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  • 网络cultural borrowing;cultural adoption
  1. 飞散者携带母国或母族文化,进入到一个全新的异族文化,这是一个文化接触的过程,在这个过程中,既有文化冲突,也会有文化采借、文化同化。

    It is a process of cultural engagement , which the diaspora brings their native culture to a new and alien culture . In this process , there is cultural clash , cultural adoption and cultural assimilation .

  2. 希伯来《圣经》记载了希伯来(犹太)民族早期所经历的游牧式的文化迁徙及其对周边异质文化的采借、融合和冲突。

    The Hebrew Bible records the nomadic cultural migration that the Hebrew nation underwent at their early stage and the adoption , integration and conflicts of the heterogeneous cultures of the surrounding countries and areas .