
  • General cargo transportation;transportation of general goods
  1. 公司主要从事的经营项目为道路普通货物运输,国内集装箱运输等业务。

    The company is mainly engaged in the operation of general merchandise items as road transport , domestic container shipping business .

  2. 随着国际贸易的发展,记名提单在海运实务的普通货物运输中被大量使用,因而有关记名提单的争议和纠纷也日益增多。

    With the development of international trade , straight bill of lading has been frequently used in maritime transport , especially in general cargo transport . Correspondingly the disputes about straight bill of lading increase quickly .

  3. “可按普通货物条件运输”英语这么说?

    The goods can be transported with the conditions of general merchandise .