
wú xiàn wǎng luò
  • wireless networks;WIFI;WLAN;Wireless
  1. 移动设备可以通过无线网络访问Web服务的方式参与事务处理。

    Mobile devices can access Web services via wireless networks and participate in the transaction .

  2. 全IP无线网络下软切换的研究

    A Research on Soft Handoff in All-IP Wireless Networks

  3. 当我们所购买的几乎每一个新设备都在其底端有插头或者无线网络连接时,物联网的新应用正在快速发展就不足为奇了。

    It 's no wonder shat new applications for the Internet of Things are moving ahead fast when almost every new device we buy has a plug on the end of it or a wireless connection to the internet .

  4. 通过掌中设备和无线网络来提升电视节目观看体验的人就叫mediamesher。

    Media meshers are people who use wireless connections and the handheld devices at their disposal to enhance their viewing experience .

  5. “速递按钮”是免费的,可以直接连接无线网络,只有一包口香糖的大小。

    The device is free , connects directly to Wi-Fi and is about the size of a pack of gum .

  6. 此外,火车上无线网络服务和手机的广泛普及也延长了人们的日常工作时间。这项研究对五千名每天乘火车去伦敦上班的通勤者进行了调查,随之提出了一个问题:工作日究竟从何时开始?

    The study of 5000 commuters travelling by train into London each day raises the question of when the working day really begins .

  7. 无线网络中移动IP切换方法的探讨

    The discussion of handoff methods of mobile IP in wireless network

  8. 根据同样的原理,还可以实现无线网络的IP服务等。

    According to the same theory , IP service for wireless network can be realized .

  9. 应用层多播协议NICE及其在移动无线网络中的应用

    Application-layer multicast protocol NICE for mobile wireless network

  10. 无线网络中实时流媒体传输的QoS解决方案

    QoS solution of real time streaming in wireless networks

  11. 当今移动信息设备和无线网络技术的飞速发展促进了移动GIS服务的广泛应用。

    Rapid development of mobile information devices and wireless network technology promote extensive use of mobile GIS services .

  12. 无线网络与无线USB技术展望

    Wireless networks and wireless USB technology foresight

  13. 3G无线网络无缝覆盖解决方案分析

    Analysis of Seamless Coverage for 3G Wireless Network

  14. 利用单小区测试数据规划实际WCDMA无线网络

    Using Single Cell Field Trial Data Planning Practical WCDMA Radio Network

  15. WCDMA无线网络规划中的扰码规划问题

    Issues on Scrambling Code Planning in WCDMA Wireless Network Planning

  16. AES加密算法在无线网络安全中的应用

    The application of AES encryption algorithm in WLAN security

  17. 基于GPRS无线网络构建二次加压泵站的SCADA系统

    Construction of SCADA System Based on GPRS Wireless Network in Secondary Pressurization Pump Station

  18. CDMA无线网络产品研发、生产、销售、是公司的发展方向。

    CDMA wireless network product development , production , sale , are the company 's development direction .

  19. GPRS业务模型和无线网络的研究

    GPRS Service Model and Wireless Network

  20. AES在无线网络化传感器安全性中的应用研究

    Application Of AES In Wireless Sensor Network Security

  21. 某市区TD-SCDMA无线网络规划设计方案

    Some Urban District TD-SCDMA Wireless Network Planning Design Proposal

  22. 3G无线网络仿真

    3G Wireless Network Simulation

  23. 3G无线网络性能评价KPI体系研究

    Research on 3G Wireless Network Performance KPI System

  24. 文章结尾给出了某城市3G无线网络仿真结果,供大家参考。

    3G wireless network simulation result of one city is given at the end of this paper for reference .

  25. WCDMA系统无线网络优化的研究

    WCDMA System Radio Network Optimization Research

  26. 仿真了用于构建人体中心无线网络的蓝牙通信系统平面倒F天线。

    The planar inverted-F antenna ( PIFA ) for wireless body-centric network has been simulated by the Finite Difference Time Domain ( FDTD ) method .

  27. 目前,GPRS、CDMA等无线网络发展非常迅猛,我国手机用户已达4.2亿,据预测到2008年9月将达到6.5亿。

    At present , the GPRS and CDMA wireless networks rapid development , China 's mobile phone users reached 420 million .

  28. 本文介绍了在获得某个地区校正后的传播模型后,如何进行该地区3G无线网络仿真的方法、步骤及相关注意事项。

    The paper mainly introduces the way and experience of 3G wireless network simulation based on corrected propagation model in one area .

  29. 爱立信WCDMA无线网络建设解决方案

    Ericsson WCDMA Radio Solution

  30. TD-SCDMA无线网络解决方案

    TD-SCDMA Wireless Network Solution