
  • 网络New trade theory;the new trade theories;new-new trade theory
  1. 新贸易理论中的报酬递增与市场结构

    Increasing Returns and Market Structure in New Trade Theory

  2. 新贸易理论及其与发展中国家的关系

    New Trade Theory and Its connections with Developing countries

  3. 这促使以H-K为主要框架的新贸易理论对现代企业理论的吸纳。

    This encouraged H-K new trade theories to combine with modern firm theories .

  4. 其次,为了使东亚区域经济一体化经济效应评估结果更加贴近经济现实,本文把规模经济、垄断和产品多样化等新贸易理论引入到MCHUGE基础模型。

    Secondly , in order to make the evaluating results close to economic real life , this thesis introduces New Trade Theories like Scale Economy , Monopolization and Product Diversification and so on into stylized model ( MCHUGE ) .

  5. 管理贸易、新贸易理论与产业政策

    Managed Trade , New - Trade Theory and Industrial Policy

  6. 新贸易理论关于规模经济的基本观点及其评析

    Scale Economy in Neo Trade Theory : Its Basic Viewpoint and Analysis

  7. 第一章全面系统的介绍了区域经济一体化理论,包括传统的区域经济一体化理论、及其在新贸易理论前提下的变化和发展。

    Chapter One summarizes the traditional and modern theories on regional economic integration .

  8. 对新贸易理论中规模经济若干问题的认识

    Some Problems Concerning the Economy of Scale in the New Theory of Trade

  9. 新贸易理论与外商在华制造企业的出口决定

    The New Trade Theory and Factors Deciding Export by Foreign Manufacturers in China

  10. 从比较优势理论到新贸易理论

    From Comparative Advantage Theory to New Trade Theory

  11. 从中国的角度,对传统贸易理论与新贸易理论进行了对比。

    Study on traditional and new trade theories .

  12. 新贸易理论及其政策主张述评

    On Neo-Trade Theory and Strategic Trade Policy

  13. 新贸易理论的三大特征

    Three Features in New International Trade Theory

  14. 新贸易理论的新拓展&对现代企业理论的吸纳

    New Development of the New Trade Theories

  15. 本文所采用的理论工具主要包括新贸易理论、国际政治经济学和博奕论。

    The new trade theory , international politics and economics and game theory are mainly used .

  16. 与传统贸易理论相比较,新贸易理论有其特色的内容。

    Compared with the old trade theories , the new trade theories have many special context .

  17. 关于新贸易理论与制度创新的思考

    Thoughts on Neo-trade Theory and System-Innovation

  18. 比较优势理论有传统的比较优势理论和新贸易理论中的比较优势理论。

    Comparative advantage theory consists of traditional comparative advantage theory and new trade comparative advantage theory .

  19. 西方新贸易理论与我国对外贸易的思想和政策

    The Influences Which the West New Trade Theories Made to the Chinese Ideology and Policy in Foreign Trade

  20. 新贸易理论:证据再反思

    New Trade Theory Revisited

  21. 摘要产业内贸易常被作为支持“新贸易理论”的一个关键因素。

    The large volume of intra-industry trade is often cited as critical evidence favoring the new trade theory .

  22. 该不对称国际税收竞争模型将新贸易理论中的贸易成本元素与国家规模差异和存在多种税收工具结合起来。

    The model combines trade cost element of new trade theory and country size differentials and multiple tax instruments .

  23. 战略性贸易政策产生于20世纪80年代,其理论依据就是所谓的新贸易理论。

    Strategic trade policy came into being in 20th century 80 's. Its theory basis is new trade theories .

  24. 在对传统贸易理论的反思过程中,逐步形成了新贸易理论。

    In the introspection for the traditional trade theory , the New Theory of International Trade gradually came to being .

  25. 我们的结论支持了强调内部和外部规模经济对出口的重要性的新贸易理论。

    Our conclusion supports the new trade theory that pinpoints the importance of internal and external scale economy to export ;

  26. 新贸易理论认为贸易利益的主要来源为规模收益递增和不完全竞争。

    The new trade theories hold that trade interests are on the basis of the interest rise of scale and imperfect competition .

  27. 传统贸易理论和新贸易理论都将产业作为研究单位,都是基于同质企业的假定来分析国际贸易的原因和影响的。

    The traditional trade theory and the new trade theory regard industry as a research unit , and homogeneous firms are assumed .

  28. 对于该问题的探讨,不管是传统贸易理论还是新贸易理论都无法得出令人信服的结论。

    For discussion of this issue , whether the traditional trade theory or new trade theory can not draw a convincing conclusion .

  29. 本文首先回顾了传统比较优势的理论,进而剖析了新贸易理论的形成与不足。

    This article first reviewed the traditional theory of comparative advantage , and then analyzes the new trade theory of the formation and inadequate .

  30. 新贸易理论具有三大特征:一是强调内部规模经济与非完全竞争市场的关系;

    It 's the three features that highlight new international trade theory : first , it explores the relationship between internal scale economies and imperfect competition ;