
  • 网络price;tourist price
  1. 对生态旅游价格构成涵义的思考

    Reflections on the Implication of Price Components of Eco-tourist Commodities

  2. 旅华英国游客对我国旅游价格与服务质量的感知研究

    The Investigation of English Tourists ′ Perception of Chinese Tourism Price and Service Quality

  3. 东方明珠是南京青岛旅游价格的标志性建筑。

    The oriental peal tower is a landmark of shanghai .

  4. 在旅游价格诸要素中,对食、宿、行、娱、购的研究一直是旅游经济学中的重点。

    The study of accommodation , entertainment and shopping has , thus , become the hot topic in tourist economy .

  5. 而传统的旅游价格构成理论不能完全释义现代的生态旅游商品价格构成。

    However , the traditional theory about the price constitution of tourism commodity could not explain correctly the price constitution of eco-tourism commodity .

  6. 以优良的服务态度,优惠的旅游价格,我公司竭诚与客户建立互利互惠的合作关系,坦诚相待,共同发展商务旅游。

    With excellent services and favorable / competitive prices / rates , our company sincerely seeks to establish mutually beneficially cooperation with our clients in an honest partnership and develop the tourist activities together .

  7. 但与此同时,旅游价格行为不规范、价格欺诈严重、价格秩序混乱等旅游价格信用失真现象比较严重,极大地阻碍了我国旅游业的健康发展。

    Even in has become the pillar industry in some places . However , price fraud and serious misconduct prices disorder tourism rather serious credit prices , which have greatly hindered the healthy development of China s tourism industry .

  8. 旅游价格对旅游市场需求有调节作用,可以解决消费者收入增加带来的收入效应问题,但无法解决由此引发的替代效应问题,尤其是热点景区和在旅游旺季时。

    Price can regulate tourism market , it can settle the income effect problem coming from income increase , but can 't completely settle the substitution effect problem , especially when the site is a hotspot or in the midseason .

  9. 我们可以推荐费用全包的旅游,价格很公道。

    We had some excellent all-in holidays at very reasonable price .

  10. 外国游客对我国旅游服务价格评价的聚类分析

    Clustering analysis of China 's tourism service price evaluation of foreign tourists

  11. 旅游企业价格竞争失效理论探析

    Theoretical Analysis of Invalidation of Price Competition of Tourist Enterprises

  12. 旅游市场价格战的博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis of Price War in Tourism Market

  13. 因此,张家界旅游市场价格显然偏低。

    Obviously the prices of the tourism market in Zhangjiajie are partial low .

  14. 我想问一下跟团去新加旅游的价格。

    I 'd like to know the price of the package tour to Singapore .

  15. 对旅游市场价格竞争的几点思考

    Some Ideas about Price Competitions in Tourist Markets

  16. 通过严格控制旅游交通价格,节省旅游交通花费的时间等来降低旅游交通的成本。

    The cost of such traffic demands going down by controlling the appropriate price severely and by saving the time on the trip .

  17. 针对旅游市场价格战愈演愈烈的情况,从博弈论角度对此进行合理的解释,并探讨了可能避免旅游市场恶性价格战的两条途径:一是旅游公司将企业目标从收入调整为利润;

    The price war in tourism market is more and more serious , this paper gives a reasonable explanation from the view of game theory .

  18. 由于旅游区价格具有一定的刚性和稳定性,采用直接观察法不易得出旅游需求函数。

    The price of tourist attraction is stability which is hard to work out the travel demand function with the adoption the direct observational method .

  19. 在结论与讨论中,指出张家界旅游市场价格的特点和旅游价格偏低给旅游市场所带来的消极影响。

    In the conclusion and discussion , I summarize that the features of the prices in the tourism market and some side effects brought by its partial low prices .

  20. 首先,由于缺少旅游产品价格相关数据的支持,没能实证研究旅游产品价格对上海市民旅游消费的相关影响。

    First , the lack of tourism-related data to support product prices flexibility , lack empirical study of tour prices for the Shanghai residents tourism consumption and related impacts .

  21. 新华社援引北京市统计局周二的话说,除了签证方面的新限制外,人民币升值以及不断上涨的旅游服务价格也是导致海外游客数量下降的因素。

    The Statistics Bureau said Tuesday that in addition to the new visa restrictions , a strengthening yuan and rising travel prices also contributed to the decline , the official Xinhua News Agency reported .

  22. 正确使用需求弹性原理获得合理的旅游产品价格,可使旅游企业和消费者的利益获得双赢。

    This article discusses how the reasonable tourist product price can be gained by the correct application of demand elasticity theory , and how to obtain the double-benefit of the tourist enterprises and consumers .

  23. 福斯特表示:英镑汇率高于其它许多货币,这使得前往英国旅游的价格高昂。同时,英国仍未加入欧元区,这尤其使欧洲人到英国旅游很是昂贵。

    The strength of the pound against many other currencies has made it expensive to travel to the UK and the fact that Britain has remained outside the euro has made it costly for Europeans in particular to visit , Mr Foster said .

  24. 本文分析了生态旅游商品价格构成,分析了现行旅游商品的价格理论导致生态旅游商品的理论价格和操作价格中的价值主体错位,以及对生态旅游可持续发展的影响。

    The paper analyzes price composition of eco-tourist commodities and its impact on sustainable development of eco-tourism , and the present pricing theory of tourist commodities , which leads to the asymmetry of value as the core in the theoretical and practical prices of eco-tourist commodities .

  25. 认为,收入、旅游产品价格、闲暇时间、旅游经历、群体支持、出行条件、旅游意愿和动机、旅游服务、旅游目的地因素等是影响城乡居民国内旅游消费的主要因素。

    It is concluded that income , price of tourism products , leisure time , travel experiences , community support , travel conditions , willingness and motivation of tourism , travel services , travel destination are the factors that affect domestic tourism consumption of urban and rural residents .

  26. 到旅游淡季,价格会降到315英镑。

    Prices drop to £ 315 in the low season .

  27. 然后利用SPSS软件进行多元回归分析,得出每个自变量对旅游住宅地产价格的影响效用。

    Regression analysis was performed using SPSS software to test the effects on TRRE prices caused by each independent variable .

  28. 竞争迫使旅游公司降低价格。

    Competition have force the tour company to lower its price .

  29. 旅游景区门票价格上涨问题及其管理对策研究

    Research on the Problem of Entrance Ticket Management and the Advice

  30. 旅游景区门票价格调整分析

    An Analysis the Adjustment on Price of Tourism Scenic Spots