
  • 网络Tourism Science
  1. 试论创建中国特色的旅游科学学科

    Discussing to establish chinese characteristics subject of tourism science

  2. 旅游科学研究中的若干问题质疑

    Into Certain Questions in Research of Tourism Science

  3. 旅游科学文献的分类

    On the Classifications of Tourism Science Documents

  4. 作为人类学的分支,文化人类学在中国还很少直接而系统地与旅游科学联系起来。

    As a branch of anthropology , cultural anthropology is seldom connected with tourism science directly and systematically in China .

  5. 目前,对这一领域的研究已经成为现代地理科学和旅游科学研究的热点内容之一。

    At present , the study on this field has become one of the focus in the modern geography and tourism .

  6. 建设我国旅游科学应从旅游的客观性质、快速发展和空间差异出发,遵循全面性、超前性、区域性原则。

    We should from external character , speediness development and space difference of tourism to construct tourism science , following the comprehensive , exceeding , regional principle .

  7. 在我国,应建立旅游科学一级学科,建设旅游科学学科体系,建设旅游基础科学研究与教育机构,突出中国旅游科学的特色。

    Our country should found the first class subject of tourism science , build subject system of tourism science , build research of tourism basic science and education organization to stress Chinese characteristics of tourism science .

  8. 基于上述趋势,大都市环城游憩以其产品类型多样、活动内容丰富、距离近便、出行成本低等特色与优势迎合了现代都市居民的休闲需求,成为旅游科学研究的重要内容与热点问题。

    Based on these trends , recreations around metropolis meet the consumption demand by rich tourism products , diverse types of activities , accessibility , and low-cost . It becomes an important part of tourism research and hot issues .

  9. 回顾生态足迹模型在国内外的发展历程及其在旅游科学中的应用进展,国内外旅游生态足迹的研究主要集中在旅游生态足迹理论、旅游环境承载力以及旅游地实例等方面。

    As one of the important methods to deal with issues about sustainable development , Ecological Footprint Model ( EFM ) is effectively utilized in many study areas . This paper reviews the progress in EFM . The purpose aimed at its systematic application in tourism science .

  10. 生态旅游的科学概念与应用

    The Scientific Concept and its Application of Eco - tourism

  11. 第二章分析、阐述了乡村生态旅游的科学内涵及其特性。

    Chapter V analyses the interaction of rural eco-tourism and rural development .

  12. 生态旅游的科学内涵与生态学原理

    Scientific Connotation and Ecological Principle of Ecotourism

  13. 因此山地旅游的科学开发从来就是成都地区一个重要课题。

    Therefore , the development of tourism in this region has been a major subject of Chengdu .

  14. 旅游学科科学分类体系和该学科在《中图法》类目设置中存在问题的研究

    A Research on the Problem of Taxonomy System of Tourism Subject and Its Category on Chinese Library Classification

  15. 研究成果有助于完善和丰富旅游信息科学的理论体系,对拓展消费者行为学和旅游市场学的研究内容具有重要的理论意义。

    The researching results have certain theoretical significance for enriching tourism information science and developing consumer behavior science .

  16. 所以万佛山是融知性旅游、科学考察、风景揽胜、避暑度假于一炉。

    So is the financial knowledge Foshan million tourism , scientific exploration , landscape Rover , summer vacation in a furnace .

  17. 总之,本文是一种应用运筹学、图论理论讨论旅游企业科学管理的分析;

    In conclusion , this thesis is an analysis on the scientific management of tourism enterprises applying the operations research and graph theory ;

  18. 今天,英语已经成为感觉旅游、科学、工业以及新兴的信息技术和网络中的通用语言。

    It 's now the common language or international travel , science industry and in recent years , information technology and the Internet .

  19. 旅游地科学的规划是实现生态旅游地资源可持续利用、生态环境保护和经济发展三位一体的重要途径。

    The scientific program for such tourist attractions is a vital means in trinity for a sustainable exploration of tourist resources , ecology protection and economic development .

  20. 在分析和评价过程中,对比了环渤海地区典型城市天津、青岛、秦皇岛和大连四个海滨城市的地质旅游资源科学研究价值,突出分析了大连地质旅游资源的优势。

    In the analysis and evaluation process , comparing the typical city of Circum-Bohai-sea Tianjin , Qingdao , Qinhuangdao and Dalian , the coastal city of four scientific value of geological tourism , especially analyzed the advantages of geological tourism resources in Dalian .

  21. 为促进我国旅游业科学有序地发展,搞好县城旅游规划是非常重要的战略步骤,认真解决县域旅游规划实践中的问题,将会给我国旅游事业带来巨大的效益。

    It 's an extremely important strategy to attain perfect county tourism planning in order to promote the scientific and orderly development of Chinese tourism . Full solution to problems in county tourism planning will bring about tremendous benefits to China 's tourism .

  22. 在未来的发展中,必须加强对科技旅游的科学规划、对科技场馆的科学管理、对科技园区的科学宣传、对特色旅游的科学开发。

    In the future , we must pay attention to the scientific plan of tourism of science and technology , the scientific management of science and technology hall , the scientific propagation of science and technology zone , and the scientific development of special tourism .

  23. 挖掘旅游资源的科学文化内涵,提高旅游产品的文化品位

    Tapping Cultural Connotation of Tourist Resources and Raising Cultural Level of Tourist Products

  24. 在分析现有各种定义的基础上重新界定了旅游商品的科学定义。

    It also re-limits the tourist commodity science definition based on the existing definitions analysis .

  25. 旅游资源的科学评价不仅有利于旅游资源的保护,更是有利于旅游资源的科学利用。

    Scientific evaluation of tourism resource is beneficial for the protection and utilization of tourism resources .

  26. 因此,有必要针对生态农业旅游建设进行科学合理的规划。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make planning for the construction of eco-agricultural tourism scientifically .

  27. 因此岩溶旅游资源具有科学、美学、文化等价值,是人类珍贵的财富。

    Therefore , karst tourism resource bears science , culture and aesthetics , which is the precious treasure of human being .

  28. 本文就黑龙江省独特的旅游资源进行科学的分析,提出发展拓宽旅游产业的新思路。

    According to the scientific analysis of the special tourism resources , the article point out the new thought to develop the tourism .

  29. 外在价值包括旅游价值、科学研究价值、历史文化教育价值、艺术价值、品牌价值和生态服务价值。

    Tourism value , scientific research value , historic culture and education value , art value and ecosystem services value are the embodiment of extrinsic values .

  30. 因此,有必要对湘西南四县(市)旅游资源进行科学的整合开发。

    On the whole , it is necessary to exploit concrdantly tourism resources of the four counties ( cites ) in the south-west of Hunan with scientifically method .