
  • 网络Cultural identity;Culture Identity
  1. 英印作家鲁德亚德·吉卜林(RudyardKipling,1865&1936)是一位具有双重文化身份的伟大文学家。

    British-Indian writer Rudyard Kipling ( 1865 & 1936 ) was a great litterateur with a dual cultural identity .

  2. 文化身份的追寻与幻灭&细读J.M.库切小说《青春》的叙事主题

    Pursuit and Disillusion of Cultural Identity : The Narrative Theme in Youth by J.M.Coetzee

  3. 目前,对聋人的文化身份认同(DeafIdentity)的研究成为国外聋人社会性发展研究的热点。

    Currently , research on deaf identity has become one of the focused works in the psychosocial development of deaf people in western countries .

  4. 任璧莲的《典型的美国人》反映了文化身份的流动性。

    Typical American by Gish Jen reflects the fluidity of identity .

  5. 后殖民语境、文化身份与中国古典叙事小说翻译

    Post-colonialism context , CULTURE-IDENTITY and translation of Chinese classical narrative nove

  6. 后殖民语境下的中国文化身份建构

    The Construction of Chinese Cultural Identity in Post - colonial Context

  7. 略论英语全球化语境下中国大学生的文化身份

    On Chinese College Students ' Culture Identity in English Globalized Context

  8. 华裔美国文学中文化身份寻求脉络初探

    The Vein of the Changing Culture Identity in Chinese American Literature

  9. 他的文化身份是中国的,儒家的,反东方主义的。

    So His cultural identity is Chinese , Confucian , and anti-Orientalism .

  10. 断垣残壁间的寻求与建构&对白嘉轩儒家文化身份的解读

    Interpretation of Bai Jiaxuan 's Cultural Identity as a Confucian

  11. 在差异的世界中重构黑人文化身份

    Reconstruction of Black Cultural Identity in a World of Difference

  12. 文学的嬗变与民族文化身份的建构

    Literary Transformation and the Construction of the National Cultural Identity

  13. 文化身份的嬗变&解读弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的三部自传

    The Changes of Cultural Identities-An Interpretation of Frederick Douglass ' Three Autobiographies

  14. 中国油画的语式转换与文化身份确认

    The Expressions of Chinese Oil Painting and the Search for Cultural Identification

  15. 后殖民语境下的文化身份追寻:奈保尔研究

    The Identity Tracking under the Background of Post-Colonialism : Study on Naipaul

  16. 第三,着装者的文化身份的确定与价值形成。

    Third , the dress cultural identity and value formation .

  17. 黑人作为人的基本权利丧失了,其文化身份完全被抹煞;

    Thereforethe black lost basic right as human and their culture identity .

  18. 等和文化身份密切相关的问题。

    They confront many problems concerned closely with culture identity .

  19. 寻找文化身份与当代中国哲学

    Seeking Cultural Identity and " Contemporary Chinese Philosophy "

  20. 中国的传统文化身份被西方书写、撕裂、扭曲。

    The traditional cultural identity of China is written , distorted and twisted .

  21. 奈保尔是一位有着多重文化身份的移民作家。

    S.Naipaul is an immigrant writer with multicultural background .

  22. 结语部分:概括严歌苓在文化身份研究方面的贡献及存在的不足。

    Epilogue : Generally contribution to the study of cultural identity and shortcomings .

  23. 他的文化身份是哲学的,反文化中心主义的。

    So his cultural identity is philosophical , anti-ethnocentrism .

  24. 她们的努力实际上是她们构建性别身份及文化身份的过程。

    Their efforts are indeed the pursuit of their gender and cultural identities .

  25. 林语堂在他的翻译文本中建构着自己作为族裔散居者的跨文化身份。

    Lin forms his cross-cultural identity as a diaspora in his translation text .

  26. 语言与文化身份关系探析

    Research into the Relationship between Language and Cultural Identity

  27. 微观文化身份与语言使用差异

    Differences in micro - cultural identity and language use

  28. 怀旧电影与上海文化身份的重构

    Nostalgic Films and the Identity Reconstruction of Shanghai Culture

  29. 林纾文化身份的建构及对其翻译的影响

    Construction of Lin Shu 's Cultural Identity and the Influence upon His Translation

  30. 语言的选择实质上是民族文化身份的选择。

    The choice of a language is essentially the choice of national identity .