
  • 网络cultural transference;cultural transfer;transculturation;cultural transition
  1. 科学表明:Lyubomirsky说“在过去的四十年里,家庭有着巨大的文化转移,其中一个转变就是需要多花时间,更多宝贵的时间和孩子们在一起。”但这也会带来周期性的焦虑、缺失感以及筋疲力尽。

    Science says : " In the last two decades , the family has undergone seismic cultural shifts , and one such shift is the push to spend more time , and more quality time , with our children , " says Lyubomirsky . But this has led to chronic levels of anxiety , can 't-keep-up perfectionism , and burnout .

  2. 翻译要完成语言转换中的文化转移,必须妥善解决文化差异带来的种种障碍。

    Various obstacles resulting from cultural difference must be properly solved before culture transfer can be fulfilled in language translation .

  3. 要打破传统误译研究模式的禁锢,必定要借助于跨学科移植,并将研究重心从源语文化转移到译语文化上来。

    The stagnation of past study of cultural mistranslation calls for a shift of a perspective from source culture to target culture and the adoption of cross-disciplinary approach in translation studies .

  4. 胡同文化会转移、分解、传承到新的载体上。

    Alley cultural shift , decomposition , transmission to a new carrier .

  5. 由于管理也是以文化为转移的,受社会价值、传统与习俗的影响,因此研究中国知识员工问题应将其放在中国的文化中,才能挖掘出知识员工的中国特点。

    As we see , management is deeply influenced by the social values , traditions and cultures . So if we take account of the cultural issues in the study on the knowledge workers , we could get their features with Chinese characteristics .

  6. 对电力公司而言,这有点像文化上的转移。

    It 's a bit of a culture shift for utilities .

  7. 学习型文化对知识转移绩效的影响研究

    Study on the Learning Culture 's Influence upon Knowledge Transfer Performance

  8. 论陈凯歌电影文化视点的转移

    On the Transformation of Cultural View Point of chen Kaige 's Films

  9. 纳西族传统文化功能的转移

    Diversion of Function of the Cultural Tradition of Naxi Nationality

  10. 中国画文化取向的转移&彩墨画问题三人谈

    Cultural Shift in Chinese Painting

  11. 本文作为该项目的一个部分,着重研究德资跨国企业中,文化对于知识转移效果的影响。

    This paper , as a part of the project , focuses on the cultural impacts on knowledge transfer between German headquarters and Chinese branches within German-owned MNCs .

  12. 伴随着国家政治文化中心的转移,1990年代的中国文学在中国社会文化整体结构中的地位发生了微妙而重要的变化;

    Along with the diversion of the center of national politics culture , there was a subtle and important change in the status of Chinese literature in the whole structure of Chinese social culture ;

  13. 战争造成了中原地区人口数量减少,导致了中原文化资源的转移和历史人物的分布不均,最终导致南宋以后中国文化和教育发展重心由中原地区转至东南地区。

    The war caused the reduction of population , the transformation of the culture resources and maldistribution of historical personage . It finally led to the fact that Chinese culture and education development center moved from central plains areas to southeast areas after the South Song Dynasty .

  14. 基于中国文化情境的知识转移分析模型

    Theoretical Framework of Knowledge Transfer in the Context of Chinese Culture

  15. 文化研究的重大转移;

    The significant transfer of cultural research focus ;

  16. 跨国零售企业应了解国家文化距离对知识转移的影响,以提高知识转移绩效。

    Multinational retail enterprise should comprehend that the national cultural distance has an effect on the transfer of knowledge , in order to improve the performance of knowledge transfer .

  17. 当文化中心向江南转移后,温州把科举的知识与独创性的永嘉学派思想进行了某种程度的结合,从而取得了在科场的优势。

    When cultural center had move to South Yang-zi River area , Wen Zhou made a combination in some degree of knowledge on imperial examinations and Yong Jia school philosophy , thus made the advantage in the department field .

  18. 从传统的书面文化体系向视觉文化体系的转移已不仅仅是一种阅读方式的转化,更多的应是人类整体认知领域的大变革。

    The transfer from written culture to visual culture is not only a reading method change , but also a revolution in the cognition field .

  19. 然而,文化的全球化、区域文化中心的转移,以及文化产业发展的现实,又向地方政府提出了新挑战。

    Nevertheless , we need to explore and find out ways to face up to the new challenges of the cultural globalization , the transference of the center of regional culture and the reality of the industrialization of culture .

  20. 本文从文化的角度探讨了文化与技术的辨证关系,文化对国际技术转移的影响,指出树立科学的文化技术观的必要性。

    This paper inquires into the dialectical relations between culture and technology , and how culture influence ITT from a culture perspective . Meanwhile , it points out the necessity to build a scientific culture - technology concept .

  21. 重点论述了跨文化交际过程中语言的文化语义发生偏离的三个方面,分析了文化语义发生转移的原因所在,进一步探讨了如何更有效地实现跨文化交际的目标问题。

    The essay reveals three linguistic literal semantic diverges occurred in the cultural crossing communication and analyzes transforming factors sources , explores effective measurements to realize cultural cross integration .