
  1. 试论明代瓷器与家具在线型上的共通性

    Similarity of lines between Ming porcelain and Ming furniture

  2. 一路上,当地居民吹着椰子壳做成的号角,跳着民族舞蹈,以庄严而喜庆的仪式欢迎他。直到今天,索马里和坦桑尼亚仍然把当地出土的明代瓷器视为和中国传统友谊的象征。

    On the way they were greeted by local inhabitants who blew trumpets made of coconut shells and performed national dances at a solemn and joyous ceremony.Even today , people in Somalia and Tanzania look upon MingChina unearthed today as a symbol of the traditional friendship between their own country and China .

  3. 这些研究工作,包括对近年在大屿山竹篙湾出土的大量明代青花瓷器进行分析。

    These include an analysis of considerable quantities of Ming blue and white porcelain collected and excavated from Penny 's Bay , Lantau .

  4. 对于明代青花瓷器纹饰的分类主要按照纹饰类型来分,对于神兽、花卉、人物、动物、山水云纹、宗教纹饰以及辅助纹饰都有涉及。

    For the classification of the Ming Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain decoration divided mainly according to type , for the animal , flowers , character , animal , landscape , cloud , religious ornamentation and auxiliary ornamentation are involved .

  5. 器用总是与其所处年代的现实生活息息相关,明代景德镇瓷器作为明代社会最为重要的器物,与明王朝命运密切关联。

    As you know , wares are always closely linked with the realities of the age . The chinaware of Jingde town , being the most important ceramic in the Ming dynasty , it had a close connection with the fate of Ming dynasty .

  6. 明代的瓷器不仅图案精美,还增加了自然景色、画像、花鸟等绘画,而清代的瓷器图案很多都是当代艺术大师的作品或对他们的临摹。

    and various social influ-ences of the time . Apart from exquisite patterns , Ming porcelain decoration fea-tured landscapes , portraits , and flower-and-bird and other paintings , while most of the Qing paintings on porcelain were works of famous contemporary artists or imitations of their works .

  7. 青花瓷是重要的中国传统装饰艺术种类之一,而明代是青花瓷器发展史上的一段鼎盛时期,这个时期青花瓷的数量和质量都很可观。

    Blue and white porcelain is one of the important types of Chinese traditional decoration art . The Ming Dynasty is the history of the development of Blue and white porcelain of a period of peak .

  8. 其中两口中有明代文物,包括瓷器碎片。

    Two had Ming artifacts , including shards of porcelain .