
  1. 基于ARMA模型的新疆旅游市场趋势预测

    Trend Forecast of Tourist Market in Xinjiang Based on ARMA Model

  2. 新疆旅游业与经济增长关系浅析&基于协整分析和Granger因果检验

    The relations between tourism and economic growth in Xinjiang & based on cointegration analysis and the Granger causality test

  3. 文章在从主观和客观两个方面分析新疆旅游业的优势和限制因素的基础上,结合加入WTO与西部大开发对新疆旅游业的影响,提出了新形势下,发展新疆旅游业的战略思路。

    Based on the analysis of advantages and disadvantages , considered the impact of entering WTO and the great development of west region in China , this paper analyses the challenge and opportunity in the current circumstances .

  4. 新疆旅游业现状与持续发展研究

    Current Situation of Tourism in Xinjiang and Study of Sustainable Development

  5. 新疆旅游商品市场的开发

    The Development of the Market for Tourist Commercial Goods in Xinjiang

  6. 新疆旅游特色资源界值体系研究

    Preliminary theoretical probe into threshold system of peculiar tourist resources in Xinjiang

  7. 关于发展新疆旅游业的战略构思

    Research on the Further Development Strategy of Xinjiang 's Tourism

  8. 新疆旅游资源新评价与开发新方略

    A new appraisement and exploitation strategy of Xinjiang tourism resources

  9. 新疆旅游资源的类型、等级及空间分布特征

    Type , grade and space distribution features of tourism resources in Xinjiang

  10. 你知道吗,我现在在新疆旅游呢?

    Do you know I 'm traveling in Xinjiang now ?

  11. 新疆旅游经济区域差异实证研究

    Substantial Study on Regional Difference of Tourism Economy in Xinjiang

  12. 基于区域竞争力对比的新疆旅游资源开发分析

    Analyses for tourism development in Xinjiang based on comparison of regional competition

  13. 新疆旅游经济发展水平与旅游资源禀赋影响研究

    Analysis on Tourism Economical and Tourism Resources Endowment in Xinjiang

  14. 金融危机下新疆旅游业应对策略研究

    Tourism Response Strategy Research under The Financial Crisis in Xinjiang

  15. 新疆旅游资源具有独特的地域环境。

    The tourism resource of Xinjiang is characterized by its unique regional environment .

  16. 新疆旅游流的时间分布规律;

    The temporal distribution regulation of tourists in Xinjiang .

  17. 新疆旅游者行为的时空分布研究

    Study on Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Tourist Consumers in Xinjiang

  18. 论新疆旅游资源开发及旅游业发展问题

    On Exploiting Xinjiang 's Tourist Resources and its Development

  19. 新疆旅游资源开发与旅游业可持续发展研究

    Research on Tourist Resource Exploration and the Sustainable Development of Tourism in Xinjiang

  20. 新疆旅游气候舒适度分析与评价研究

    Research on Analysis and Evaluation of Climate Comfort Degree for Tourist in Xinjiang

  21. 然而新疆旅游电子商务发展处于初级阶段,比较落后,在应用中存在很多问题,急需发展。

    However , the development of electronic tourism is at an early stage .

  22. 新疆旅游产业经济贡献综合影响分析新疆旅游产业与高职旅游专业培养模式构建研究

    Study on economic contribution of tourism industry in Xinjiang

  23. 新疆旅游目的地营销研究&以吐鲁番为例

    Research on the tourism destination marketing in xingjiang & a case study in Turpan

  24. 新疆旅游经济地区差异性影响研究

    A Research of the Different Impact from Tourism Economy on the Regions of Xinjiang

  25. 新疆旅游业区位缺陷分析及发展构想

    Analysis on Position Defect of Tourism Industry in Xinjiang and Ideas on Its Development

  26. 新疆旅游业投融资若干问题及对策分析

    An Analysis on Problems and Countermeasures of Investment and Financing in Xinjiang Tourism Industry

  27. 以文化为牵引整合新疆旅游资源

    Confirm Xinjiang Tourism Resources by Using the Culture

  28. 新疆旅游饭店业战略联盟博弈研究

    The Research of Strategic Alliance of Travel Hotels Industry by Game Theory in Xinjiang

  29. 新疆旅游网络营销的发展

    The Development of Tourism Network Marketing in Sinkiang

  30. 该信称自己代表新疆旅游业的40万从业者。

    The letter said it represented the 400,000 people directly employed in Xinjiang tourism .