keep their existing accessories despite continuing rumours Apple could one day move to using USB-C.

  15. 你不能用数据线连接iPhone或者Android手机,然后拖拉文件;这些设备不会显示为外部设备。

    You can 't plug in your iPhone or Android phone and drag over files & devices don 't show up as external drives .

  16. 在硬件方面,系统通过插在PC机PCI插槽上的数字图像采集卡经数据线连接CCD摄像机实现对类圆图像的实时获取,进而利用PC机实现类圆的分割与识别。

    In the hardware , CCD camera , digital image acquisition card and PC are utilized to realize image acquisition , segmentation and recognition in real time .

  17. 在种类众多的总线类型中,拥有33.3MHz时钟频率、32位数据线宽度和最高可达266MB/s数据传输率的PCI总线以其优越的性能脱颖而出,成为当前最流行的总线标准。

    32-bit data bus ; 266MB / s maximum data transfer . These features make it the most popular bus standard among various buses in existence .

  18. 发现这种软件的研究人员将其称作WireLurker(意为“数据线潜伏者”),因为它可以通过电脑数据线感染甚至是原装非越狱的iPhone和iPad。

    The researchers who discovered the plot called it WireLurker because it can infect even pristine , non-jailbroken iPhones and iPads through computer cables .

  19. 充分体现CAN控制器的地址和数据线时分复用的特点,解决了它与DSP的地址线和数据线分离之间所存在的问题。

    This system fully embodies the feature of TDM of address and data lines of CAN controller , resolving the problem caused by seperation of DSP address line and the data line .

  20. 为了减少制造工艺的过程,改进的4-Mask工艺中采用Al基的数据线已得到进一步的完善。

    Improved 4-Mask process applied with Al based data line was developed in order to reduce manufacturing process .

  21. 顺便说,对我们的数据线防护器,MCG一直从事着协调配合的工作。

    Incidentally , MCG has always been engaged in coordinating activities within our Data line protectors .

  22. 增强型并行口(EPP)是与标准并行口(SSP)兼容的,能通过数据线双向传送数据的高速并行接口。

    Enhanced parallel port is compatible with standard parallel port , and it can realize high speed bidirectional communication through data line .

  23. 指定要通过USB数据线、蓝牙或任何您喜欢的方式传输到Android手机上的/mnt/sdcard的myopenssh文件。

    Specify the my_openssh file to transfer to / mnt / sdcard on the Android phone via USB cable , BlueTooth , or any method you prefer .

  24. 完成录象后,使用USB数据线,将设备同电脑连接,点击可移动磁盘,选中文件双击即可将所录的画面在电脑里播放。

    After video recording is completed , use USB digital cable to connect the device to your computer , click twice the file chosen , the recorded film can be played on the computer .

  25. 每款摄像机均通过UL认证,并在出厂时可以预装NVT传送器,通过CAT5数据线进行图像传输。

    All models are UL listed and available with a preinstalled NVT transmitter for transmission over CAT5 cable .

  26. 本文重点论述Summit系统闪动问题的解决方法,即通过对重复单元和数据线的维护,建立和保护Summit三维排列的稳定性。

    The discussion of the paper will center on the solving measures for flicker problem in Summit system , that is creating and defending the stability of Summit 3-D arrangement through maintenance of repeat unit and data line .

  27. 当每行已完成执行所CLU,另一个数据线注意的是阅读。

    When each line has completed execution as noted by the CLU , another line of data is read .

  28. 乔丹一直记着iPod用户的需求,之后又增加了一项专利系统,避免各种数据线在衣服外面晃荡,或者和门柱、其他设备缠绕在一起。

    Keeping the needs of an iPod user in mind , Jordan later added a patented system to keep wires from dangling off clothing and getting tangled in a doorjamb or other device .

  29. iWatch如果用常规电池很可能无法续航太久,所以我们希望苹果能通过闪电接口数据线(Lightningcord),或至少采用如今的动能手表那样的技术,利用腕部活动来为电池充电。

    Chances are an iWatch wouldn 't run for long on conventional watch batteries , so we hope Apple finds a way to make it rechargeable via Lightning cord or even partly by wrist movements like today 's kinetic watches .

  30. 它可用一根信号线控制计算DCT/IDCT,其输入、输出为14位、内部数据线及内部参数均为16位。

    It has been designed to compute either the DCT or the IDCT depending on a single line control signal . All of the input / output are 14-bit , and the internal data bus and internal parameters are 16-bit .