
  1. 韶关著名旅游景点知识产权保护研究

    A Research Report on Intellectual Property Protection of the Well-known Tourist Attractions in Shaoguan

  2. 第三章的主要内容是以海南为例,阐述海南旅游业知识产权保护的现状及分析存在问题的原因。

    And the third one takes Hainan as an example . Explain the present situations and analyze them .

  3. 我国旅游产业知识产权保护现状及紧迫性分析&以张家界为例

    Status Quo of Intellectual Property Rights Protection of China 's Tourism Industry and the Analysis of Its Urgencies & A Case Study of Zhangjiajie

  4. 伴随旅游业的快速发展,依托丰富的旅游资源开发,不断形成了各类旅游知识产权,其蕴涵的巨大社会价值和商业价值也日益为人们所重视。

    With the rapid development of the tourism industry , relying on the rich tourism resources development and the evolving intellectual property rights of the different types of tourism and its implication of the great social value and commercial value are also increasingly paying attention to people .