
dǒu gǒng
  • bucket arch;dougong, a system of brackets inserted between the top of a column and a crossbeam;dougong a system of brackets in Chinese building;wooden square blocks inserted between the top of a column and a crossbeam
斗拱 [dǒu gǒng]
  • [dougong a system of brackets in chinese building;wooden square blocks inserted between the top of a column and a crossbeam] 中国建筑特有的一种结构。在立柱和横梁交接处,从柱顶上加的一层层探出成弓形的承重结构叫拱,拱与拱之间垫的方形木块叫斗。合称斗拱

斗拱[dǒu gǒng]
  1. 在演进过程中,斗拱有多种多样的形式和比例。

    As they evolved , they assumed different shapes and proportions .

  2. 中国古代建筑;斗拱;首饰设计。

    Chinese ancient architecture ; brackets ; jewelry design .

  3. 其建筑物的门楣、斗拱、梁拄,均有精美木雕。

    Its lintels , brackets and roofs all have artistic engravings on them .

  4. 因此,斗拱可作为房屋建造时代的方便的指示物。

    Hence they serve as a convenient index to the date of construction .

  5. 一类斗拱木结构恢复力特性的模型试验研究

    Experimental Research on Restoring Force of Wooden-Structures with Dou ? Shaped Arch Nodes

  6. 和中国古代木造建筑从斗拱构思这个二个点保持一致、「?

    And China 's ancient wooden buildings from the idea of this two-point brackets consistent ?

  7. 在春秋时期(公元前770年到467年)斗拱建筑风格被人们广泛采用。

    Dougong was widely used in the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770 BC-467 BC ) .

  8. 建构主义学习理论在课程设计中的应用&古建筑模型制作之斗拱完成的实践教学环节

    Constructivism Theories Applied in Curriculum Design : Practical Teaching Step of Bucket Arches in Ancient Building Model Making

  9. 庙门口原有五间大牌坊,斗拱飞檐,气宇非凡,蔚为壮观。

    Temple in front of the original five large arches , cornices brackets , bearing extraordinary , magnificent .

  10. 民族文化积淀下的审美趣味&从不为装饰的装饰构件斗拱谈起

    Aesthetic Gusto under the Aggradation of National Culture & Talking from Bucket Arches , a Decorative Component Not for Decoration

  11. 中国古建筑木结构斗拱的动力实验研究

    An Experimental Study for the Dynamic Characteristics of Dougong - One of the Wooden Structure Parts in Ancient Architecture of China

  12. 在对木构建筑进行整体受力分析与计算时,斗拱是作为一个结点加入到计算简图中,但斗拱自身在结构中的作用不容忽视。

    In the analysis of timber-framed buildings , the part of Bucket arches is usually added as a node to the calculation diagram .

  13. 将榫卯和斗拱的力学模型比拟为变刚度弹簧单元,进行了动力时程分析。

    By simulating the state of mortise-tenon joint and Dougong with the unit of varied stiffness spring , time-history responses of the structure were analyzed .

  14. 早期的斗拱形式简单,在房屋尺寸中占的比例较大;后来斗拱变得小而复杂。

    In earlier periods they were simple and large in proportion to the size of the building ; later they became smaller and smaller and more complicated .

  15. 中国馆以“东方之冠”为构思主题,取自中国古代木结构建筑中的元素-斗拱。

    The China Pavilion is designed with the concept of " Oriental Crown . " The traditional Chinese wooden structure element , Dougong brackets , is introduced .

  16. 选择四铺作斗拱实例进行实体建模并研究其结构性能,分析斗拱层数的改变对斗拱结构性能的影响。

    The structure and mechanical properties were analyzed . A real example of four-layer Bucket arches was studied and the performance of changes of Bucket arches was researched .

  17. 贲卦美学初探&对中国传统建筑斗拱艺术嬗变的反思

    A Tentative Research into the Aesthetic Idea in Hexagram Bi & A Reflection on the Transmutation of the Art of Dougong in the History of Traditional Chinese Architecture

  18. 在纪念性的建筑上,建筑规范由于采用斗拱而得到丰富。斗拱由一系列置于柱顶的托木组成,在内部它承托木梁,在外部它支承屋檐。

    In buildings of a monumental character the order is enriched by tou-kung , sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without .

  19. 传统建筑叫种屋顶造型、飞檐翼角、斗拱彩画、朱柱金顶、内外装修门及园林景物等,充分体现出中国建筑艺术的纯熟和感染力。

    It consists of various roof molding , upturned eaves and wings , dougong with paintings , vermilion pillars and golden roofs , ornament gates and gardening . All of these embody the maturity and artistic appeal of Chinese architecture .

  20. 第二部分构件美,首先从秦汉建筑斗拱的产生与发展,到唐宋时期斗拱,最后论述元明清时期斗拱的发展与成熟。

    The second component of the Beauty , first of all , from the formation of the Qin and Han architectural brackets and development , and to the Tang and Song Dynasties brackets , Yuan , Ming and Qing period last brackets on the development and maturity .

  21. 简单介绍了木结构建筑装饰艺术的发展过程,并从门窗、藻井、梁柱、斗拱、室内陈设等方面对古建筑的装饰艺术进行了详细阐述,以供设计师研究和借鉴。

    The following paper introduces the developing process of decorative art of architecture with wooden structure , and illustrates the decorative art of ancient architecture from door and window , caisson ceiling , beam column , flat arch and indoor furnishings , which to offer a reference for designers .

  22. 通过木梁和木柱的结构,中国传统的矩形建筑物被分割为数间房间。为了对结构使用高悬的房顶,中国人发明出一种被称之为斗拱的特殊支架,它既对结构起到支撑作用也是极富吸引力的装饰。

    Based on the structure of the wooden beams and pillars , traditional Chinese rectangular buildings are divided into several rooms.In order to cover the structure with an over-hanging roof , the Chinese invented a special type of support bracket , called which both supports the and is an attractive ornamentation .