
  • 网络cultural products;Cultural Goods;cultural artifact
  1. 中国加入WTO后,有着异常成熟的出版机制和操作机制的外国文化产品正在进入中国,他们的品牌和产品实在强大,令国内出版社和作家们有些无法招架。

    Since China 's entry into WTO , foreign cultural products characterized by fully-blown mechanism and manipulating mechanism have rushed into China 's market .

  2. 入世以后,根据WTO原则的要求,外国文化产品将会大量进入中国市场,对我国文化产业造成较大冲击。

    After China 's entering into the WTO the foreign cultural products will flow into China 's market in a great quantity according to the WTO principles and this will shock our cultural industry violently .

  3. 我建议,满足大众消费的中低档文化产品可以不征税或者少征税。

    I suggest the country levy2 a high tax on luxury goods but a low tax on goods consumed by the general public .

  4. 这些国家在WTO框架下,积极推进文化产品和服务的自由贸易,将其文化产品和服务销往世界各地。

    Under the WTO frame , these countries promote the cultural product and service free trade positively , and then sell the cultural product and service all over the world .

  5. 鉴于巩俐和章子怡在好莱坞(Hollywood)大片中获得的成功,上述结论未免有些绝对。然而,在音乐和电影等文化产品领域,中国毫无疑问处于贸易失衡状态。

    That verdict may be a little harsh , given the success of actresses Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi in big budget Hollywood movies , but there is no doubting the trade imbalance when it comes to cultural products ranging from music to movies .

  6. GATS之下的市场准入限制,就像GATT之下的数量限制一般,可以直接区分外国产品,而且不应禁止或限制外国文化产品的涌入。

    Under the GATS market access restrictions , like quantitative restrictions under GATT , it generally has a direct bearing on the distinction between foreign products , but it should not prohibit or restrict the influx of foreign cultural products .

  7. 第三章对国外农村公共文化产品的国际经验进行分析。

    The third chapter analyses the international rural public cultural experience .

  8. 写作是生产文化产品的行为过程,其变革,是向着创新文化的发展方向而同步运行的变革。

    Its change is the change towards the development of creative culture .

  9. 农村公共文化产品供需现状的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Supply & Demand Status of Rural Public Cultural Products

  10. 论文化产品的价值实现与价格形成

    Discussion on Value Materialization and Price Formation of Cultural Products

  11. 临沂市红色旅游文化产品的定位与开发

    Localization and Development on Cultural Product of Red Tourism in Linyi City

  12. 电视节目作为一种比较纯粹的文化产品,在人们的文化消费生活中占据着重要的地位。

    As cultural products , television shows take important part in cultural consumption .

  13. 贸易与道德:中美文化产品争端的法律分析

    Trade and Morality : A Legal Analysis of Sino-US Disputes on Cultural Products

  14. 中国传统文化产品市场开发策略研究

    A Study on the Strategy of Developing Market of Chinese Traditional cultural products

  15. 浅析目前我国的大众文化产品

    A brief study on current Chinese mass cultural products

  16. 基于效果的文化产品跨文化传播及文化产业发展路径探析

    Analysis Based on Results of the Path of Cultural Products ' Intercultural Communication

  17. 文化产品不仅具有经济属性,而且具有意识形态属性。

    Cultural product has not only economical attribute , but also ideology attributes .

  18. 森林文化产品的价值与价格

    On Value and Price of Forest Culture Products

  19. 西方文化产品宣传西方的名人。

    Western cultural products promote western celebrities .

  20. 关于文化产品价值论的几点思考

    Reflections on the Value of Culture Goods

  21. 文化产品价值分析

    Analysis on the Value of Culture Products

  22. 家具是人类社会一种特殊的文化产品。

    Furniture is the human society which it is one kind of special cultural products .

  23. 广告作品也是一种文化产品,是文化价值观的反映。

    But meanwhile advertisement is a cultural product which is the reflection of cultural values .

  24. 作为一种文化产品,戏剧走进了普通人的生活。

    Drama , as an element of cultural production , is more accessible to ordinary people .

  25. 大众:文化产品的消费者或生产者&费斯克与其他理论家的分野

    People : the Consumer and Producer of Cultural products & Difference between Fiske and Other Theoreticians

  26. 它要求文化产品的生产,包括媒体和出版的“支柱”产业。

    It calls for making cultural production including media and publishing a " pillar " industry .

  27. 文化产品是一种特殊的商品,有着商品和精神产品的二重属性。

    Cultural products are special commodities with a dual characteristic of both commodities and spiritual products .

  28. 论消费主义时代的大众文化产品&以海岩的作品为例

    Mass Culture Products in the Present Age of Consumerism : A Case Study of Writings of Haiyan

  29. 在当前特定社会历史时期,生产和消费高雅文化产品成本高、收益小,生产和消费大众文化产品的成本低、收益大。

    The production and consume cost of mass culture are lower , and its profit is higher .

  30. 创意产业可以提供丰富的文化产品,以满足人们日益迫切的文化和精神需求。

    Creative enterprises can provide rich cultural products to satisfy people 's urgent cultural and spiritual need .