
  • 网络SWANSEA;Swansea City
  1. 轮船在横渡10个小时后停泊在了斯旺西。

    The vessel docked in Swansea after a ten-hour crossing .

  2. 从斯旺西出发航行10小时后,我们于前天到达。

    We 'd arrived the day before after a 10-hour passage from Swansea .

  3. 雕塑设计者和雕刻者是来自英国威尔士斯旺西的MartinWilliams先生。

    The designer and sculptor of the statue is Mr Martin Williams , from Swansea , Wales in the United Kingdom .

  4. 还有高尔半岛的近海海滩,他曾在那里为斯旺西小剧场的演出排练,还在那里和朋友、信仰社会主义的小贩伯特·特里克(BertTrick)讨论政治;

    the near beaches of the Gower Peninsula , where he rehearsed for the Swansea Little Theater and debated politics with his friend Bert Trick , a socialist grocer ;

  5. 斯旺西大学的费尔·里德教授(PhilRead)说:“我们发现网络对人类健康的影响与抑郁、睡眠不足、孤独等一系列其他因素并不相关。这些问题被认为与高频度的上网和健康状况差有关。”

    Professor Phil Read , from Swansea University , said : ' We found that the impact of the internet on people 's health was independent of a range of other factors , like depression , sleep deprivation , and loneliness , which are associated with high levels of internet use and also with poor health . '

  6. 他是住在严格意义上的斯旺西市区还是在郊区?

    Does he live in Swansea proper or in the suburbs ?

  7. 我们的橄榄球队星期二到斯旺西市去。

    Our rugby team goes to Swansea on tuesday .

  8. 但是斯旺西在战时曾遭严重轰炸,如今已经没有什么是当初的原貌了。

    But nothing is as it was in Swansea , badly bombed during the war .

  9. 是布里斯托尔海峡的小海湾斯旺西湾的一个工业港口。

    It is an industrial port on Swansea Bay , an inlet of the Bristol Channel .

  10. 约翰。埃文斯此前因为既无钱又无时间而一直未能从他邻近斯旺西的家乡到过伦敦。

    John Evans had never found the time or the money-to make the trip from his home near Swansea .

  11. 南威尔斯警方向媒体发出入室行窃犯马修梅纳德的照片,作为打击在斯旺西犯罪的一部分。

    Matthew Maynard , wanted by officers investigating a house burglary , as part of a crackdown on crime in Swansea .

  12. 他还在位于斯旺西的威尔士大学任国际海运和贸易法学院的专门顾问。

    He is also a special adviser to the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law , University of Wales at Swansea .

  13. 蚝口路是货车驶离监狱后第一个停下来的地方,也是马里恩第一个钻出车底的机会,”警方发言人说,“我们不知道那时候货车是在去斯旺西监狱的路上,还是在回来的路上。

    I expect he intended to get away when the van stopped and this was his first opportunity after leaving Parc Prison .

  14. 回到冠军联赛,德莱特参加了朴茨茅斯对伯恩利和斯旺西的比赛。

    Moving to the Championship , Ritchie De Laet was involved in an Easter double-header , featuring in Pompey 's draws with Burnley and Swansea .

  15. 科罗马先生称,在1992年斯旺西大学是在明知系里没有人有必备的专业知识能指导他的研究工作的情况下接受他为学生的。

    He claims that Swansea accepted him as a student in1992 knowing that no one in the engineering department had the necessary expertise to supervise his work .

  16. 要是你来自斯旺西、乡村地区、南安普敦、赫尔或世界其他任何地方(只除了几个著名的首都),那就极不酷。

    Being from Swansea , anywhere in the countryside , Southampton , Hull , and everywhere else in the world save a few capital cities – is eternally not cool .

  17. 这条新闻对想留下恩里克的喜鹊主帅阿兰·帕杜是个打击,但他现在可能向斯旺西后卫尼尔·泰勒重新报价。

    The news will be a blow for Magpies boss Alan Pardew , who wanted to keep Enrique , but now looks likely to re-bid for Swansea City defender Neil Taylor .

