
  1. 收益现值法在发电企业整体资产评估中的应用

    Application of the Discounted Income Method in Valuation of Power Enterprises

  2. 企业整体资产评估中收益现值法的数学模型探讨

    The Mathematical Model On The Profit Present Value in Evaluating Enterprise Assets

  3. 船舶与航运企业整体资产评估研究

    Studies on Valuation of Vessels and Shipping Enterprise Integral Assets

  4. 上市公司并购重组与企业整体资产评估

    Merger and acquisition reorganization in stock market and overall assets evaluation of corporations

  5. 企业整体资产评估方法研究及参数确定

    Research on the Method of Enterprise Property Assessment and the Calculation of the Parameters

  6. 整体资产评估、单项资产评估,包括固定资产、流动资产,无形资产;

    Appraisal for whole and monomial assets , including fixed , floating and intangible assets ;

  7. 本文结合某企业的一份评估报告进行分析,就如何运用收益现值法对企业整体资产评估进行了探讨,仅供参考。

    In this article the author makes an discussion on how to evaluate enterprise overall assets by current value accounting of revenue based on an analysis of an appraisal report .

  8. 根据数量经济学理论和资产评估理论,提出生产函数在企业资产评估中的具体运用,包括企业的整体资产评估和无形资产评估。

    Based on the theories of Quantitative Economics and Assets Appraisal , this paper puts forward the applications of the production function in the assets appraisal , including both integrated assets and intangible assets .

  9. 对于发电企业整体资产评估,主要采用成本加和法、收益现值法和市场法3种方法,首选是收益现值法。

    Three methods , cost plus sum , income current value and market , are mainly used for integral asset evaluation of power generation enterprises , of which the income current value method is in priority .

  10. 企业整体资产价值评估在企业之间合作经营、并购、企业内部股份制改革、资产抵押或者担保、资产损失索赔、企业破产清算等方面有着广泛地应用。

    Overall asset evaluation method has a wide application in cooperation between enterprises , mergers and acquisitions , joint-stock enterprise reform , asset-backed or guarantees , asset loss claims , bankruptcy and liquidation .

  11. 企业整体资产价值的评估主要应用公司自由现金流量折现模型,笔者也做了相应的介绍。

    The whole of the enterprise valuation applies discounted firm free cash flow model .

  12. 在大型林业企业的资产评估中,整体森林资源资产的评估较单项的森林资源资产的评估显得更为重要,更为常用。

    In the large-scale forestry enterprises asset assessment , the overall assessment of forest resources and assets of the forest resources is more important and more common than the individual assessment of the assets .