
  1. 新时期工科院校音乐教育探索

    Discussion on Musical Education at Polytechnics in New Era

  2. 新办工科专业实习基地建设探讨

    On the Construction of Engineering Training Base

  3. 试论新时期工科图书馆社会科学藏书导向

    On Leading to the Social Sciences Collections of Books in the Library of Engineering During New Period

  4. 从计算机基础教学的任务与目标出发,强调指出新时期工科大学生应掌握的计算机应用知识与能力。

    According to the task of fundamental education in computer field , the application knowledge and ability that must be mastered by students of science and engineering in recent period are discussed in this paper .

  5. 对新形势下工科高校教材建设的几点思考

    A Study on the Construction of Teaching Materials in Engineering Universities under the New Situation

  6. 新时期提高工科专业课课堂教学效果的途径探索与思考

    Study on Ways of Improving Classroom Teaching Effect of Engineering Specialized Courses in New Period

  7. 新形势下工科院校外语专业学生党建工作的若干思考

    Reflections on the Party Construction of English Major Students at Colleges of Engineering under the New Situation

  8. 新形势下工科类毕业设计质量的保障措施

    The Supporting Measures for the Quality Control of the Graduation Design for Engineering Courses under the New Situation

  9. 阐述了新形势下工科高校教材建设的重要性,分析了我国工科高校教材方面存在的问题,指出了新形势下如何加强工科高校的教材建设。

    The importance of the construction of teaching materials in China 's engineering universities under the new situation is expounded . And the problems existing in the teaching materials are analysed to point out the ways to strengthen the construction of teaching materials under the new situation .

  10. 本文就大学音乐素质教育现状,以及对大学生基本音乐素质状况的调查,结合当今国际上最新音乐教育趋势提出新时期理工科高校音乐教育的发展方向及课程目标设置。

    Through analyzing the current situation and the latest trend in music education , and a survey report of the college students ' knowledge in music , this dissertation proposes the future of College Music education in the colleges of science and engineering and the aims of this course .

  11. 积极探索建设有中国特色社会主义大学的新路探索教学科研互动发展新路&高等工科院校专业教研室运行模式的改革实践

    A New Approach of Running Socialist Higher Education Institutions with Chinese Characteristics The Exploration of the New Developmental Interactive Way For Teaching and Scientific Research