
zuò zhàn fānɡ zhēn
  • concept of operations;operational policy;operational principles
  1. 其次,它对战争进程往往具有决定性影响,成为各割据政权在规划作战方针时的制约因素之一;

    Secondly , they became one of the restriction factors of regime in planning concept of operations to the often decisive influence of the war process ;

  2. 直言不讳地说,比弗布鲁克勋爵将皇家空军的作战方针搞得一团糟。

    Lord Beaverbrook , to put it bluntly , played hell with the war policy of the R.A.F

  3. 反对单纯防御的消极的作战方针,采取独立自主的积极的作战方针。

    Oppose a passive , purely defensive strategy and adopt an active , independent strategy .

  4. (七五)述这样的战役和战斗的作战方针,一句话说完,就是:外线的速决的进攻战。

    In a word , the above operational principle for fighting campaigns and battles is one of " quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines " .

  5. 我军执行外线作战方针,又可缩小其人力资源和物质资源。

    Moreover , by carrying out the policy of fighting on exterior lines our army will be able to reduce the enemy 's manpower and material resources .

  6. 这些,就是抗日战争战场作战的基本方针。

    These are the basic principles of field operations for the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  7. (八六)日战争战场作战的基本方针,是外线的速决的进攻战。

    The basic principle of field operations for the War of Resistance Against Japan is quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines .

  8. 从这一点出发,规定我们长期作战的战略方针,是战略指导的重要方针之一。

    To proceed from this point in formulating our strategy of long-term warfare is one of the important principles guiding our strategy .

  9. (八六)抗日战争战场作战的基本方针,是外线的速决的进攻战。不解决这些条件,而求战役或战斗的速决,是不可能的。

    86 . The basic principle of field operations for the War of Resistance Against Japan is quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines . Unless these requirements are satisfied , it is impossible to achieve quick decision in a campaign or battle .

  10. 在彼得堡尚未获悉莫斯科已失守的消息之前,就拟定好一个详细的全面作战计划并送交库图佐夫作为作战方针。

    Before the news of the abandonment of Moscow had reached Petersburg a detailed plan of the whole campaign had been drawn up and sent to Kutuzov for his guidance .