
  • 网络pulitzer;The Pulitzer Prize
  1. “不,”我自豪地告诉她,“我是《爱丽丝·亚当斯》的作者,两次获得普利策奖。”

    No , I told her proudly , " I 'm the author of Alice Adams , the winner of two Pulitzer Prizes . "

  2. propublica的作品曾二度获得普利策奖,分别是金融危机调查和卡特里娜飓风灾后的医疗保健条例(与《纽约时报》杂志共同撰写)。

    Propublica has already won two Pulitzer Prizes for its work , including investigations into the financial crisis and the provision of health care in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ( with the New York Times Magazine ) .

  3. 1995年普利策奖获得者安藤忠雄说,通过这样的平衡,他创造了一种新型的中国风建筑。

    Through such a balance , he had created a new type of Chinese architecture , said Tadao Ando , the winner of the 1995 Pritzker Prize .

  4. 她的第一本书《非自然选择》(UnnaturalSelection)是2012年普利策奖(PulitzerPrize)入围作品。

    Her first book , ' Unnatural Selection , ' was a 2012 Pulitzer Prize finalist .

  5. 艾丽斯·沃克是二十世纪美国文坛最有影响的作家之一。她的《紫色》(TheColorPurple)荣获了代表美国文学最高荣誉的普利策奖和美国国家图书奖,成为美国文学中的经典。

    The Color Purple , which has won Walker the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award , is an important work in Afro - American Literature and American Literature .

  6. 在其整个投资生涯中,他曾经买入媒体公司的股份,并曾帮助《奥马哈太阳报》(OmahaSun)在1973年赢得了普利策奖(因为揭开了当地的一个慈善组织的黑幕)。

    He has owned stakes in media companies throughout his investing career and helped the Omaha Sun win a Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for its expos on a local charity .

  7. 据因一系列揭露内幕交易的报道而获得1988年普利策奖(Pulitzer)的詹姆斯o斯图尔特报道称,史蒂夫o乔布斯本应该死在狱中。

    According to James Stewart , who won a Pulitzer in 1988 for a series about insider trading , Steve Jobs ought to have died in jail .

  8. 普利策奖获得者,心理学家ErnestBecker写过,拒绝死亡是万恶的基础,我们必须抛弃这种拒绝,充实地生活。

    Pulitzer Prize – winning psychologist Ernest Becker wrote that the denial of death underlies all evils , and that we must drop this denial to live fully .

  9. AOL已经雇用了500名全职记者,其中包括9位普利策奖得主,还计划再招数百人。这些人中的大部分服务于一家超本地化的通讯社。

    The company has hired 500 full-time journalists – including nine Pulitzer prize winners – and plans to hire hundreds more , mostly for a hyper-local news service .

  10. 但伊根并未放弃写作,而且有了进步。2011年她的一篇描绘在数字时代老去的小说《打手队的来访》(AVisitFromtheGoonSquad)赢得了普利策奖(PulitzerPrice,美国新闻界最高荣誉)。

    But Egan kept writing , and her writing got better - in 2011 , she won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel about growing old in the digital age , A Visit From the Goon Squad .

  11. 诺曼·梅勒(NormanMailer,1923-2007)是美国著名作家,驰骋美国文坛六十年,取得了非凡的成就,其非虚构小说两度获得普利策奖。

    Norman Mailer ( 1923-2007 ) is a famous American writer , galloping American literary sixty years , has made remarkable achievement , and his nonfiction novels won the Pulitzer prize twice .

  12. 据两度获得波卡奖(Polk)、因报道药品临床试验获2000年普利策奖提名的库尔特o艾肯沃德报道称,三星本应在多年前就被勒令关门歇业。

    According to Kurt Eichenwald , two-time Polk winner and 2000 Pulitzer finalist for an investigation of medical clinical trials , Samsung should have been shut down years ago .

  13. 《杀死一只知更鸟》1960年出版,很快获得成功,第二年获得普利策奖(PulitzerPrize),哈珀·李因此成为文学名人,这个角色让她觉得很沉重,从未学会接受。

    The instant success of " To Kill a Mockingbird , " which was published in 1960 and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction the next year , turned Lee into a literary celebrity , a role she found oppressive and never learned to accept .

  14. 没有任何一本Geisel的书令他获得过普利策奖,他也没赢得过任何顶尖的儿童文学奖项。

    None of Geisel 's books individually won him a Pulitzer Prize . And he didn 't receive any top children 's literary awards either .

  15. 根据普利策奖得主威廉肯尼迪的小说,电影的赫克托Babenco,斯特里普主演的海伦阿彻,酒精同伴(杰克尼科尔森饰演的)与棒球选手。

    Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by William Kennedy , the Hector Babenco film starred Streep as Helen Archer , an alcoholic companion to a washed up baseball player , played by Jack Nicholson .

  16. 2014年7月,马航MH17客机在乌克兰东部坠毁。近日,《纽约客》的一位记者,曾获普利策奖获的C.J.奇弗斯指出,该事件中多处涉及到数字17和7。

    Recently , a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist , C.J. Chivers , pointed out the numerous 17s and 7s involved with the tragic Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 that crashed in eastern Ukraine in July 2014 .

  17. 普利策奖获得者、小说家奥斯卡·希胡罗斯去世。

    Pulitzer Prize winning , novelist Oscar Hijuelos has died .

  18. 她的代表作《纯真年代》使她获得了普利策奖的殊荣。

    On the Representation Artistry in the Age of Innocence ;

  19. 哦,维-维维安,我们可以赢得普利策奖。

    Oh , viv-vivian , we can win a pulitzer .

  20. 《金翅雀》改编自唐娜·塔特获得普利策奖的畅销书。

    The Goldfinch is adapted from Donna Tartt 's Pulitzer prize-winning bestseller .

  21. 《玩具钢琴的挽歌》(2005)获普利策奖;

    Elegy on Toy Piano ( 2005 ), finalist for the Pulitzer Prize ;

  22. 它于1997年完成并获得了1998年的普利策奖。

    It was finished in 1997 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1998 .

  23. 正是这部作品使剧作家捧回了他人生四个普利策奖中的第一个。

    And this play won the first of four Pulitzer Prizes for O'Neill .

  24. 从1917年起,位于纽约市的哥伦比亚大学就开始颁发普利策奖了。

    Columbia University in New York City has awarded Pulitzer Prizes since 1917 .

  25. 普利策奖快报及回顾

    Latest report & review of the Pritzker Architecture Prize

  26. 《走进玛莎的葡萄园》(2003,获普利策奖);

    Walking to Martha 's Vineyard ( 2003 ) which received a Pulitzer Prize ;

  27. 其中《兔子富了》和《兔子安息》分别荣获普利策奖。

    Among which Rabbit Is Rich and Rabbit at Rest have won Pulitzer Prizes .

  28. 它获得了一项普利策奖,并且经常被列入高中的必读书目。

    It won a Pulitzer Prize and is often required reading in high school .

  29. 我只能够猜测母亲在知道我获得普利策奖时的反应。

    I can only guess how she 'd have responded to news of the Pulitzer .

  30. 这是布拉德利在任期间,邮报获得的18项普利策奖之一。

    It was one of 18 Pulitzers The Post received during Mr. Bradlee 's tenure .