
  • 网络Residential;Common Housing
  1. 以西安为对象,收集了179个普通住宅小区的详细资料,构建了西安市住宅价格的Hedonic模型,借助SPSS软件,进行回归分析,得到9个影响价格的主要住宅特征。

    After collecting detailed information of 179 ordinary residential districts in Xi'an , the Hedonic Model was established , then , nine main house characters affecting the house price was given through regression analysis of Hedonic Model by applying the software SPSS . According to the 9 house characters .

  2. 华北南部地区普通住宅楼电力负荷计算探讨

    Calculation of power load in conventional residential housing in southern part of northern China

  3. 基于GIS的兰州市普通住宅价格空间格局分析

    Spatial pattern analysis of residence price of Lanzhou city using GIS

  4. 他住在北京东郊一个叫做北京高尔夫公寓(BeijingGolfPalace)的普通住宅区内,但他实际上并不打高尔夫。

    He lives in a nondescript housing complex called Beijing Golf Palace in the city 's eastern suburbs but does not actually play golf .

  5. 但是占用户大多数的普通住宅居民用户、尤其是农村居民用户具有表计安装分散的特点,对于这类用户使用GPRS或CDMA通道的集中采集设备的成本太高。

    But meter installation of most common housing residents , especially the rural residents ' users with the characteristics of scattered , for this kind of user to use centralized collection equipment such as GPRS or CDMA costs are too high .

  6. 湖南地区节能住宅与普通住宅的技术经济比较

    Economic Comparison of Energy-efficient Residence with Ordinary Residence in Hunan

  7. 购置普通住宅的人们也感受到了压力。

    Lowlier purchasers , too , are feeling the pinch .

  8. 中国普通住宅装修房定位思考

    Considering the Orientation of Decorating Common House in China

  9. 黄土高原地区普通住宅阳台设计

    Balcony design of common residence in loess plateau region

  10. 普通住宅给排水实用新技术

    Practical water supply and drainage techniques of ordinary residence

  11. 这一点与普通住宅使用同一材料的围护结构节能设计不同。

    It is different from the ordinary residential envelope construction in the same materials .

  12. 成都市普通住宅商品房目标消费者行为研究

    A Study on the Target Consumers Behavior of Ordinary Residential Housing Market in Chengdu

  13. 土地增值税清算政策下普通住宅开发的研究

    A Study on the Development of Ordinary Residential under Clearing of Land Value-added Tax Policy

  14. 浅谈住宅户型设计普通住宅户型分析

    Analysis of common residential style

  15. 通过空间统计学的半变异函数工具定量研究了东莞市普通住宅价格的空间异质性特征。

    Using semi-variogram , the spatial heterogeneity of general houses prices in Dongguan City is studied quantificationally .

  16. 若非如此,如果购买一套典型的美国普通住宅,首付是20%的话,费用将增加4.1万美元。

    A typical new US home would cost $ 41,000 more with a 20 per cent down payment otherwise .

  17. 充分重视普通住宅建设,加快既有建筑改造。

    Great attention shall be given to construction of normal residential buildings and retrofit of existing buildings shall be expedited .

  18. 也就是说个人出售已购并居住一年的普通住宅,只需要缴纳印花税和个人所得税。

    This individual has been sold a year acquisitions ordinary residential living only need to pay stamp duty and income tax .

  19. 毫无疑问,一些小报会把土地税写成对拥有一个小花园的普通住宅所有者的威胁。

    Doubtless some of the tabloids would present a land tax as a threat to the ordinary homeowner with a modest garden .

  20. 在那里,麦当劳员工每小时挣20美元,而普通住宅的月租金会超过2000美元。

    There , McDonald 's employees make $ 20 an hour and rent for a modest place can top $ 2000 a month .

  21. 这对于奢侈品和艺术品市场而言是“富豪经济”可是一个利好信息,说明豪宅市场与普通住宅市场是分离的。

    This is good news for the luxury-goods and art markets and implies the top of the property market can be detached from the rest .

  22. 住宅同样也包含各种层次,比如普通住宅、公寓、公寓式住宅、连排别墅、别墅等等。

    Residential also includes various levels , such as ordinary residential , apartments , residential apartments , and even Pai villas , villas , and so on .

  23. 对居民家庭购买自用普通住宅,减半征收契税;采用半刚性基层预裂缝技术减少反射裂缝

    Residents who have purchased self-used ordinary dwelling houses enjoy 50 percent reduction of real estate tax . Application of Pre-Cracking in Semi-Rigid Base to Mitigate Reflective Cracking

  24. 对个人购买并居住超过一年的普通住宅,销售时免征营业税;

    The selling of ordinary dwelling houses purchased by individuals is exempt from business tax on condition the purchasers have lived in the houses for more than a year .

  25. 廉租房不同于普通住宅,廉租房的基本特征是室内外设备一次建造成型并交给居住者直接入住。

    Low-cost housing is different from ordinary residence . The basic characteristic of low-rent housing is a construction of indoor and outdoor equipment , molding and direct admission to the occupants .

  26. 也就是说,在享受了购房补贴后,一套90平方米的普通住宅,实际契税只需要缴纳1%。

    In other words , in the enjoyment of the purchase subsidies , a set of90 square meters of ordinary residence , the actual deed is only required to pay1 % .

  27. 甲醛是装修后室内空气的主要污染物,其空气中的日平均值高达0472mg/m3,为普通住宅的908倍。

    Methanol is a major pollutant of indoors air after house decoration , whose daily average value reaches as high as 0.472mg / m3 , 9.08 times the value in ordinary house .

  28. 城镇廉租住房是指政府在住房领域实施社会保障职能,向具有本城镇居民最低收入家庭和其他需保障的特殊家庭提供的租金补贴或者以低廉租金配租的具有社会保障性质的普通住宅。

    Social housing means a kind of government social security function in lodging field , this function offers simple residence and allowance for non-agricultural registered permanent residence with lowermost income and other guarantee-needed exceptive families .

  29. 个人购买并居住不足一年的普通住宅,销售时营业税按销售价减去购入原价后的差额计征;

    For ordinary dwelling houses purchased by individuals and in which the purchasers have lived less than a year , the business tax to be paid on sale is based on the difference of selling and purchasing prices .

  30. 介绍了户型中不同功能空间的布局设计,从动区、静区以及细节设计三方面分析了普通住宅户型的设计方法,以提高设计水平,满足居住者的生活质量要求。

    It introduces arrangement design of residential style for different function space , analyzes design method of common residential style from sportive area 、 static area and detail design , which to improve design level and meet living quality of people .