
  • 网络sociology of literature
  1. 第一部分说明什么是圣经的社会学批评和文学社会学,然后阐明二者之间的关系以及它们与文学研究的关系。

    The first sub-section explains what is the sociological criticism of the Bible and what is the sociology of literature , then it illustrates the relation between the two and their influences on the study of literature .

  2. 文学生产论大体上可划分为三大类:一是文学社会学;

    Approximately , there are three kinds of them : Sociology of Literature .

  3. 他在《文学社会学》一书中指出:“翻译是一种创造性叛逆”。

    He holds that translation is always a kind of creative treason .

  4. 前现代、现代与后现代社会场合之交集&对《上海宝贝》面世风靡的一种文学社会学考察

    Intersection of Pre-modern , Modern and Postmodern Social Occasions

  5. 社会学方法的法学意义社会学方法在文本研究中转换的广阔空间&以戈德曼的文学社会学方法为个案

    The significance of the Sociological Method to Legal Research The Application of Sociological Method in Literary Criticism

  6. 从文学社会学角度看,文体的可传播性决定了自身的盛衰。

    From the perspective of literary sociology , communicable style of its own decides its ups and downs .

  7. 本文运用埃斯卡皮、布迪厄等人的文学社会学理论分析同人刊物这一大众传播媒介对文学发展的促进作用。

    The literature sociology theoretical analyses with the person publication this mass media to the literature development promoter action .

  8. 但是,由于受到时代,意识形态、研究范式和理论资源等因素影响,既有的研究多局限于文学社会学研究。

    However , influenced by the time , ideology , research paradigm , and theoretical resources , the existing study mainly focuses on sociological literary research .

  9. 论文试图用文学社会学的方法,探讨曾经被过去文学史研究中忽视的一些问题,进一步打开学术研究的空间。

    This paper attempts , by way of literary sociology , to explore some issues ignored in the previous literature history research so as to further broaden the vision of academic research .

  10. 理性的复苏&论新时期报告文学的社会学意识与学术化倾向

    Rational Recovery & On Sociological Consciousness and Academic Trend of New-era Reportage

  11. 论晚近中国教育问题报告文学的社会学价值

    On the Sociology Value of Chine Education Issue Reportage in Recent Years

  12. 从历史、拼字法、文学和社会学的观点。

    Perspective from history , from orthography , from literature and from sociology .

  13. 第四章将从文学,社会学和社会学以外的话语对元叙事进行描述。

    Chapter Four discusses meta-narrative in terms of literary and sociological experiences and beyond .

  14. 最后,从宗教、文学、社会学的视野对全文进行了总结论述。

    Finally , viewed from the religion , literature , sociology summarized the whole text .

  15. 幽默现象的研究受到了来自哲学、文学、社会学、心理学和语言学等领域的广泛关注。

    Humor research has received extensive attention from the fields of philosophy , literature , sociology , psychology and linguistics and so on .

  16. 幽默作为一个多学科课题,一直受到哲学、心理学、文学、社会学、语言学、人类学等诸多领域的学者们关注。

    As a multi-discipline research topic , humor has drawn the attention of scholars in philosophy , psychology , literature , sociology , linguistics and anthropology .

  17. 这个概念虽然在文学、社会学和修辞学领域盛行已久,但直到最近才开始在语言学领域变得重要起来。

    It has been prevalent in literature , sociology and rhetorics for a long time , but it has started to become important in linguistics only recently .

  18. 本论文综合运用了文学、社会学、传播学及文化学的相关理论对电视散文进行审美与价值意义的分析,在论文研究的整个过程中贯穿传播理论的指导。

    Literature , sociology , communication and culture are synthetically used to analyze the aesthetic characteristics , value and significance of the TV-prose . Communication thesis plays an important part through the whole study process .

  19. 文学现象包含社会学的因素。

    Literary phenomena involve sociological factors .

  20. 近年来,有关国内同性恋者生活的纪实文学作品和社会学、心理学文献开始与大众见面。

    In recent years , the concerned domestic homosexual lived the real-life literature work and the sociology , the psychology literature started with the populace to meet .

  21. 许多学者对这部小说从文学、文体学、社会学等角度进行了详细的探讨,成绩斐然。

    Many scholars investigated the novel from the literature , the style and the society point of views .

  22. 称谓语不单纯属于语言学而且跟文学、民族学、社会学等领域有关联。

    Address terms is not simply belong to linguistics associated with literature , ethnology , sociology and other fields .

  23. 地理,广告学,教育,文学,电信,社会学,语言学,运输,酒店学。

    Linguistics , Education , Sociology , Literature , Advertising , Hospitality , Transportation , Communication , and Geography .

  24. 第二节从文学价值学和社会学的角度论述了这一批判产生的原因。

    Then from the two angles of literary value and literary sociology , the reason causing the criticism is dealt with .

  25. 文学场理论从社会学角度展开文学研究,尤其关注文学创作的社会环境。

    The theory of literary field introduces an approach of literature study from a sociological angle , focusing on the social environment surrounding literature .

  26. 心理学可以同文学、物理学、社会学、这些学科一样贡献社会,因此心理学是一门有价值的学科。

    Like literature , physics and sociology , psychology can also make contributions to the society . therefore , psychology is a valuable discipline .

  27. 花儿的内容研究丰富多彩,许多学者从民间文学、民俗学、社会学、民族学、音乐学、宗教等不同的角度探讨了花儿的内涵,揭示了其文化内涵和社会功能。

    Hua ' er ' plentiful and colorful content researches involve lots of scholars who reveal its cultural connotations and social functions from different perspectives such as folk literature , folklore , sociology , ethnology , musicology , religion .

  28. 因此,对高雅文学或通俗文学进行社会学的解释就成为具有挑战性的工作。

    Therefore , the sociological interpretation of the high or elegant literature and the popular literature has become a difficult job .

  29. 中韩当代文学的比较研究,不仅有文学社会学的意义,而且将促进中韩两国在价值观、爱情观、审美观、幸福观等方面的理解。

    Furthermore , the study of Contemporary Culture of Korea and China will enhance the mutual understanding on values , love , beauty and happiness , etc.

  30. 应通过分析文学与社会之间的密切关系,为文学社会学的研究方法寻找可行性依据。

    Through the analysis of the close relationship between literature and society , the present paper endeavors to locate a liable basis for the method of the literary sociology .