
  1. 新款汽车会有若干重大改进。

    The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements .

  2. n.附刊今天的报纸有关于新款汽车模型的副刊。

    Supplement Today 's newspaper has a supplement on the new automobile models .

  3. 对于价格为3.5万美元、面向大众的新款汽车Model3,特斯拉表示,2017年某时将达到每周生产5000辆,2018年某时将达到每周生产1万辆。

    For the Model 3 , its new mass-market car priced at $ 35000 , Tesla has said it will produce 5000 a week at some point in 2017 and 10000 a week at some point in 2018 .

  4. 例如,装配有真皮座椅、防锁死刹车系统、空调设施以及两年质保的上海华普(shanghaimaple)最新款汽车售价仅为六千五百美元。

    The latest Shanghai Maple , for example , with leather seats , anti-lock brakes , air conditioning and a two-year warranty , costs a mere $ 6500 .

  5. 周三,丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)发布了最新款汽车,希望在绿色汽车开发的下一个阶段,与特斯拉汽车公司的电池驱动汽车展开竞争。

    Toyota Motor Co. TM Wednesday unveiled the car that it expects to go toe-to-toe with Tesla Motors Inc. " s TSLA 1.89 % battery-powered ones in the next stage of green vehicle development .

  6. 很多所谓的“高级驾驶员辅助系统”(ADAS)已被集成至新款汽车,例如自动刹车和自适应巡航控制(根据前方车辆的动态调整车速)。

    Numerous so-called advanced driver assistance systems have already been incorporated in cars , such as automatic braking and adaptive cruise control - which adjusts speed according to the car in front .

  7. 这些新款汽车由一些不同的汽车制造商生产。

    The new cars were made by an eclectic group of carmakers .

  8. 该项目耗费4.5亿美元,旨在刺激英国直线下滑的汽车销量,这将会拯救汽车行业就业机会。其次,可以将耗油型汽车清除,代之以更加省油的新款汽车。

    The $ 450 million program is designed to plummeting car sales in Britain that will benefit is getting gas-guzzling old clunkers off the road and replaced with more band new models .

  9. 这是捷豹最新款电动汽车的赛车版,它证明了电动汽车的性能可以和高端汽油车媲美。

    This is the race version of Jaguar 's latest electric offering , proving the performance of electric vehicles , even at the top end , is at least the equal of petrol .

  10. 但两家公司共享一个新款mini汽车平台的野心勃勃的想法,已被迅速抛弃,同时合并似乎已变成最不可能的事情。

    But the ambitious idea of the two sharing a new mini car platform was rapidly abandoned , while a merger seems most improbable .

  11. 特斯拉(Tesla)周四表示,甚至在该公司发布其新款电动汽车Model3原型的前一天,它就已收到逾11.5万份对这款车的预购订单。

    Tesla received more than 115000 pre-orders for its next electric vehicle , the Model 3 , the day before it even unveiled a prototype of the car , the company said on Thursday .

  12. 谷歌(Google)继在年度I/O开发者大会开场时发布新款Android汽车和可穿戴设备后,现在又将注意力转向了人们的客厅。

    After using the start of its annual I / O developer conference to unveil new Android products for the car and the wrist , Google turned its attention to the living room .

  13. 该公司推出的新款小型汽车一直供不应求。

    The firm has been unable to satisfy demand for its new small car .

  14. 这是由大众公司推出的一种新款甲壳虫汽车,它有着热辣的粉色车身和粉色车轮螺帽,同时车身上还带有“芭比”的标识。

    It 's a Beetle from Volkswagen-complete with a shocking pink paint scheme , pink wheel nuts and a Barbie logo .

  15. 如果消费者认同新款SClass汽车的需求设计,那么随着大规模生产带来的成本效益,新型技术将很快普及至日常车型。

    But if the public perceives the features offered in the s class as desirable , they soon could find their way into more everyday models , as the cost of offering exotic technology falls with mass production .

  16. 第二天,公司宣布将雇佣1800名工人去伊利诺斯州贝尔维戴尔制造新款道奇Dart汽车。

    The next day it announced it would hire 1800 people at a plant in Belvidere , Illinois , to build its new Dodge Dart .

  17. 丰田现在又被迫召回最新款混合动力汽车普锐斯(Prius),这个事实让反日阴谋论不攻自破。普锐斯大多在日本生产和销售。

    The fact that Toyota has now had to recall its latest-model Prius hybrid , largely built and sold in Japan , undermines anti-Japanese conspiracy theories .

  18. 通用汽车公司表示,通用将以低于20000美元的价格出售最新款的电动汽车斯帕克紧凑车型。

    The company also says it will sell its newest electric car -- the compact Spark -- for just under $ 20000 .

  19. 本周初,贝嫂维多利亚抵达北京,亮相北京车展,一方面是为了推出自己参与设计的新款路虎汽车,但另一方面,作为精明的商界女性,她还将利用此次来京机会推广她的新款时装系列。

    She flew to Beijing to launch the new ' baby ' Range Rover that she helped to design earlier this week . But ever the shrewd business woman , Victoria Beckham is also using her time in the Chinese capital to promote her new clothing line .