  18. 五月十三日,星期日,利物浦将在2011-12赛季最后一轮客场挑战斯旺西,希望高速公路不会像杯赛决战日那样拥堵。

    On Sunday May13 , Liverpool travel to Swansea 's Liberty Stadium for the final day of2011-12.Hopefully the traffic won 't be as bad as it is on Cup final day !

  19. 我觉得我们从这个结果中获益良多,而现在,我们则着眼于下场对阵斯旺西的比赛,我们会拿到下一场比赛胜利的!

    I think we can take a lot from this result and we now look ahead to the next game against Swansea at home and try and get another three points .

  20. 托马斯出生在斯旺西,这是个“丑陋又可爱的小镇”,青少年时代的他才思迸发,在这里写下了自己一生2/3的作品,如今这里又为他建起了一座雕像。

    Thomas 's birthplace , Swansea , that " ugly , lovely town , " where he wrote two-thirds of his work in a teenage outpouring , is erecting another statue .

  21. 斯旺西大学和米兰大学的研究人员认为造成这一结果的原因是沉溺于网络的人更喜欢足不出户,因而导致免疫系统下降。

    Researchers at the universities of Swansea and Milan believe the reason lies in the fact people with an internet addiction are more secluded , and as a result have weakened immune systems .

  22. 与此同时,阿格对能够在对阵西布朗的比赛中保持清白之身而感到高兴,他相信他们可以在这场比赛中得到很多积极的东西用来更好的投入于下场主场迎战斯旺西的比赛中。

    Meanwhile , Agger was delighted to keep a clean sheet against West Brom and believes they can take a lot of positives from the display into next weekend 's home clash with Swansea .

  23. 来自英国斯旺西大学的科研团队称,走路的方式会揭露出很多细节,包括一个人的情绪状态,健康状况甚至有没有撒谎。

    Yes , the way you move while walking can betray details about what mood you are in , your health and even if you are lying , says a team at Swansea University .

  24. 但是,海洋温度的细微变化就能够影响它的迁徙路线,英国威尔士斯旺西大学的海洋生物学家格瑞姆海斯说道。

    Yet it takes just a few degrees'change in the ocean 's temperature for it to turn off course , says Graeme Hays , a marine biologist at the University of Wales Swansea in the U.

  25. 然而在英国,这种做法却成为一大障碍。因此,斯旺西湾潮汐泻湖电力公司的协议规定,大约50%的原材料、设备和员工应来自英国。

    But in Britain this was an obstacle , hence the agreement with Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Power that around 50 per cent of the materials , equipment and staff would come from the UK .

  26. 《乳树林下》完成于1953年,也就是托马斯39岁去世的同一年。他曾想要创作一台广播剧,反映他所了解的威尔士各地,尤其是拉法恩、新码头和斯旺西。

    Completed in1953 , the year of his death at the age of39 , Dylan Thomas wanted to create a radio play that reflected the places he knew in Wales-particularly Laugharne , New Quay and Swansea .

  27. 根据该公司的说法,尽管它十分需要中国在海洋技术方面的专长,但它希望斯旺西湾的项目会得到复制,并在英国创造一个能够出口到全世界的新产业。

    Although the Chinese expertise in marine technology was much needed , according to the company , the hope is that the Swansea Bay project will be replicated and create a new UK industry to be exported worldwide .

  28. 坐上公共交通工具或5号巴士在市中心兜风,托马斯的名言快速从眼前闪过,其中一句是斯旺西仍然是最好的地方,这句话选自1938年他写给朋友的信。

    Thomas quotations zip around the city center on public maintenance vehicles and the No. 5 bus : Swansea is still the best place , reads one , an extract from a letter he wrote to a friend in 1938 .

  29. 坐上公共交通工具或5号巴士在市中心兜风,托马斯的名言快速从眼前闪过,其中一句是“斯旺西仍然是最好的地方”,这句话选自1938年他写给朋友的信。

    Thomas quotations zip around the city center on public maintenance vehicles and the No. 5 bus : " Swansea is still the best place , " reads one , an extract from a letter he wrote to a friend in 1938 .