- 网络unbiased estimation;Unbiased estimator;Unbiased estimate;BLUE

Unbiased Estimation of Instantaneous Frequency Using the Discrete WVD
This algorithm avoids the conflict between estimation accuracy and estimation range by removing the phase ambiguity in every stage , and utilizes the best linear unbiased estimation ( BLUE ) to further improve the estimation accuracy .
Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding Denoising method Based on SURE Estimation
Jackknifing Incomplete U-statistics W-K Statistics of Best Linear Unbiased Estimate
Regarding the variance component linear function minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimates , it is needed to solve the nonlinear simultaneous equation .
For example , moment estimation (?) , of c_v and autocovariance estimation (?) of b are asymptotically unbiased estimators ;
The Robustness of Bayes Linear Unbiased Estimations under Misspecified Prior Assumption
Bayes Quadratic Unbiased Estimates of Variance Components and Nonnegativity of Admissible Estimates
Best Linear Unbiased Estimator of Accelerated Life Test Under Weibull Distribution
Simultaneous Bayes Quadratic Unbiased Estimators for Expectation and Variance Components in Linear Models
Empirical Euclidean penalized likelihood based on an unbiased estimating function and an empirical estimator ;
A class of demodulation sequences of unbias estimation is given . The method is to intercept the information of synchronous CDMA communications .
The adaptive wavelet threshold denoising method based on SURE estimation is investigated and a novel set of threshold functions , which is a uniform expression of differentiable threshold functions , is presented .
Then based on SURE unbias estimation , LMS algorithm and the new threshold function , this paper proposes a speech enhancement method called adaptive wavelet coefficients subtraction .
A class of unbiased estimator of variogram is obtained in this paper .
The Linear Unbiasedness Property of Linear GMDH Parametric Model
In the alternate stepwise stress accelerated life test , Under type ⅱ censoring of data from Exponential distribution , we give the linear unbiased estimates ( BLUE ) of the coefficients in acceleration equation .
This paper studies the three methods of empirical Euclidean likelihood for two sample : empirical Euclidean likelihood based on two unbiased estimating functions ;
Unbiased Estimator Class of Variogram
These conclusions have not only the theoretic benefits but also the practical ones for the selection of positioning approaches . ( 3 ) Present an ellipse based best linear unbiased estimator ( BLUE ) localization algorithm .
MUSIC algorithm is the classical algorithm to Spectral analysis , and it has many virtues expect that Spatial Smoothing , which the algorithm needs to distinguish correlated signals , result in excess work .
The maximum likelihood estimate and uniformly minimal variance unbiased estimate ( UMVUE ) of MTTF were made on the one-unit system whose lifetime was assumed to be on GAMMA distribution .
This paper introduces Gauss-Newton method and uses it to calculate the parameters of Jensen model of crop water production function .
Presently , because the existing several unbiased Frequency Response Function estimators are difficult to realize , the most popular and widely-spread used Frequency Response Function estimators are H_1 , and H_2 , although both of them are biased ones .
In this paper , we made the empirical distribution function of the rounded data into the following form : Then Gn ( x ) has the point wise asymptotically unbiased character .
Problem about the existence of the unbiased estimator of regression parameters in the simple linear EV model is thoroughly solved . The non-existent of unbiased estimator under some common restrictions are proved .
Then in order to reduce misclassification rate , and improve the prediction accuracy . Analyze the whole process of removing noise by using Bagging ensemble to treat the unbiased estimate equally .
This paper proves that ρ ( intraclass relative coefficient ) is a asymptotically unbiased estimation of ρ, examines precision of Fisher 's approximate formulae and Puts forward the exact formulae for the sampling variance of ρ .
In the meantime , the unbiased estimate of MSE of any linear tranformation of LS estimate β is given , and the formula of determing Ridge parameter is derived by the method of minimized unbiased estimate of MSE .
The asymptotic normal and asymptotic unbiased estimation of location parameter and scale parameter is proposed by linear regression model , based on k p i-th quantiles of Logistic distribution simple sample . Then the asymptotic confidence estimation of the parameter is given for Logistic distribution .