
  1. 以入境旅游收入增长率、入境旅游收入占GDP比重、入境旅游收入占出口额比重为门限变量时,我国入境旅游发展与经济增长之间均存在显著的门限效应。

    When we choose the growth of the tourism receipts , tourism receipts as a share of GDP and tourism receipts as a share of exports as the threshold variables , the relationship between the international tourism and economic growth have the threshold effect .

  2. 第五章利用新古典增长理论中的索洛模型估计了劳动力、资本、全要素生产率(广义技术进步)对旅游产业收入增长的贡献率,得到了中国旅游产业生产函数。

    In chapter 5 , based on the Solow Model of Neo-classical growth theory , the author estimates the contribution by labor , capital , total factor productivity ( TEP ) and draws a production function of tourism industry of China .

  3. 运用旅游业总收入占第三产业的比重、旅游收入依存度、旅游收入对经济的贡献率和旅游收入拉动经济增长率等指标来分析旅游业对新疆经济的拉动效应。

    Analyze the drawing effects of tourism to Xinjiang economy by using the proportion of gross from tourism in Tertiary industry , dependency on tourism income , the role of tourism income in economic progress rate .