
  • 网络Mta;Master of Tourism Administration;master of tourism management
  1. 英国萨里大学旅游管理硕士教育的思考与借鉴

    Brief Introduction of MSc Tourism Management in University of Surrey UK

  2. 试论旅游管理硕士研究生的培养

    On the Training of Tourism Management Master

  3. 然而随着旅游管理专业硕士研究生群体的逐年扩招,他们面临的学业、就业、婚恋和经济等压力更为严峻。

    However , with the yearly enrollment of tourism management postgraduate groups , they are faced with academic , employment , marriage and economic pressure is more severe .

  4. 但是由于旅游管理专业硕士研究生教育起步晚,在人才培养方面还有很大的欠缺,存在着与市场严重脱节等问题。

    However , because the late start of Master of Tourism Management Education , the training lacks a lot and is out of line with the market seriously .

  5. 经过一年的艰苦学习,我终于获得了国际旅游与服务管理硕士学位。

    After a year 's hard working , I finally harvest the Master degree of International Tourism and Hospitality Management .

  6. 林女士从英国萨里大学休闲和旅游管理专业获得硕士学位,主要研究兴趣在酒店电子分销领域。

    Ms Lin holds a Master Degree in Leisure and Tourism Management from University of Surrey , UK , with a special research interest in hotel electronic distribution .

  7. 随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,我国的旅游教育也取得了很大的成就,旅游管理专业硕士研究生教育也在不断的加强。

    With the vigorous development of the tourism industry , tourism education has made great achievements in China , and Master of Tourism Management Education has also continued to strengthen .