
lǚ yóu yè
  • tourism;tourist industry
  1. 旅游业的增长已经使这些岛屿西方化了。

    The islands have been westernized by the growth of tourism .

  2. 旅游业是这个地区的主要收入来源。

    Tourism is a major source of income for the area .

  3. 旅游业是这个国家赚取外汇最多的行业。

    Tourism is the country 's biggest foreign currency earner .

  4. 并非出人意料的是,当地的大部分生意依靠旅游业。

    Not unexpectedly , most local business depends on tourism .

  5. 犯罪率的上升可能会扼杀旅游业这只产金蛋的鹅。

    An increase in crime could kill the golden goose of tourism .

  6. 旅游业是该市的重要收入来源。

    Tourism is a fountain of wealth for the city .

  7. 旅游业非常有利可图。

    There 's money to be made from tourism .

  8. 旅游业是这座城市的命脉。

    Tourism is the lifeblood of the city .

  9. 这个地区非常依赖旅游业。

    The area is heavily dependent on tourism .

  10. 他们正在盖新旅馆以促进该地区的旅游业。

    They 're putting up new hotels in order to boost tourism in the area .

  11. 不含旅游业的调整前数字表明七月份失业率下降。

    Unadjusted figures which do not take tourism into account showed that unemployment fell in July .

  12. 在过去几年里,这里的旅游业获得了相当大的发展。

    Over the last few years tourism here has developed considerably .

  13. 3,000余名当地人受雇于旅游业。

    More than 3,000 local workers are employed in the tourism industry

  14. 这笔钱准备用于旅游业的开发。

    This money is intended for the development of the tourist industry

  15. 旅游业的无序发展无异于杀鸡取卵。

    Unregulated tourism can kill the goose that laid their golden egg .

  16. 旅游业是该国外汇创收最多的行业。

    Tourism is the country 's top earner of foreign currency

  17. 政府一直积极宣扬旅游业是快速发展型产业。

    The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry

  18. 波克先生现在从事旅游业。

    Mr Pok has now gone into the tourism business .

  19. 基喋喋不休地谈论着那些对旅游业作出贡献的了不起的人物。

    Key burbled about the wonderful people who contribute to tourism

  20. 但旅游业具有两面性,既刺激经济增长但又会破坏环境。

    But tourism is double-edged , boosting the economy but damaging the environment

  21. 旅游业是与政府有着必然的密切联系的产业。

    Tourism is an industry that has a necessarily close connection with governments .

  22. 他与人合著了一本有关旅游业政策的书。

    He 's co-authored a book on Policy for Tourism

  23. 新机场将促进旅游业的发展。

    The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism

  24. 他们把今后几年的旅游业完全给毁了。

    They 've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years .

  25. 旅游业对西班牙经济至关重要。

    Tourism is vital for the Spanish economy .

  26. 旅游业如果没有大的起色,经济状况会每况愈下。

    Without a major boost in tourism , the economy will suffer even further .

  27. 公共交通系统还不能充分满足迅速发展的旅游业的需求。

    Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel boom .

  28. 旅游业是英国最大的一项无形输出。

    Tourism is Britain 's single biggest invisible export

  29. 这些工厂已取代旅游业成为该国最大的外汇来源。

    These factories have displaced tourism as the country 's largest source of foreign exchange

  30. 旅游业收入是该国无形收益当中最大的一项。

    The revenue from tourism is the biggest single item in the country 's invisible earnings