
  • 网络Shinsei;Shinsei Bank
  1. 过去几个月,新生银行(ShinseiBank)有一连串高层离职。由于这家日本银行难以确立业务模式,导致员工士气低落。

    Shinsei Bank has suffered a string of senior departures in the past few months amid a decline in morale as the Japanese bank struggles to establish a business model .

  2. 日本新生银行拒绝置评。

    Shinsei declined to comment .

  3. 新生银行的另一个显著特征,就是它愿意接受拥有不同国籍、不同背景的人。

    Another conspicuous feature is Shinsei 's willingness to accept people from different nationalities and backgrounds .

  4. 新生银行还采用基于定量和定性指标的关键绩效指示器,来衡量绩效表现。

    Shinsei has also adopted key performance indicators based on quantitative and qualitative measures to measure performance .

  5. 新生银行的员工来自10多个国家,管理层16%是女性。

    Shinsei 's staff represents more than 10 nationalities and 16 per cent of the management are women .

  6. 阿根廷债券重组机构的谈判小组负责人亚当·莱里克,预计本周将访问日本,以支持新生银行的做法。

    Adam Lerrick , who heads Abra 's negotiating team , is expected to visit Japan this week to bolster Shinsei 's case .

  7. 新生银行在人力资源问题上强调清晰和透明,这与日本传统的人力资源发展方式形成鲜明对比&传统方式往往是一个较为模糊的过程。

    Shinsei 's emphasis on clarity and transparency contrasts with traditional methods of human resource development in Japan , which tends to be a more nebulous process .

  8. 相反,新生银行运用其关键绩效指示器,让人们明确知道自己所处的位置,以及他们为了自己的发展所需要做的事情。

    By contrast , Shinsei uses its key performance indicators to give people a clear idea of where they stand and what they need to do to develop their careers .

  9. 创作这些作品的艺术家,大部分是首先在国外赢得认可、然后才被国内接受的日本画家和摄影家,这与新生银行自身的情况十分相似。

    The artists whose work he collects are mostly Japanese painters and photographers who had to win recognition abroad , before finding acceptance at home , much like Shinsei itself .

  10. 新生银行请来了哈佛商学院的教授,研究该行的领导问题。这种做法帮助新生银行确定了远景目标和价值观,并将它们反映在绩效评估体系中。

    The bank has brought in HBS professors to look at leadership issues , an exercise which has helped it to identify its vision and values and reflect that in its performance evaluation system .

  11. 新生银行还实施了一种职位空缺公告系统,这与日本长期以来的轮换制差别很大。在轮换体制下,调任通知是全能人事部门的闭门决定,而且通知时间的提前量非常短。

    Shinsei has also adopted an open job posting system that is very different from the long established rotation system , where people are moved on at very short notice , based on decisions made behind closed doors by an almighty personnel department .

  12. 但作为新生事物,村镇银行在其试点过程中面临一些困难和问题,业内人士也对村镇银行的可持续健康发展问题存在担忧。

    However , as a new thing , the village banks face with some difficulties and problems in the course of its pilot . The industries are also worried about sustainable and healthy development of the new village banks .