
  • 网络uav;spy drone
  1. 新型实用微型电动无人侦察机的研制与技术发展

    Research on and Technical Development of New Practical Type Micro Electrical UAV

  2. 无人侦察机作战效能评估

    The Evaluation Model of UAV Battle Effect

  3. 基于ARM的无人侦察机信息处理系统设计

    Design of the UAV 's Information Processing Systems Based on ARM

  4. 无人侦察机的巡航问题,如果不考虑其它约束条件,实际上是一个TSP问题。

    The question of unmanned spy plane 's cruise is TSP problem , regardless of other constraints .

  5. 在扎克伯格的最新工作日程中,脸书会与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)合作,在新的“互联实验室”(ConnectivityLab)中对无人侦察机、卫星甚至激光束进行相关的研究。

    Facebook is working with NASA on a new " Connectivity Lab " on Zuckerberg 's latest mission which involves drones , satellites and even laser beams .

  6. 论述了基于DirectX的视景仿真技术,具体地分析了无人侦察机地面视景和空中视景的运动规律,建立了地面和空中视景的运动模型和网格模型;

    The scene simulation based on Microsoft DirectX is discussed and the movement and meshes of ground scene and on-the-fly scene are modeled .

  7. 视景图像仿真是无人侦察机模拟训练系统的重要组成部分。

    And scene simulation is the vital component of the system .

  8. 提供一次无人侦察机,定位僵尸。

    A scouting drone provides the scout permanent vision on the zombies location .

  9. 国外无人侦察机的现状及其发展

    Actual Status and Development of Unmanned Scout Abroad

  10. 渔船有效性的估算与预测无人侦察机作战效能评估模型

    Estimation and Prediction of Effectiveness of Fishing Vessels The Evaluation Model of UAV Combat Effectiveness

  11. 几个月后,美国无人侦察机发动了第一起对巴基斯坦的攻击事件。

    A few months later came the first attack on Pakistan by a US drone .

  12. 无人侦察机任务可靠性评估模型

    Task Reliability Evaluation Model of TUAV

  13. 无人机的调整:哨戒炮,无人侦察机和无人攻击机的生命值被降低。

    Automatic Drone adjustment : Health points for the Sentry Gun , Accipiter and Otus drones have been .

  14. 他也派遣无人侦察机去那些被美国军队称之为“Af-Park”的地区。

    He has also stepped up drone attacks on what the American army calls the " Af-Pak " region .

  15. 无人侦察机本周三在山东济南的一次演习中首次亮相。

    The unmanned scout made its debut at a drill on Wednesday in Jinan , capital of east China 's Shandong Province .

  16. 图像融合技术始于军事应用,无论在精确制导导弹、具有自主能力的机器人,还是在无人侦察机、无人攻击机中等要求具有智能的机器中,图像融合技术都是必不可缺的。

    Image fusion technology is generated from military area , such as missile guide , autonomous robot , unmanned scout flight and so on .

  17. 用于军事的无人侦察机,用于工业生产的工业机械手,还有受小朋友欢迎的机器狗都被人们所熟知。

    Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft for military , machinery hand for industrial product , machinery toy dog in addition and so on are familiar with people .

  18. 无人侦察机在高速运动中拍摄的图像会有拖尾效应,造成模糊。模糊图像会造成目标很难识别或无法提取,必须对其进行恢复。

    Image photographed by unmanned scout with high speed has blur phenomenon , blur image causes target is recognized difficultly , so it must be restored .

  19. 飞翼式高空长航时无人侦察机在具有高升阻比、低可探测性等优势的同时,具有装载特性好等诸多独特的技术优势,使其成为研究的焦点。

    So many countries focus on the development of HALE UAV . Flying-wing HALE UAV has high ratio of lift and drag and low level of detective .

  20. (很多爱好者使用的无人机技术来自中国,即便现在也不例外。)既然我可以打造出自己的无人侦察机,其他人也可以做到。

    ( Much of the hobbyist drone technology comes from China , even now . ) If I can have my own surveillance drone , anyone can .

  21. 美国国防部最新研制无人侦察机“百眼巨人1号”,但一些“无礼的”观察人士已经给它起了个外号,名为“飞行的精子”。

    It 's called Argus One ; the Pentagon 's newest unmanned spy plane . But cheeky observers are already calling it the " Flying Sperm . "

  22. 而嵌入式实时操作系统是无人侦察机信息处理及控制技术的基础,对无人侦察机系统的性能具有决定作用。

    While the embedded real time operation system is the base of the information disposal and control system on the unmanned scout and determines the scout 's performance .

  23. 研究结果避免了复杂推理过程,且计算方便,可用于无人侦察机发展论证及实际作战。

    The research 's result avoids complex reasoning process and mades computation very convenient , which can be applied to the UAV 's development demonstration and practical operation .

  24. 将支持向量机应用于高空无人侦察机的遥感图像目标识别,并且对特征值的提取进行深入研究。

    Using the support vector machine applied in the high altitude unmanned scout distinguishing image goal of remote sensing , and draw to carry out thorough research for feature value .

  25. 无人侦察机对目标的跟踪是通过调整陀螺稳定平台的高低角和方位角,从而使摄影设备的光轴对准目标来实现的。

    In target tracking system for UAV , by regulating the gyro-stabilized platform 's azimuth angle and pitching angle , the line-of-sight of pick-up equipment is stabilized and focused on the target .

  26. 论文介绍了无人机的发展概况和无人侦察机的图像系统,说明了无人机模拟训练系统总体的软、硬件结构和视景仿真技术;

    The development of UAV system , the image subsystem of reconnaissance UAV and the general scene simulation technology are reviewed and the hardware and software framework for the UAV simulating system are introduced .

  27. 奥运安保部门将在奥运期间派无人侦察机在奥运会比赛城市青岛上空进行巡逻,这是我国首次使用此类侦察机。

    China 's security forces are to use unmanned drones to patrol the skies over the Olympic sailing venue of Qingdao City , in the country 's first known use of the spy craft .

  28. 近程无人侦察机主要装备作战部队,用于执行战术侦察与战区监视任务,是现代化武器装备建设的重要组成部分。

    The short range unmanned reconnaissance aircraft primary equipment the combat unit , which is used to carry out the tactical reconnaissance and the war zone contact mission . It is an important constituent of modernization weaponry construction .

  29. 由于公众担心小型无人机广泛进入国内空域会引发侵犯隐私权问题,各州和当地政府购买的小型无人侦察机未来只会成为总销售中的一小部分。

    While legitimate privacy concerns surround the proliferation of small UAS in the civilian airspace , sales of small surveillance drones to state and local authorities are only expected to make up a small portion of that spending .

  30. 建立了无人侦察机作战效能评估模型,从而实现了无人侦察机作战效能的定量评估,其中效能指标综合计算中融合了层次分析法和模糊系统理论。

    The model of the operation efficiency of the UAV is established , including the method of hierachical analysis and fuzzy system theory in the synthetic computation of efficiency indexes , realizes the quantitative evaluation of the VAV 's operation efficiency .