
  1. 存在比桑日群弧火山岩更早的新特提斯洋俯冲记录么?

    Is There a Neo-Tethys ' Subduction Record Earlier than arc volcanic rocks in the Sangri Group ?

  2. 大块的造礁珊瑚,有盘旋的和沟回的表面。中二叠世&新近纪新特提斯洋构造域旋回。

    Massive reef-building coral having a convoluted and furrowed surface . ( 3 ) MiddlePermian-Neogene extension-compression cycle of Neo-Tethys .

  3. 从中侏罗世开始,由于新特提斯洋开启,盆地再次下沉接受中侏罗统&白垩系的沉积。

    The Neo-Tethys began evolution during Middle Jurassic Epoch , which made the basin prototype subside again and deposit Middle Jurassic Series-Cretaceous System .

  4. 侏罗纪到第四纪(新特提斯洋阶段),盆地经历了陆内裂谷(坳陷)-挤压调整作用-晚期前陆型盆地发展旋回。

    From Jurassic to Quaternary , the period of neo-Tethyan ocean , it experienced the developmental cycle of intracontinental rift / depression-compressional adjustment-late foreland basin .

  5. 伊朗盆地是在中新生代受古特提斯洋与新特提斯洋的扩张闭合控制下形成的被动大陆盆地。

    Foreign Superstition The Iran basin is a passive continental basin formed in Meso-Cenozoic under the control of the extensional closing of Paleotethys and Neo-tethys oceans .

  6. 这些结果暗示,在拉萨地块与印度次大陆之间的新特提斯洋中可能存在一个含造山带的未名地块。

    There might be a block or microplate placed between Indian Subcontinent and Lhasa Block during Late Triassic , where a coeval orogenic belt should be accessory .

  7. 本区侏罗纪沉积盆地是在晚三叠世古特提斯洋闭合的基础上,随新特提斯洋开合而发展演化的,消亡于古近纪初期。

    The Jurassic sedimentary basin in the area developed and evolved on the basis of the closing of the Late Triassic Paleo-Tethys Ocean and with the opening and closing of the Neo-Tethys Ocean .

  8. 晚三叠世和晚侏罗世曾发生了纬度为2°和3.8°的向南回返,可能与雅鲁藏布新特提斯洋弧后扩张有关。

    South-directed inversions of 2 ° and 3.8 ° in latitude were recorded during the Late Triassic and Late Jurassic , which is likely to be related to the back-arc spreading of the Yarlung Zangbo Neo-Tethys Ocean .

  9. 在新特提斯洋板块向北俯冲消减过程中,阿依拉-仲巴微陆块、陆缘洋盆和印度大陆一起随着向北漂移,在印度大陆向北挤压作用下洋盆逐渐收缩以致最终闭合。

    During subduction northward of Neo-Tethys oceanic plate , Ayla-Zhongba micro-continental , the marginal ocean basin and India continental drifted northward all together , the marginal ocean basin was gradually contracted and closed by compressed of India continental .

  10. 中侏罗世时,新特提斯洋内发育一条幔内型推覆韧性剪切带,印度板块和拉萨地块对大洋岩石圈的双向挤压诱发了洋内俯冲消减。

    In mid-Jurassic , there was a ductile nappe shear zone developing in Neo-Tethyan ocean , and at the same time , the bidirectional compressing of Indian plate and Lhasa block on the oceanic lithosphere induced the intra-oceanic subduction .