
  • 网络Life Cycle of Tour Product
  1. 旅游产品生命周期理论研究

    The Research of the Tour Product Life Cycle Theory

  2. 旅游产品生命周期论质疑

    Doubts about the Life Cycle of A Tourism Product

  3. 本文拟在旅游产品生命周期理论的基础上分析研究妈祖文化旅游资源的开发问题。

    Based on analysis of tourism product life cycle , the author studies on the development of the tourism resource of Mazu case of Meizhou Island .

  4. 体验经济浪潮的到来,旅游产品生命周期和旅游时尚周期的客观存在,使旅游产品创新成为势所必然。

    The arrival of the experience economy tide and the existence of the tourism product life cycle and fashion cycle have claimed the tourism products innovation .

  5. 旅游地旅游产品生命周期复合模型初探&旅游地生命周期的一种机制假说

    Tourism Area-Tourist Production Lifecycle Complex Model & A Hypothesize about Tourist Area Lifecycle Mechanism

  6. 但目前大多数传统旅游产品相继进入生命周期中的成熟阶段,必须在其步入衰退期前寻找替代产品,以保持旅游经济的可持续发展。

    However , many of the traditional tourism products have been in their life cycle of mature stage . Therefore , the substitute products should be find out before the decline phase of them , so as to keep the tourism economy develop sustainable .

  7. 在当前国内旅游学界还存在着是旅游产品生命周期(PLC,ProductLifeCycle)还是旅游地生命周期(RLC,ResortLifeCycle)的争论。

    The resort life cycle theories and model of Butler is developed from the product life cycle theories . In the current domestic tour study circles this exists the issue about " the tour product life cycle ( PLC )" and " the resort life cycle ( RLC )" .

  8. 依据我国旅游农业发展的现状,并参照旅游产品生命周期理论认为,我国旅游农业产品总体上仍处于介绍期。

    According to the current situation of domestic tourism agriculture and life cycle theory of tourism products , the development of tourism agricultural products of our country was still in introduction period .

  9. 运用旅游需求理论、旅游区位论和旅游产品生命周期理论等相关理论,为中国汽车营地的开发运作搭建了理论框架,并对汽车营地的产品创新开发、项目选址和战略转轨进行了理论指导。

    By employing the theories of tourism requirement , tourism region and the life cycle of tourism product , the author builds a theoretical frame of car camping 's - development and operation in China and makes a theoretical direction to product 's development , position choosing and strategic transfer .

  10. 旅游生命周期整合模式则主要是开发旅游产品新功能,开发新产品,整合旅游产品不同生命周期的阶段的营销战略。

    In third pattern , we chiefly exploit new tourism products and its ' new function , at the same time , we should use different selling strategy in the different stage of tourism life to make its tourism life period more concordant .