
  • 网络Premature contact
  1. 有早接触点时进行调磨,以建立较大的牙合型宽容度。

    The premature contact spots are grinded to establish the bigger occlusal latitude .

  2. 早接触与肌电图分析

    Electromyography analysis of premature contact

  3. 发端:最早接触迈克尔?戴尔,表示有意收购的集团是东南资产管理公司(SoutheasternAssetManagement),但它最大的外部股东表示反对这一提案。

    Inception : The first group to approach Michael Dell about a possible buyout was Southeastern Asset Management , the company 's largest outside shareholder which has said it plans to vote against the current proposal .

  4. 家庭是一个人一生中最早接触和学习知识的地方。

    Family is the earliest place where we touch and study knowledge .

  5. 去除乳牙早接触可预防后牙反;

    Removal of premature contacts of the primary teeth can prevent posterior crossbite ;

  6. 日本与欧洲的最早接触开始于16世纪。

    Japan was first brought into contact with Europe in the sixteenth century ;

  7. 母婴皮肤早接触和早吸吮对产后失血量的影响

    Effect of skin contact and early suck in mother and baby on postpartum hemorrhage

  8. 人工牙早接触部位对开闭口运动轨迹的影响

    The effect of the position of artificial premature on mandible moving track during opening movement

  9. 目的研究在实验性早接触状态下咀嚼肌肌电活动的变化,为临床预防、诊断、治疗因早接触引起的肌功能紊乱、颞下颌关节疾患提供参考。

    Objective To investigate the electromyography ( EMG ) alterations of masticatory muscles with experimental premature contact .

  10. 从古至今,儿歌就是幼儿最早接触的文学作品。

    From ancient times to the present , nursery rhymes have been the literature works that children contact earliest .

  11. 洪水和人类生产、生活息息相关,是人类最早接触的自然现象之一。

    Flood is one of the earliest natural phenomena human faced ; it closely related to our production and life .

  12. 医学生物学作为高等医学院校的一门基础课,是医学生最早接触与医学有关的课程之一。

    Medical biology is one of basic and early field that connect with other preclinical medical courses for medical undergraduate students .

  13. 假如不上大学,早点步入社会也有早接触社会的好处。

    If do not attend a college , breakfast enters a society to also have the profit of early contact society .

  14. 结论早接触可导致咀嚼肌功能减小,两侧肌张力不平衡,破坏咀嚼肌群的协调性;

    Conclusion Premature contact leads to reduction of masticatory muscles activity , imbalance of muscle tension and breaking of the coordination of masticatory muscles .

  15. 事实上,在我国民族方言是大多数英语学习者最早接触的语言形式。

    Actually , it is the particular dialects of varied ethnic groups that Chinese learners were first exposed to when they began their foreign language learning .

  16. 家庭是婴儿在人类社会里的最早接触,并且提供了照顾、爱以及供婴儿成长的需要。

    Family provides the earliest human contact for an infant and has the responsibility of giving all the attention , love , and support a child needs .

  17. 目的:观察早接触部位对下颌开闭口运动中下颌切点运动轨迹的影响,并探讨其意义。

    PURPOSE : The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of the position of premature on track of mandibular incisal point during opening movement .

  18. 像他一样的部分学生认为他们迟早要踏入社会,早接触社会,早学到工作经验。

    Students like Fan accepted that they have to step into society sooner or later , the earlier they touch society , the earlier they gain professional experience .

  19. 我认为很重要的一点是要让孩子们早接触英语,如果他们从小就能接受很好的英语教育,那么中国学生的英语水平会有很大的不同。

    Dr. Engstler : I think one very important thing is to start early . So if children have good English courses , we will see some original differences .

  20. 临床医学教育提倡早接触临床、多接触病人,提高讲习比例。

    It is advocated on clinical medical education to let students contact clinical diagnosis and treatment earlier , visiting more patients and promoting the ratio of visitation and course .

  21. 两组产妇均实施母婴皮肤早接触、母乳喂养宣教、喂养技术指导等常规产后护理;

    The women in the two groups were given opportunity to have early mother-baby skin contact , the education of breast-feeding , the guidance of feeding technique and so on .

  22. 我们只有早接触临床、多接触临床、理论与实践教学交叉进行,才能缩短理论与实践的差距,与国外的实践教学模式接轨。

    Early contact with clinical practice , do much practice , combine practice and theory closely , and we could shorten the gap , joint the practical teaching mode abroad .

  23. 碳,可以说是人类最早接触到并加以利用的元素之一,在人类发展的历史中扮演着重要的角色。

    Carbon , can be said to be one of the elements that people first contacted and used , which plays an important role in the history of human development .

  24. 酒店企业属于开放型企业,最早接触国际先进管理技术,并大量吸收国外酒店管理公司的先进管理经验。

    Hotel enterprises are of opening style , which contact the international advanced administrative skill earlier , and have absorbed a large number of advanced experiences of management of foreign hotels .

  25. 高校是思想的家园,大学生是社会各种思潮的最早接触者,是思想最活跃的社会阶层之一。

    Institutions of higher learning are the home of different trends of thoughts , with which the college students , one of the most active social strata , often make the earliest contact .

  26. 北京朝阳医院是北京最早接触严重急性呼吸综合征病人、发热门诊接诊数量最多、患者病情最严重的医院之一。

    Beijing Chaoyang Hospital was one of few hospitals to accept SARS patients firstly and patients ' condition was more serious and most of fever patients were given therapy in the fever outpatient department .

  27. 从他最早接触数理逻辑的时候起,直到现在,他一直把数学当成一种符号游戏,就像国际象棋一样,是由规则来控制的。他从来没有想过那些棋子有什么“意义”,

    Ever since he first thought about mathematical logic , he was aware of mathematics as a game played with marks on paper , to be manipulated by chess-like rules , regardless of their ' meaning ' .

  28. 日本从最早接触英语开始到现在已有400多年的历史,但随着日本社会政治环境的变化,日本英语教育也在国民对于英语和英语国家文化的接纳和排斥声中起起落落。

    There is a long history in Japan since the first contact with English-speaking people in 1600 . English education in Japan has always been brought into ups and downs with the altering of politics and some other factors .

  29. 亲子关系是个体最早接触且最持久的关系,它是以血缘或共同生活为基础的父母与子女间的互动过程红形成的人际关系。

    Parent-child relationship is the individual contact with the earliest and most enduring relationship ; it is the relationships formed by the interaction between parents and children related by blood or common life based on the process of red .

  30. 儿歌是学龄前幼儿最早接触的文学语言范例,因其简洁明快、语言生动、节奏鲜明、韵律优美、富有情趣,成为学龄前幼儿最喜欢的文学样式。

    Nursery rhymes , the first literary language models with which pre-school children come into contact , have become the most favorite literature style of children because of their concise language , vivid rhymes , bright rhythm and exquisite significance .