
  • 网络tourism consumption
  1. 虽然,入境旅游消费总额占GDP的比重不高,但由于入境旅游是一个综合性、关联的性的产业,因此入境旅游对山东省GDP的拉动作用是不可忽视的。

    Although the proportion of inbound tourism consumption in GDP is not high , the inbound tourism is a comprehensive and correlated industry .

  2. 然后使用了灰色预测模型GM(1,1)预测未来五年的入境旅游消费发展趋势和相关数据。

    Gray prediction model GM ( 1,1 ) and then used to predict the future five years of inbound tourism consumption trends and related data .

  3. 在客流量和人均旅游消费调查的基础上,采用TCM方法对秦岭北坡12个森林公园的游憩价值进行了货币化测算;

    On the basis of passenger flux and per-capita consumption investigation , amusement value of12 forest parks in the northern slope of Qinling Mountain was calculated by TCM method .

  4. 管理海外购物者退税业务的全球回报集团(globalrefund)的数据显示,7月份,中东游客在英国的旅游消费额同比增长了77%。

    Tourist spending in the UK from Middle Eastern consumers was up by 77 per cent in July compared with July last year , according to global refund , which administers tax refunds for overseas shoppers .

  5. 在旅游消费领域,这一现象尤为突出。随着H2O2浓度的增大,这一现象更加明显。

    This is exceptionally obvious in the tourism consumption . The protein content decreased faster with the protease activity increasing , and the effect was more significant as H2O2 concentration increased .

  6. 我国当前旅游消费需求不足的成因及对策

    Causes of and Measures for Inadequate Tourism Consumption Demand in China

  7. 大学生旅游消费贷款开发的探索

    A Search of the Development of Tourist Loan for College Students

  8. 转型时期市民旅游消费分析

    Analysis on Chinese Citizen 's Tourism Consuming at the Transition Age

  9. 科学旅游消费观念的培育模式研究

    A Study on the Cultivation Model of Scientific Tourist Consumption Concept

  10. 浙江购物旅游消费行为模式实证研究

    An empirical study on tourists ' shopping behavior model in Zhejiang

  11. 居民体育旅游消费需求结构定量分析&兼与张贵敏先生商榷

    Quantitative Analysis on Demanding Structure of Sports Tourism Consumption for Citizens

  12. 加强我国居民旅游消费教育的对策

    On Strategies of Strengthening Education of Tourism Consumption of Chinese Inhabitants

  13. 如何激发旅游消费动机,是一个重要的课题。

    How to stimulate tourists'consumption motivation is an important research program .

  14. 中日公民出境旅游消费行为比较

    Comparative on Chinese and Japanese citizens ' outbound travel consumption behavior

  15. 旅游消费信贷初探论消费方式的转变

    An Initial Discussion on Traveling Consumption Loan Transformation of Consumption Mode

  16. 上海旅游消费结构与贡献度的宏观分析

    The Macro Analysis of Tourist Consumption Structure and Contribution in Shanghai

  17. 受传统消费观念的影响,旅游消费动机也受到影响。

    Tourists ' consumption motivation is also affected by traditional consumption ideas .

  18. 中型城市女性群体旅游消费行为与市场营销对策研究

    Study on Female Tourism Consumer Behavior of Medium-sized City and Marketing Strategies

  19. 旅华外国游客旅游消费偏好的实证研究

    A Demonstrative Study on Travel Consumption Preference of Foreign Visitors to China

  20. 周边国家巨大的旅游消费市场亟待开发,双方拥有共同开发的核心项目,合作前景广阔。

    The huge tourism market of the surrounding countries demands prompt development .

  21. 改善贵州省旅游消费环境的对策研究

    Countermeasures Studies on Improving Tourism Consumption Environment of Guizhou Province

  22. 但长期以来我国公民在旅游消费当中带有很大的盲目性。

    However , China 's citizens are somewhat blind to tourist consumption .

  23. 莆田市国内旅游消费行为调查与市场开发对策

    A Study of Domestic Travel Consumption and Tourism Market Development of Putian

  24. 中国传统价值取向对旅游消费动机的影响

    The influence of China 's traditional value-orientation on tourists ' consumption motivation

  25. 衡阳市民旅游消费现状及需求调查研究

    Investigation and Research on Current Tour Consumption and Demand of Hengyang Citizens

  26. 现代旅游消费变成了一种时尚。

    The modern tourism consumption has been turned into a kind of fashion .

  27. 居民家庭旅游消费行为初探

    A preliminary study of the consuming behaviour of family tourism of the inhabitants

  28. 此外,政府与社会应相互配合、共同管理,正确引导假日旅游消费。

    Furthermore , government and society should cooperate and administrate holiday travel consumption .

  29. 这种经济观念也关系到旅游消费收入的增加。

    This economic concept also considers the income multiplier of these tourist expenditures .

  30. 旅游消费正在成为人们生活中一项重要的休闲选择。

    Tourist consumption is becoming an important leisure choice in people 's lives .