
  1. 我无法克制自己的食欲,当人们不理解而叫我贪吃鬼的时候心里别提有多难受了。

    I can 't control my eating . It 's hard when people don 't understand and call you a glutton .

  2. 她对这副猴子样的神气有一种无法克制的厌恶

    There was an unconquerable repulsion for her in that monkish aspect .

  3. 我气愤极了,简直无法克制自己。

    I was so furious I just couldn 't contain myself .

  4. 范例:蒂托感到有一种无法克制的欲望,促使他到她的身边去。

    Tito felt an irresistible desire to go up to her .

  5. 他们继续不断地见面;他们无法克制自己。

    They met continually ; they could not help it .

  6. 我无法克制自己把小狗带回了家。

    I couldn 't resist bringing the small puppy home with me .

  7. 对他们的无礼他几乎无法克制他的怒火。

    He could barely contain his irritation at their rudeness .

  8. 他再也无法克制去见阿曼达的渴望。

    He could no longer resist the urge to go and see Amanda .

  9. 坐飞机返回到安克雷奇,我仍无法克制地想起那个行乞者。

    Flying back to Anchorage , I couldn 't help thinking of him .

  10. 他再也无法克制自己,终于开了口。

    He could not hold himself back any longer and opened his mouth .

  11. 我无法克制对你的情感。

    I can 't fight this feeling for you .

  12. 见此残暴情形,他无法克制自己的愤怒。

    At the sight of this cruelty , he could hardly contain his anger .

  13. 然后兴奋起来接着就无法克制了他不吐不快

    and then more excitedly and then he just couldn 't hold it back .

  14. 我只知道我无法克制自己不去关注你的一举手一投足。

    I just know I can 't help caring for every act of yours .

  15. 没错,我就是无法克制自己,我总是很饿。

    Yeah , I just can 't stop myself . I 'm always starving .

  16. 自制例句看到这种惨不忍睹的景象,他们简直无法克制他们的愤怒情绪。

    At the sight of this cruelty , they could hardly contain their anger .

  17. 我无法克制去想那些。

    I can 't stop thinking that way .

  18. 他无法克制自己不抽烟。

    Smoking is a compulsion with him .

  19. 因为基金管理人自身无法克制私利的追逐,政府监管必须加强。

    Because fund keepers cannot restrain themselves from chasing self-interests , governmental regulation must be strengthened .

  20. 看着动物园中猴子的滑稽动作,我们无法克制自己的好笑。

    We couldn 't hold ourselves in while watching the antics of the monkeys at the zoo .

  21. 玛丽再也无法克制压抑的怒火,狠狠掴了老板的耳光。

    Mary could no longer contain her pent-up anger , and slapped her boss hard across the face .

  22. 离你,先生。我无法克制自己,眼泪一下子涌了出来。

    ' From you , sir ! 'I could not stop myself , and burst into tears immediately .

  23. 但我却无法克制自己对他的思恋,尽管他正如你所说的折磨着我。

    But I can 't help my thinking about him , even if he tortured me as you said .

  24. 尽管在一般人眼里这事情无足轻重,她却无法克制她的快乐情绪。

    She could not repress her delight in doing this little thing which , to an ordinary observer , had no importance at all .

  25. 不管是出于纯粹的物欲还是为了调节情绪,人们早已了解到有些人的购物欲望是无法克制的。

    The itch to shop has long been known to overwhelm some people , either because of simple materialism or to compensate for emotional problems .

  26. 当我坐着看报纸看到那则头版头条新闻&“成功商人将遗产和永久设立的基金会遗赠给本地儿童”时,我就是无法克制住泪水。

    As I sat reading the headlines " Successful Businessman Leaves Legacy and Perpetual Foundation to Area Children ", I just couldn 't hold back the tears .

  27. 哦,天哪!我几乎无法克制自己,我想我的眼睛肯定水汪汪的,我不想让他看到我哭了。

    Oh my god , I couldn 't hold myself , I think my eyes became watery . I didn 't want him to see that I was crying .

  28. 然而,恒却再一次摇了摇头。可是,这时他的断断续续的抽泣已经无法克制,变成了一种持续的、无声的哭泣。他紧闭着双目,把小拳头塞进嘴里,以控制自己的抽泣。

    But now his occasional sobs gave way to a steady , silent crying , his eyes screwed tightly shut , his fist in his mouth to stifle his sobs .

  29. 有个时候他脸上的表情没有任何变化,可最后突然笑了,不过眼睛仍然盯住她不放,这时她无法克制自己的颤抖了。

    For a time his face did not change its expression but finally he laughed , still keeping his eyes on her , and at the sound she could not still her shaking .

  30. 所以我的眼睛也就在很厚的玻璃后面闭起来,我立即掉到无法克制的昏睡中,这昏睡,刚才也只是靠向前的走动才暂时制止了它。

    Accordingly , my eyes soon closed behind their heavy glass windows and I fell into an uncontrollable doze , which until then I had been able to fight off only through the movements of our walking .