
  • 网络direction finding;Radio Direction Finding;RDF
  1. 无线电测向和雷达已经加入了声纳,使海军部离纳尔逊的资源很近。

    Radio direction finding and radar had already joined sonar in taking the Admiralty a short way beyond the resources of Nelson .

  2. 在实际应用中,分辨能力、精确度、可扩展性和实时性日益成为评价无线电测向方法的主要指标。

    In the actual application , resolution response , precision , expansibility and real-time response have become the most important indexes to appraise the radio direction finding methods .

  3. X射线设备用定位器无线电测向仪交叉定位

    Localizer for X-ray apparatus fix by radio cross-bearing

  4. 无线电测向走进第二课堂的探究

    Research into Leading Wireless Rightly into the School 's Second Classroom

  5. 无线电测向定位算法的研究及其应用

    The Algorithm Research and Application in Wireless Direction Finding and Location

  6. 我正在校准无线电测向仪或校正指南针。

    I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses .

  7. 基于无线电测向的台站定位

    Station location based on radio Direction - f in d in g

  8. 你没有做无线电测向仪自差曲线表。

    You did not make a DF self-deviation curve table .

  9. 无线电测向仪交叉定位仪表配管、配线设计规定

    Fix by radio cross-bearing Regulation for design of tubing and wiring instrumentation

  10. 在横线上写出数字。自动数字无线电测向仪

    Write the number words on the lines . automatic digital radio direction finder

  11. 无线电测向仪计算机仿真软件开发初探

    Development of Computer Simulation Software of Radio Direction Finder

  12. 无线电测向的主要性能指标;

    The main performance index of radio-communication direction finding ;

  13. 对江苏省无线电测向运动现状的分析研究

    The Research on the Current Situation of Radio Direction Finding Sport in Jiangsu Province

  14. 干涉仪测向技术研究无线电测向系统的研制

    Research and Development of Radio Direction Finder System

  15. 新的无线电测向设备能以惊人速度捕捉弄传送信号。

    The new radio direction-finding device could latch onto a transmission with remarkable speed .

  16. 无线电测向仪交叉定位丝网,铁或钢制,无论交叉处是否焊接

    Fix by radio cross-bearing wire netting of iron or steel whether or not welded at intersections

  17. 本文首先分析了多普勒无线电测向技术的基本原理。

    The first section of this paper discusses the theory of the Doppler Radio Direction Finder technology .

  18. 无线电测向运动对大学生身、心影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Influence on University Students ' Physiology and Psychology after Practicing Radio Direction Finding Sport

  19. 无线电测向仪交叉定位

    Fix by radio cross-bearing

  20. 交流高压架空送电线对短波无线电测向电(站)和收信台(站)保护间距计算规程

    Specification for calculation of protecting distance for AC highvoltage overhead power transmission lines to shortwave radio direction finding stations and receiving stations

  21. 本文在对多普勒无线电测向技术深入研究的基础上设计实现了一套无线电自寻的系统。

    In this paper , a Radio Direction Finder system is designed on the basis of the principle of Doppler Diretion Finder technology .

  22. 本文就无线电测向比赛的裁判工作实际,浅谈该项应用软件的功能与其设计思想。

    The functions and designing ideas of the software were reported according to the Practice in the judgement of direction finding game with radiogoniometer .

  23. 空间谱估计方法作为阵列信号处理技术的一个新的发展方向,能够较好地满足无线电测向实用化的性能需求。

    Spatial spectral estimation method is a new development direction of array signal process technology which satisfies perfectly the applicative requirements of radio direction finding .

  24. 多普勒无线电测向技术即为利用多普勒效应测定无线电发射设备与接收设备之间夹角的一种技术。

    Doppler Radio Direction Finder is a technology that measures the angle between radio transmitter and the radio using Doppler effect ( Doppler principle ) .

  25. 比起其他无线电测向技术,用多普勒效应进行测向误差较小,灵敏度较高,可仰角测量,并且成本较低。

    The Doppler Radio Direction Finder technology has smaller error , higher sensitivity than other direction finder technology . And it can measure the elevation angle .

  26. 简单介绍瓦特森-瓦特无线电测向体制的基本原理,提出了一种简单实用的近距离地波信号的测量方法。

    This paper introduces the basic principles of Watson-Watt radio direction-finding system , and provides a practical and easy-to-use method to measure close ground wave sgnals .

  27. 本文着重论述战术无线电测向天线便携自动测向功能的实现。

    This paper lays emphasis on the realization of a portable tactical radio DirectionFinding ( DF ) antenna which is capable of providing the automatic DF function .

  28. 随着多普勒无线电测向技术的发展,其被广泛应用于各个领域,尤其在无线电侦察与无线电监测方面起到了至关重要的作用。

    With the development of Doppler Radio Direction Finder technology , it is utilized in many aspects . It is especially important for radio recon and radio detector .

  29. 无线电测向运动作为融健身性、知识性、趣味性和国防教育性于一体,智力与体力并重的一项户外体育运动。

    As a kind of outdoor sport , radio direction finding combines workout , knowledge , interest and national defense education together and lay equal stress on both intelligence and physical strength .

  30. 随着科技的发展,诞生于上世纪初的无线电测向技术,已经形成了系统的理论并广泛应用于军事和民用领域。

    With the development of technology , Radio Direction Finding which was born in the beginning of the last century has constituted a systematic theory , and is widely used in military and civilian .