
  • 网络writing styles
  1. 主位推进模式的使用还与文章体裁有关。

    Theme types and TP Patterns correlate with genre types .

  2. 第二章为语篇理论综述部分,从语篇衔接、段落发展和文章体裁三个方面对语篇教学理论进行介绍说明。

    Chapter Two illustrates the definition of Discourse theory and makes a literature review .

  3. 而形式图式的研究侧重于文章体裁的研究,研究比较多的是故事结构和说明文结构。

    The formal schemata emphasizes on text structure ( i.e. story and expository structures ) .

  4. 体裁教学法是基于体裁理论上的一种教学法,它是对一定阅读文章体裁结构进行研究的方法,在北美和澳大利亚十分流行和广泛应用。

    Genre - based teaching approach is based on genre theory . It is the application of genre analysis .

  5. 在澳大利亚,以马丁等为首的悉尼学派主要关注中小学实用文章体裁的语言学研究。

    In Australia , Sydney , led by Martin , practical linguistic research on applied genre was focused in primary and secondary school .

  6. 在研究上,它为未来国际实用文章体裁研究的社会文化批判开了先声。

    In the study , it is the future of international practical research article genre opened a harbinger of social and cultural criticism .

  7. 文体图式是思维运动的磁场,所以确定文章体裁是写作的第一步。

    Stylistic schema is like a magnetic field which our thinking moves around . The first step of writing is to confirm literary styles .

  8. 英语测试由五篇不同文章体裁组成,每篇后面紧接着是多项选择题。

    The test consists of five prose passages , each one followed by multiple-choice test questions . Different passage types are included to provide variety .

  9. 其次,笔者发现委婉语的使用频率跟语义类别、语言功能、文章体裁等都有密切的关系。

    Secondly , I found that the use of euphemism frequency with semantic categories , language features , articles and other genres are closely related .

  10. 文章体裁、题材、词汇类型和挖空类型对高考英语多项选择式完形填空难度影响的研究编辑视野下另类话语的生存空间&双百方针前《人民文学》另类话语的文本意义

    Study of the Influence of Text Type , Text Topic , Word Class and Deletion Type on the Difficulty of MC Cloze Test in CEE Living Space of Marginal Discourse Under the Editor 's View

  11. 还应该考虑文章的体裁。

    You should also consider what type of article to write .

  12. 对旅游景点介绍文章的体裁分析

    A Genre Analysis of Tourist Information Texts

  13. 课文宏观结构的分析包括分析课文的背景知识和分析文章的体裁。

    The former includes the background knowledge of the text and its genre and textual pattern .

  14. 它关注的是文章的体裁结构,研究体裁知识在教室活动中的应用。

    It mainly pays attention to genre structures of discourse of the text , and making good use of the genre knowledge in the classroom .

  15. 文体则是主要研究文章的体裁、体制,它是从文体的角度研究用什么样的语言来解决写什么象什么,写什么是什么的问题。

    However , the literary style primarily studies the from and system of articles , which , from the angle of language , studies how to use certain language to resolve the problem that how to describe something likes something and how to describe something is exact something .

  16. 文章提议将体裁对比分析的方法应用到英语写作课堂上来。

    This paper proposes that a genre-based contrastive approach be adopted in English writing instruction .

  17. 所有的标题把我弄得头昏脑胀,这些文章的写作体裁又与我们平时所念的迥然不同。

    All the headlines confused me and the writing style of the articles was very different from that of what we usually read .

  18. 实证与非实证学术文章前言部分的体裁对比分析

    A Comparative Genre Analysis of Introductions in Primary and Secondary Research Articles

  19. 特定的内容往往需要特定的形式才能表达清楚,因此不同内容的文章有不同的体裁形式,有不同的组织结构和框架。

    Certain content requires certain form to make it clear , so different articles have different genres and different structures .

  20. 文章从译入国、文章体裁和编辑者等方面分析了《文阵新辑》是如何引入世界文学的。

    This paper attempts to analyze the contributions of Wen Yi Zhen Di from the angle of world literature .