
  1. 文学主体性理论趋势梳理和深层反思

    The Trends Carding in " Literary Subjectivity " and Deep Reflection

  2. 新时期文学主体性话语弥漫深层探析

    A Study of the Subjectivity of Literature in the New Era discourse

  3. 文学主体性命题及其理论蕴涵读解

    On the Proposition of Literary Subjectivity and Its Theoretical Inclusion

  4. 因此,从某种意义上说,忧患意识是报告文学主体思想情结的核心和本源,这应当被视为报告文学审美生成的关键所在。

    It is the key point of reportage taste .

  5. 文学主体性话语边缘化的深层探析

    An In-depth Analysis of Discourse Marginalization in Literary Subjectivity

  6. 后现代文学主体价值的重建

    Rebuilding the Value of Principal Part in Post-Modern Literature

  7. 论李清照女性文学主体意识的体现

    On Embodiment of Subject Consciousness in the Feminine Literature Works of LI Qingzhao

  8. 第三章主要介绍了文学主体性理论论争的发展过程。

    Chapter ⅲ introduces the development process of the " literary subjectivity " controversy .

  9. 开拓外国文学主体性研究的新方向

    A New Approach to Literary Subjective Study

  10. 文学主体性命题的根本蕴涵在于对个体主体性的确证和伸张;

    The essential inclusion of the literature subjectivity theory lies in ratifying and emphasizing individual subjectivity ;

  11. 对文学主体论的学术反思

    Academic Self-examination of Literary Subjectivity

  12. 平等多元社会的宽容,唤醒了报告文学主体的自觉,而法律意识的加强更促发了广大受众对报告文学的主动呼应。

    The consciousness of reportage 's subject is aroused by the more equal and democratic society as well .

  13. 文学主体与文学观念&中国上古文学观念发展的一种考察

    The Main Body of Literature and Literary Ideas & A Study of the Development of Ancient Chinese Literary Ideas

  14. 文学主体间性的审美生成,没有生成,就没有主体间性。

    ( B ) Aesthetic generation of literature inter-subjectivity . There is no generation , there will not be inter-subjectivity .

  15. 文学主体性是新时期以来文学创作与理论建设中的一个重要问题。

    " The literature subjectivity " is an important problem of the literature creations and the theories constructions since new period .

  16. 知识分子面对自身的不断边缘化期望通过抢夺话语权回归文化中心,这导致了文学主体性话语的被冷落。

    Intellectuals ' wish to return to the culture center by seizing discourse power leaves the theme of subjectivity of literature neglected .

  17. 通常所使用的作者概念,实际上包含了两种文学主体,即真实作者和隐含作者。

    In fact , the traditional term " Author " consists of two different literary subjects : real author and implied author .

  18. 接受理论视阈下的文学主体之间形成的是交流对话者,生产者与消费者的互动关系。

    The relation of literary subject in the reception 's theory is the interactive relation between producer and consumer , or communicator .

  19. 在巨大的困厄面前我们必须强调现代性意义下的少数民族文学主体性建构。

    So in this solution , we must emphasize constructing the sense of identity of ethnic minority literature under the modernity meaning .

  20. 从历史的发展来看,姚雪垠的历史小说和刘再复的文学主体性理论都是我们当代文学的重要文学资源。

    From a historical perspective , Both Yao 's historical novel and Liu 's theory of subjectivity are important resources in contemporary literature .

  21. 出于时代因素和对俄国文学主体情绪上的共鸣,鲁迅对俄国文学的关注持续其整个文学生涯。

    Coming from the ages factor and his subject emotional sympathetic resonance , Luxun paid much attention on the Russian literature in his life .

  22. 后现代主义对“元话语”的反对以及对传统人道主义的颠覆对文学主体性话语的发展完善起着制约作用。

    Meantime , post-modernity both objects to metadiscourse and subverts traditional humanism , which restricts the development and improvement of the theory of subjectivity of literature .

  23. 文学主体层面,文学误读打破了作者话语&读者接受的单一模式,实现了作家创作与读者阅读的良性互动;

    For literary subject , misreading breaks the single mode of author 's words & reader 's acceptance and realizes the benign interaction between writers and readers .

  24. 文学主体间性的审美超越性,真正的美在于其超越性,从有限到无限,从自我到他人。

    ( C ) Aesthetic transcendence of literature inter-subjectivity . Real beauty lies in its transcendence , from finite to infinite , from self to the other .

  25. 作为传统文学主体的诗歌,强调的是人类生命的志和情的统一,诗歌鉴赏着重突出的应是个性体验。

    As the main body of traditional literature , poem emphasizes unity of ambition and emotion of the human life . Poetry appreciation gives prominence to personalized experiences .

  26. 第二,文学主体的现代思想与现代意识的欠缺是造成文学客体现代质素稀薄的根源,而文学主体现代性意识的构建又不是短期内可以实现的;

    Second , the absence of modern thought and consciousness of the main body in literature is the root resulting in the lack of modern qualities of the objects .

  27. 而且由于文学主体意识的不断强化,杂体诗也逐步进入有意识创作,并和社会生活的具体问题结合起来。

    And because the literature of the main body consciousness constantly strengthened , miscellaneous poems have gradually entered the to conscious creation , and and social life and specific problems together .

  28. 眷村小说通过介入台湾文学主体建构、对个人记忆和集体记忆的书写、空间策略、双重困境下的颠覆策略四个方面展开了对当代台湾文学的建构和言说。

    It constructs the contemporary literature through literature subject building , personal memory and collective memory of the writing , and space strategy , the strategy of subversion under the dual plight .

  29. 文学主体性出现的历史必然为其话语的弥漫提供了基础,而与政治意识形态的一致是确定它成为主流话语的重要因素。

    It is historical and inevitable as the " subjectivity of literature " appears to offer possibility for it , with political ideology and conspiracy , it has determined the discourse position of main stream .

  30. 正是这场论争,使得文学主体性由实践上升到理论,并成为新时期文学理论发展链条上不可忽视的一环。

    Exactly this contestation , make " the literature subjectivity " been risen the theories by the fulfillment , and become the new period literature theories history chain up a wreath that can 't neglect .