
  1. 暑假中你做何消遣?

    How do you amuse yourself during the summer vacation ?

  2. 这个项目在暑假中陷入低谷。

    The project went into low gear during summer vacation .

  3. 他们将在暑假中过得非常愉快。

    They are going to have a good time in summer holidays .

  4. 暑假中他们打算好好休息一下。

    They are going to have a good rest during the summer holidays .

  5. 但是根据约翰霍普金斯大学的研究,所有的小孩在暑假中数学能力都会降低。

    Math slides affect all students , according to the Johns Hopkins research .

  6. 暑假中我们定期同他们见面。

    We met them periodically during the summer break .

  7. 在暑假中,我们至少有一个月可以休假。

    In the summer vacation , we have at least one month off .

  8. 暑假中,没有课,我就像鸟一样自由。

    In the summer , without school , I feel as free as a bird !

  9. 中华公所感谢与颁发奖状给在暑假中在公所当义工的学生们。

    CCBA thanked and presented awards to the students who volunteered in CCBA during the summer .

  10. 暑假中我不是也那样在暴力威胁下起床的吗?

    Did not I always get out of bed that way in the morning in the summer vacation ?

  11. 前几天,当我和我的朋友闲谈的时候,我想起了我在暑假中听道的一个故事。

    The other day as I talked with a friend I recalled a story that I heard this summer .

  12. 你在暑假中要做什麽?我要和家人去度假。

    What will you do in the summer vacation ? I will go on a vacation with my family .

  13. 两年制项目的核心,是第一学年和第二学年之间长暑假中的一次实习。

    At the heart of the two-year programme , in the long summer break between first and second years , is an internship .

  14. 在那个短短的暑假中,我从一个前途有保证的中学生一下子变成了一个毫无前途的成年人。

    In the course short summer holiday I changed from a schoolboy with a secure future to a man with no future at all .

  15. 现在也不能期望在暑假中做些校外工作,那也是需要经过移民归化局的许可,也需要证明经济情况确有变化。

    Even off-campus summer employment can no longer be counted on . it , too , requires permission of the ins and a demonstration of changed financial circumstances .

  16. 一周之后,我去医院和负责管理志愿者的女士协调好了整个暑假中每周工作的时间和次数。

    The next week , I met with the woman who handled the hospital volunteers , and we set up a schedule for me to work a few times each week for the duration of the summer .

  17. 今天暑假你与他中的一个人有机会到四川大学学习。

    Either you or he shall get the chance to study in Sichuan University this summer holiday .

  18. 如果暑假她在家中度过的话,你可以和他一起去体育馆,或者在家的周围骑一骑自行车。

    If she 's home for the summer , you can join her at a gym or in biking around the neighborhood .

  19. 今年暑假回家的旅途中,湖南某高校的女生小方就碰到了这样一次特殊的“社会调查”。

    Xiaofang , of Hunan University , was subjected to a kind of informal social survey by one young man she encountered on her way home this summer .