
  • 网络amoha
  1. 相应的结生是无痴的,由此会具有三个根因:智(无痴)、善意(无嗔)、慷慨(无贪)。

    The rebirth is then associated with non-delusion and as such takes place with three root-conditions : wisdom , goodwill , and generosity .

  2. 有一点应该很清楚,那就是,人们在争斗之前内心一定是被无明痴惑给淹没了。

    It is probably clear that before people have a fight , there is Moha or delusion overwhelming their minds .

  3. 我昔所造诸恶业,皆由无始贪嗔痴,从身语意之所生,一切我今皆忏悔。

    And created by body , speech and mind , I now know shame and repent of them all .