
  • 网络endogenous growth theory;the new growth theory
  1. 新增长理论及其对发展中国家的政策含义

    New Growth Theory and its Policy Implication to Developing Countries

  2. 新增长理论对西部经济发展的启示&以我国31个省区为对象的实证分析

    Inspiration from the New Growth Theory on Chinese West District Economic Development

  3. 新增长理论与新贸易理论的发展实际上是同源的,都是沿袭DS模型将报酬递增与垄断竞争市场结构相结合。

    New growth theories and new trade theories actually share the same origin , both of which combine increasing return and the market structure of monopolistic competition into the model .

  4. 从Solow模型到新增长理论模型,由于它们所采用的研究方法而统一到了新古典增长理论这个旗帜之下,这个研究方法实质上就是以总量生产函数为基础的均衡分析。

    From Solow model to Neo-classical growth theory , a variety of theoretical models on economic growth can be unified under the banner of Neo-classical theory through study methods which can be boiled down to equilibrium analysis based on aggregate productive functions .

  5. 新增长理论与我国农业经济增长

    Inspiration of New Growth Theory to Chinese Agricultural Economic Growth

  6. 新增长理论的国际贸易发展观及其启示

    International Trade in the Perspective of New Growth Theory

  7. 新增长理论与国际贸易理论的发展

    New Growth Theory and Development of International Trade Theory

  8. 新增长理论的形成和发展,使技术创新溢出效应的研究日益成为当代技术创新学的热点之一。

    The new theory of economic growth stimulates the research on the spillover effects .

  9. 新增长理论与财政政策

    The Theory of Endogenous Growth and Fiscal Policy

  10. 新增长理论的思想与启示

    The thought and enlightenment of the economic growth

  11. 对新增长理论的改进与发展

    Improvement and Development of New Growth Theory

  12. 新增长理论为我们提供了理解知识产业化的新视点。

    New Economic Growth Theory set up a new eyeshot for us to understand knowledge industrialization .

  13. 结合新增长理论,对农村经济发展进行历史分析,认为我国农村经济发展的障碍在于农村人力资本匮乏。

    The analysis shows that the obstacle to China 's rural economic development is the poor human resource capital .

  14. 以新增长理论为基础建立计量经济模型,估计了东北地区经济增长中人力资本的绩效;

    Based on new growth theories , we develop an econometric model to estimate the performance of human capital .

  15. 在新增长理论发展的基础上,最优税制理论也有了新发展。

    Under the foundation of new increasing theory development , the optimization taxation system theory also get a new development .

  16. 新增长理论对技术进步在经济增长中的决定作用和实现机制作了分析。

    New economic growth theory focused on the analysis of the determinative role of technological progress and its realizing mechanism .

  17. 以罗默为代表的新增长理论是在新古典主义关于外生技术进步的增长模型基础上发展起来的。

    New growth theory led by Paul Romer was developed from the neo classical growth model on exogenous technical change .

  18. 第三部分作为论文的最核心内容,提出了产业深化理论的基本框架。新增长理论关于内生技术进步的论证和产业发展过程中的创造性毁灭机制奠定了产业深化发展的理论机理基础。

    The third part is the essence of this dissertation , which puts forward the basic framework of industrial deepening theory .

  19. 在经济增长理论研究中,新增长理论克服古典增长理论中技术为外生因素的缺陷,把技术进步内生化。

    New Growth Theory has made technological change endogenous , overcoming the flaw of exogenous technology in the Neoclassic Growth Theory .

  20. 罗默等人为代表的新增长理论,反映了确定性条件下经济增长和技术进步之间的联系。

    The new growth theory represented by Romer has reflected relation between the economical growth and the technology advancement under the definite condition .

  21. 本文介绍了新增长理论这一目前经济学发展的最新领域,包括新增长理论的兴起的背景,以及新增长理论的五大研究思路。

    The paper has introduced the new growth theory which is the new field of economics , including the background and study method .

  22. 20世纪80年代中期兴起的新增长理论革命把经济增长研究推上了前所未有的水平。

    The revolution of new increase theory started in the middle of 80s put the research on economic increase onto a new level .

  23. 通过人力资本和生育率内生决定问题的引入,试图实现新增长理论与农业发展理论的某种整合。

    This thesis attempts to integrate new growth theory with the agricultural Development theory by introducing the internal determination of human capital and fertility .

  24. 在新增长理论将技术视为内生变量以来,对于技术创新内生性问题的关注与日俱增。

    Followed with the new growth theory in which technology acts as a endogenous factor , the study on the endogenous technology innovation goes deepen .

  25. 但是,九十年代后,受到新增长理论的推动,这一研究又进入了一个新的发展阶段。

    But after 1990s , the study of the theory stepped into a new stage for it 's being driven by the New Economic Growth Theory .

  26. 新增长理论的兴起使人们深刻认识到技术创新在经济增长中的特殊地位和作用。

    The emergence of New Growth Theory made people profoundly aware of the role and special status of the technical ( innovation ) in economic growth .

  27. 论文的理论依据是:应用了消费者行为理论、人力资本理论、新增长理论、教育成本分担理论,利用这些理论对我国高等教育消费问题进行分析。

    The theoretical bases of this paper are consisted of consumer behavioral theories , human capital theories , new economic growing theories , educational cost sharing theories .

  28. 在新增长理论的框架下,经济学家已注意到一个健全的知识产权保护制度对于创新和增长的重要性。

    In the framework of new growth theory , economists have observed that a efficient IPR protection institution is an important factor to determine innovation and growth .

  29. 该模型是一个综合的内生增长模型,综合了新增长理论中基于资本和基于思想的两类模型。

    The model is a synthesized endogenous growth model that incorporates two category models in the new growth theory that are Capital based models and Idea based models .

  30. 以及人力资本论与新增长理论。在此基础上,对人口经济理论演进的特点进行了总结:研究内容与不同时代所面临的主要社会经济问题紧密相关;

    The characteristics of population economic theories can be summarized as follows : The research contents are close related with the social and economic problems of the time .