
  • 网络Microsurgical technique;microsurgery technique
  1. 方法:应用显微外科技术行心胸腺联合移植,通过移植心存活时间、病理学检查、CD4+,CD8+T细胞的浸润及检测血中和移植心中IL-2和IL-4水平,观察移植胸腺的作用。

    Methods Vascularized heart-thymus combined transplantation was performed with microsurgical technique . Graft survival , histopathology , infiltration of CD4 + , CD8 + T cells , level and mRNA expressions of IL-2 and IL-4 in the serum and cardiac grafts were investigated .

  2. 取13日龄(PN13)实验组大鼠,运用显微外科技术建立幼鼠前爪感觉和精细动作剥夺模型。

    Rats of postnatal day13 ( PN13 ) in experiment group were selected , and models of forepaw sensorimotor deprivation were established by microsurgical technique .

  3. 认为CT、脑血管造影及显微外科技术的应用有助于提高本病的诊疗水平。

    It is believed that application of CT and angiography and microsurgical technique is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of sphenoidal ridge meningioma .

  4. 方法采用CT或MRI扫描检查和显微外科技术,作者对316例大型听神经瘤行系列手术切除。

    Methods Using the CT or MRI scanning and microsurgical techniques , the authors conducted a series of surgeries for 316 cases of patients with LANs .

  5. 结论椎管内肿瘤以良性居多,手术效果好,MRI检查和显微外科技术的应用是提高治疗效果的关键。

    Conclusion Most of the intraspinal tumors are benign , and the surgical outcome is satisfied . The keys of therapeutic efficacy were MRI and microsurgical techniques application .

  6. 方法运用显微外科技术建立青春期雄性SD大鼠单侧盆神经切断、腹下神经切断、盆神经+腹下神经切断模型,以假手术组为对照。

    Methods Male SD rats were used to establish unilateral pelvic nerve , hypogastric nerve , pelvic nerve and hypogastric nerve transection models with the help of surgical microscope .

  7. 微囊肿性附件癌:4例患者用Mohs显微外科技术治疗

    Microcystic adnexal carcinoma : Report of four cases treated with Mohs'micrographic surgical technique

  8. 方法使用LeFortⅠ经上颌入路和显微外科技术切除斜坡、鼻咽部和筛蝶窦广泛生长的8例巨大颅底肿瘤。

    Methods Eight patients with huge extensive central tumors such as clival region , nasopharynx , ethmoidal sinus and sphenoidal sinus were treated by the Le Fort ⅰ transmaxillary approach and microsurgery technique .

  9. 目的探讨采用显微外科技术行胆道重建以降低活体肝移植(LDLT)术后胆道并发症发病率的可行性。

    Objective To explore the feasibility of introduction of microvascular surgery into biliary reconstruction in living donor liver transplantation ( LDLT ) so as to reduce the incidence of postoperative biliary complications .

  10. 显微外科技术在整形美容手术中的应用进展

    Advances in Microsurgery Techonology in the Cosmetology and Plastic Surgical Operation

  11. 结果应用显微外科技术可以建立大鼠异位心脏移植模型。

    Results Heterotopic heart transplantation could be developed by microsurgery scuccessfully .

  12. 颅内前循环动脉瘤夹闭术的显微外科技术

    Study on microsurgical techniques of clipping of intracranial anterior circular aneurysms

  13. 胫骨大范围裸露的显微外科技术修复

    Microsurgical repair of the defect with large area of bare tibia

  14. 显微外科技术在肝移植动脉重建中的应用

    Application of microsurgical technique to hepatic artery reconstruction in liver transplantation

  15. 采用显微外科技术切除大型听神经瘤的初步经验

    Preliminary Experience in Removing Acoustic Tumors of Large Type with Microsurgical Technique

  16. 方法采用显微外科技术进行输卵管吻合术。

    Methods Use microscope surgical technology to carry out the oviduct anastomosis .

  17. 显微外科技术在截肢术和保肢术中应用

    Microsurgical technique in the amputation and limb - sparing surgery

  18. 显微外科技术及带蒂包皮岛状皮瓣法在尿道下裂治疗中的应用

    One-stage urethroplasty for hypospadias with microsurgical technique and parameatal foreskin island flap

  19. 显微外科技术输卵管复通效果及其相关影响因素分析

    An analysis of the effect of microsurgical salpingostomy and its relevant factors

  20. 显微外科技术修复Ⅱ区指屈肌腱断裂

    Applying of microsurgical technique to repair flexor tendon rupture in zone ⅱ

  21. 应用显微外科技术修复骨肿瘤骨缺损

    Repairation of the microsurgery for bone defects of bone tumor

  22. 显微外科技术治疗骨间后神经卡压综合征17例

    17 cases of posterior interosseous nerve compression syndromes treated by microsurgical technique

  23. 应用显微外科技术修复儿童手指屈指肌腱损伤

    Repair of flexor tendon injury in children 's finger using microsurgical technique

  24. 显微外科技术在面颌部血管瘤的应用

    Application of microsurgical techniques in hemangioma of the maxillofacial region

  25. 显微外科技术修复肌腱的实验研究(四)切除纤维鞘管及腱纽对肌腱愈合的影响

    Effect of excision of fibrous sheath and tendon vinculum on tendon healing

  26. 显微外科技术在保留输卵管妊娠生育功能中的应用

    Application of microsurgical technique in keeping childbearing function of uterine tube pregnancy

  27. 应用显微外科技术治疗周围神经损伤92例

    Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Iniury 92 Cases by Microsurgery

  28. 显微外科技术在腹主动脉瘤动物模型制作中的应用

    Application of microsurgery technique in establishment of animal model of abdominal aortic aneurysm

  29. 目的:为探讨显微外科技术治疗周围神经嵌压症的疗效。

    Conclusion Microsurgical technique was an effective method to treat peripheral entrapment neuropathy .

  30. 显微外科技术在肘管综合征的临床应用

    Clinical application of treating cubital tunnel syndrome with microsurgery