
  • 网络new theory
  1. 高校图书馆现代化功能新论

    New theory About the Function of Modernization of the College Library

  2. 朦胧诗:个体内在性诗学新论

    Poetry of Obscurity : New Theory of Poetics on Individual Internality

  3. 对伯顿·R·克拉克《高等教育新论》的文本解读

    Understanding of Perspectives on Higher Education by Burton R. Clark

  4. 作物农艺性状整齐度的指标方法新论

    A New Index on the Regularity Degree of Crop Agronomic Traits

  5. 劳动作为价值实体的一元性新论

    A New Monistic Perspective : Labor as an Entity of Value

  6. 收受贿犯罪的客观要件新论

    New Views Over the Objective Condition in Crimes of Accepting Bribes

  7. 网络商务声誉博弈新论

    A New Game Theory on the Commercial Credit of Online Commerce

  8. 热寂说疑案新论

    A New Perspective On the Dispute of the Heat Death Theory

  9. 企业竞争优势新论&资源整合论

    New Concept about Enterprise 's Competition Advantage Theory of Resources Integration

  10. 教育社会学研究对象新论

    A New View on the Objects of Study for Educational Sociology

  11. 英语专业翻译教学新论

    New approaches to translation teaching for undergraduate English majors in China

  12. 宏观调控法基本原则新论

    The Essential Principles of Macroeconomic Control Law : A New Perspective

  13. 企业性质问题新论

    A New Study on the Issue of the Nature of Firm

  14. 圣托马斯·阿奎那美学思想新论

    The New View On the Aesthetic Ideology of Saint Thomas Aquinas

  15. 五四文学精神资源新论

    The Intellectual Resources of May Fourth Literature : A New Insight

  16. 国际经济法地位问题新论

    Newly Expounding on the Status of International Economic Law in China

  17. 新论灯泡贯流机组油系统

    The New Standpoint about the Lubricating Oil System of Bulb Unit

  18. 中国古代戏剧源流新论

    The Attitude on the Source and Trend of Chinese Ancient Drama

  19. 票据质押的要件新论

    A New Study on the Requirements of the Negotiable Instruments Pledge

  20. 新《公司法》下的虚报注册资本罪新论

    Discussing Crime of False Reporting Registered Capital under New Companies Act

  21. 社区矫正的概念及其性质新论

    A New Remark on the Conception and Character of Community Correction

  22. 刑事诉讼证明概念新论

    A New Study on Conception of Proving in Criminal Litigation

  23. 体育本质新论新形势下的体育课教学探讨

    New Discussion on Physical Education Essence Physical education teaching on new situation

  24. 文献信息资源共建共享模式新论

    A New Treatise on the Sharing and Development of Document Information Resources

  25. 高校思想政治教育原则新论

    New Theory of Ideological and Political Education Principles in Institutions

  26. 比较文学平行研究功能模式新论

    New Outlook on Modes of Parallel Study in Comparative Literature

  27. 21世纪的海洋资源及分类新论

    A Reconsideration of Marine Resources and Their Classification for the 21st Century

  28. 人与兽:怪物凯列班形象新论

    Man and Monster : New Critiques on the Image of Monster Caliban

  29. 太平天国妇女参军作战新论

    New Theory on Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Women Joining the Army

  30. 周萍形象新论

    New Interpretation to the Image of ZHOU Ping Jay Chou A week