
yì jīng
  • The Book of Changes
易经 [yì jīng]
  • [the Book of Changes ] 中国儒家经典之一,分《经》、《传》两部分,《经》据传为周文王所作,由卦、爻两种符号重叠演成64卦、384爻,依据卦象推测吉凶。今本《易经》通过释经表达哲学观点,包含世界观、伦理学说和丰富的朴素辩证法,从而在中国哲学史上占有重要地位

易经[yì jīng]
  1. 《易经》最初的目的是保护人们的经济利益而避险的书,《易经》六十四卦,每一卦都以经济利益为核心,因此这让人感到十分费解。

    The Book of Changes was originally intended to protect the economic interests and avoid risks . There are sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes , the core of each hexagram is economic interests .

  2. 《易经》对经济周期思想的揭示,虽然在当时没有清楚的指向经济,但人们对经济周期性的认识,用到经济发展上,便使古代农业生产产生革命。

    The Book of Changes reveals the thinking of the economic cycle . Although there was no clear Directional economy , the understanding of economic periodicity is used on economy development , and then there came the revolution of ancient agricultural production .

  3. HSV-2易经性接触传播,可形成亚临床感染、潜伏感染、复发感染,目前尚无特效药物控制其发生和复发。

    HSV-2 can be transmitted easily through sex . It can form subclinical , latent and recurrent infection .

  4. 结果(1)白芨胶为一种均质的胶状物,有一定粘滞性,相对粘度2324.6mm2/s,不透X线,易经4F导管注射;

    Results The bletilla colloid was a homogenous viscous colloid whose relative viscosity was 2324.6 mm 2 / s.

  5. 《易经》军事思想管窥

    A Restricted View about Military Thinking of The Book of Changes

  6. 《易经》卦爻辞的诗歌特征

    Poetic Features Found in the Divinatory Phraseology of Book of Changes

  7. 《易经》中的哲学与儒家的改造

    The Philosophy in The Book of Changes and the Remoulding of Confucianism

  8. 《易经》的文学性及其在译文中的重构

    The literary art of Yi Jing and its reconstruction in English translation

  9. 运用《易经》提高现代管理水平

    Raising Modern Administrative Level in the light of The Book of Changes

  10. 《易经》符号与祖国数学

    The Signs of Yi-Jing and the Mathematics in Ancient China

  11. 这些字符是出自易经吗?

    These characters , are these from the I ching ?

  12. 和弦连接的易经数理周期率

    The Cycle Ratio of Logistic in Book of Changes To Chord Sequence

  13. 易经的忧患意识与民族精神

    The Sense of Anxiety and the National Spirit in The Book of Changes

  14. 这种易经的排列图组合是道家的一种符号。

    This arrangement of I Ching imagery is a common symbol in Taoism .

  15. 数字易卦与易经

    Digit For Changeable Divination & The Book Of Changes

  16. 中医基本理论包括阴阳、五行和易经是可以来解译基因组的。

    Yin and Yang , Wu-Xing , and Yijing can decipher the genome .

  17. 非线性科学视野中的易经&两种探索世界生成演化体系的对话

    Book of Changes in Field of Nonlinear Science Vision

  18. 论《易经》对当代作曲家音乐创作的影响

    Effects of I Ching on Contemporary Music Writing

  19. 《易经》与儒家思想之渊源

    Yi jing and the sources of Confucian thoughts

  20. 传统上认为,易经出自河图和洛书。

    Traditionally , the I Ching originated from the River Maps and Luo Book .

  21. 《易经》的文化沉积与写作年代

    Cultural Sediments of I-Ching and Its Writing Era

  22. 神话思维出现于原始社会,但在《易经》问世的商周之际,这种思维依然流行,并对《易经》产生较大的影响。

    Mythological thinking appeared in primeval society .

  23. 《易经》是中国最早记载旅行活动的文献之一。

    The Book of Changes is one of the earliest classics that recorded tourist activities .

  24. 然而近代却很少有建筑学者从易经中发现更多的建筑理论。

    However Modern very few architectural scholars found more architectural theory from the I Ching .

  25. 《易经》卦爻符号是一种象征符号。

    According to the usage , the symbols of yaogua are symbolic tokens of YiJing .

  26. 该章以《易经》第一卦为例从跨文化视角比较和赏析《易经》的五个具有代表性的英文版本。

    It compares and appreciates five English translations of Yi Jing from a cross-cultural perspective .

  27. 易经与数学

    The Book of Changes and Mathematics

  28. 因此,《易经》占断之辞蕴藏着深长的人生智慧。

    Therefore , the deducing dictions of The Book of Changes contain the profound life wisdom .

  29. 文字学模式还是符号学模式&对《易经》卦画的一种解释

    Linguistic Mode or Semiotic One & An Interpretation of Divinatory Symbols of The Book of Changes

  30. 在合肥地区从豇豆带毒的实生苗中分离到一病毒分离物,易经汁液摩擦接种,在豇豆上大多数为系统感染。

    A virus was isolated from cowpea seedlings characterized by the symptoms of mosaic in Hefei .