
  • 网络News Unit;news organizations
  1. 宇航局没收了新闻单位的胶卷。

    The agency impounded film belonging to news organizations .

  2. 新闻侵权,即新闻单位或新闻从业人员在新闻传播过程中,利用大众传播媒介,损害自然人或法人的人格权的行为。

    News tort is the behavior that news organizations or journalists use mass media to infringe the moral rights of nature person or legal person in the news dissemination process .

  3. 新闻单位Intranet的开发

    The Development of Intranet in News Agency

  4. 谈新闻单位档案室的社会功能建设

    Construction of Social Function for Records Office of News Unit

  5. 新闻单位有权进行价格舆论监督。

    Medias have the right to mobilize public opinion for the monitoring of prices .

  6. 就是加上从新闻单位募捐的钱,我们还是不够。

    Even with the donations from the news station , we 're still short .

  7. 新闻单位的舆论监督作用

    The supervisory role of the media

  8. 第九条新闻单位刊播广告,应当有明确的标志。

    Article 9 . News media shall provide clear indications for the advertisement they publish or broadcast .

  9. 四是加强宣传,建立与中央和地方各类新闻单位的紧密联系;

    Fourth , seek extensive publicity , building on close ties with the press at all levels .

  10. 长时间的诉讼纠缠也会对新闻单位和记者开展工作产生影响。

    Long time entangled litigation will also slow down the speed of the work of reporters and news units .

  11. 为各类出版、新闻单位及网络服务商和个人提供法律顾问服务。

    Providing legal service for publishers , news press and other users of published works as well as individuals .

  12. 近年来,因暗访而成为“侵权行为”者的新闻单位和记者接连不断。

    Recently there are more and more news offices and reporters accused of infringing rights because of secret news inquiries .

  13. “梅赛德斯-奔驰杯”中国网球大奖赛媒体报名工作现已开始,诚邀各新闻单位参与2009“梅赛德斯-奔驰杯”中国网球大奖赛的宣传报道。

    China Tennis Grand Prix " Mercedes-Benz Cup " Media Registration starts now , all media units are invited to participate in GPC to report .

  14. 新闻单位设立的登载本单位已刊登播发的新闻信息的互联网新闻信息服务单位。

    Internet news information service providers established by news entities to publish the news information which has been published or broadcasted by the said news entities .

  15. 本文主要从公共部门绩效管理理论入手,通过实证研究和案例分析的方法,剖析和探讨在新闻单位进行绩效管理的适用性。

    This article from the public sector performance management theory to start by empirical research and case studies of ways to explore and analyze information in units of the applicability of performance management .

  16. 新闻单位对60家名优企业的统计调查显示,60家企业年打假共耗费1.57亿元,年利税损失7.35亿元。

    According to the related statistics , the survey made by media among 60 manufactures shows that they invest 1.57 hundred million yuan into anti-faking and lose 7.35 hundred million yuan profit every year .

  17. 此次在圣地亚哥举办的峰会吸引了80余家主流媒体的总裁及20家中国重要新闻单位的主要负责人参加,其中包括中国国际广播电台。

    The event in Santiago has attracted leaders from more than 80 Latin American news and media agencies , as well as representatives from 20 different Chinese media organizations , including China Radio International .

  18. 乌克兰最受人尊敬的记者之一昨日在一起汽车爆炸案中丧生,震动了该国政界,令人回想起10多年前同一新闻单位总编辑遭谋杀的事情。

    One of Ukraine 's most respected journalists was killed by a car bomb in Kiev yesterday , rattling the political establishment and reviving memories of the murder of the editor of the same publication more than a decade ago .

  19. 全世界电视台、报纸等新闻单位经常为一件不可预料的事件(如选举结果或法庭判决结果)准备多份报道预案,这样不论结果如何都能迅速将消息传播出去。

    Television stations , newspapers and other news media around the globe will routinely prepare multiple versions of a report about an unpredictable event an elections , say , or a court decision so as to be able to get the news out quickly regardless of the result .

  20. 随着新闻单位体制改革的推进和社会经济的进一步发展,一大批的新闻媒体将面向市场,接受市场的考验和挑战,要在竞争中站稳脚跟,就必须走产业发展之路。

    With the innovation of news media system and the further development of socio-economic , a large number of news media will be market-oriented and take challenges on the market . If want to gain a firm foothold in the competition , we must take the road of industrial development .

  21. 《健康时报》为这一项目的独家新闻支持单位。

    " Healthy Times " for the exclusive news of this project support units .

  22. 在这种背景下,探讨报社等新闻事业单位的绩效工资制度具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    On this background , exploring the performance wage system of journalism such as newspapers office has an important theoretical value and practical significance .

  23. 创新和丰富法制宣传教育形式,强化大众传播媒体和新闻通讯单位的社会责任。

    V.Intensifying the organization and leadership over legal publicity and education , and mobilizing all forces of the whole society to participate in this work .

  24. 但不可否认的是,一些新闻出版单位过分地追求经济效益和所谓的轰动效应,而忽略了社会效益,少数新闻出版从业人员忘记了肩上沉甸甸的社会担当。

    But undeniably , some news publishing agencies over-pursue economic benefits and the so-called sensationalism and overlook social benefits . A few of them entirely forget the social responsibility resting on their shoulders .

  25. 根据《出版管理条例》,国家对新闻出版单位实行企业准入和特殊产品准入审批制度,对业务准入实行审批指定制,对人员准入实行持证上岗制。

    On the basis of publication regulation byelaws , the nation implements enterprises and special commodity admittance authorization system for the press and publication units , operation admittance appointment system and certification system for personnel .

  26. 如何正确引导和规范业外资本,是我国新闻媒体在事业单位、企业化管理的框架下需要认真对待的问题。

    How to guide and regulate the off-trade capital is a problem which the news media in our country should treat seriously under the framework of " Institution managed as enterprises " .

  27. 无庸讳言,为根除虚假新闻,新闻主管部门和新闻单位自身,都可谓是胶尽了脑汁,也采取了许多具体的措施。

    Frankly , to eliminate false news , departments responsible for the news and news units themselves both rack their brains and also take many concrete measures .

  28. 传媒大亨默多克的新闻国际旗下的英国新闻出版单位——星期日报是英国最畅销的报纸。他们哗众取宠的丑恶行为看来更杂乱无章,罪大恶极。

    The sordid antics of Britain 's biggest-selling Sunday paper - owned by News International , Rupert Murdoch 's British newspaper outfit - look more promiscuous and more gravely criminal .

  29. 提出完善我国新闻名誉侵权立法,在处理正当的舆论监督与名誉权保护的关系方面,应进一步明确新闻单位与作者审查义务。

    Propose to perfect reputation right legalization of our country . Further define the examination obligation of news institutions and authors to properly handle the relationship between public opinion supervision and reputation right protection .