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旗鼓 [qí gǔ]
  • [flag and drum]旗和鼓。古时军中用以发号施令

  • 故国之旗鼓。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowmentforInternationalPeace)召集了一群最聪明的学者,一起讨论中国的问题。这家美国智库正大张旗鼓地建立全球影响力。

    The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , a US think tank that has been spreading its wings to build a global presence , had assembled a group of its smartest scholars to talk about China .

  2. 除非出现意想不到的突破,否则这一消息标志着重建这座曾举办1851年万国工业博览会(GreatExhibition)的玻璃建筑的宏伟计划画上句号。一年半以前,伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)大张旗鼓地宣布了这一计划。

    Barring an unforeseen breakthrough , the news marks the end of the grandiose proposal - launched with great fanfare by London major Boris Johnson a year and half ago - to rebuild the glass structure that hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851 .

  3. 这两方面所耍的把戏可以旗鼓相等。

    These two parties could play equally at that game .

  4. 终于,在3月24号星期5,越狱敲响了旗鼓。

    Finally , on Friday , March 24 , the escape attempt began .

  5. 创新是大公司在大肆旗鼓的广告活动和白皮书中用到的惹人喜爱的词汇之一。

    Innovation is one of those sexy-squishy words that big companies throw around in splashy ad campaigns and white papers .

  6. 虽然它表面上并不大张旗鼓地宣传,但其学校德育切实体现于学校教育行为。

    He does not outwardly give wide publicity to the idea but his schools ' conduct of education inwardly reflects its moral education .

  7. 而另外一些人则谴责他缺乏思想和个性,而这些正是俱乐部需要大肆旗鼓宣传的。

    Others would accuse him of a lack of ideas and personality , which is exactly what the club needs to give it a boost .

  8. 从起初在暗地里进行,到后来愈加大张旗鼓,紧缩政策被逐渐放松,消费者需求得到刺激,于是,我们进入了下一轮繁荣。

    At first surreptitiously , and then more and more openly , the squeeze is eased , consumer demand stimulated and off we go on to the next boom .

  9. 我们在大兴旗鼓的发挥课本剧教学优势的同时,也要看到它可能会产生的问题。

    We vigorously promote the flag of the drum play of the advantages of Test play teaching at the same time , we should also recognize that it may be the problem .