
  1. 论新月诗派的新诗规范化运动

    On the Standardization of New Poetry of the Crescent School of Poetry

  2. 后期新月诗派现代主义诗歌的形式美追求

    Aesthetic Pretty Pursuance of the Form by the New Moon Latter Modern Poetry

  3. 论浪漫主义文学思潮对创造诗派、新月诗派的影响

    Comments on the Influences of Romantic Literature on Creation Poets and New Moon Poets

  4. 浪漫诗人的现代诉求&论新月诗派的现代主义艺术实践

    Romantic Poet 's Quest for Modernism-On the Artistic Practice of the Modernism of the Neo-moon Poetic School

  5. 第三章,探讨新月诗派与英国浪漫主义自然观的异同及成因。

    Chapter three discusses the similarities and differences and its causes between Crescent poetry school and British romanticism on natural notion .

  6. 诗歌形式秩序的寻求&新月诗派新论(上)

    In Search of the Order in Poetic Forms & A New Study of " the New Moon Verse School " (ⅰ);

  7. 对新月诗派和现实主义诗歌潮流的研究,也是近年来取得较为突出成绩的领域。

    The study of XinYue poetic group and the tide of realistic poetry is the field in which scholars have gained better achievements .

  8. 在中国现代诗歌发展过程中,朱湘是新月诗派中被称之为“大将兼先行”的诗人。

    In the development of Chinese modem poetry , Zhu Xiang is a very important poet of " xin yue " poetic group .

  9. 第二章,对新月诗派与英国浪漫主义的自然与诗的基本诗学观进行辨析。

    Chapter two tries to differentiate and analyses the basic poetics view of " nature and poetry " between Crescent poetry school and British romanticism .

  10. 学衡派新人文主义视野寻际的反思诗歌形式秩序的寻求&新月诗派新论(下)

    The Reflection of Humanistic Thoughts about Xue Heng School ; In Search of the Order in Poetic Modes & A New Study of " the New Moon Verse School " (ⅱ);

  11. 后期新月诗派在秉承前期新月诗派“理性”思想的同时,无论在诗歌理论与创作实践中都逐步渗入了许多现代主义的因素。

    New Moon Latter Modern Poetry carry on the proposal of the New Moon Former poetry : " rationalism ", meanwhile lots of modern factors permeate both in its theory and creation .

  12. 林徽因诗歌受新月诗派的影响,讲究形式的匀整和谐。同时,在诗形方面又有着自己的风格,体现出多样化的特点。

    Influenced by the Crescent School of Poetry , Lin Huiyin emphasizes the regularity and orderliness in poems'form , and she also has her own style with diversification at the same time .

  13. 浅谈九叶诗派新诗戏剧化理论诗歌形式秩序的寻求&新月诗派新论(下)

    Shallowly Talking About the Nine Leafs Poem Parties of the Modern Poetry Drama Turns Theories ; In Search of the Order in Poetic Modes & A New Study of " the New Moon Verse School " (ⅱ);

  14. 本章以较为详细的译介资料为基础,考查新月诗派接受影响的大量事实;并从诸多新月诗人在创作中体现的情感、个性、自然等特征,分析其对英国浪漫主义诗歌的不同接受。

    This chapter for more detailed information on the basis of the translation examines the acceptable facts of Crescent poetry school ; and analyzes the different acceptances to the British romanticism from features such as emotion , personality and nature which reflected from many Crescent poets ' creation .