
  1. Ⅴ、暖性针叶林;

    ⅴ . Warm coniferous forest ;

  2. 不同群落类型林地分布随海拔高低呈显阔叶林一针阔混交林&暖性针叶林的梯度变异性。

    Different forest communities ' distribution shows gradient variability that broad-leaved forest broad-leaved mixed warm coniferous forest with the elevation height .

  3. 目前,森林公园内共有6种植被类型,32个群系,54个群丛。植被类型包括常绿阔叶林、暖性针叶林、竹林、常绿阔叶灌丛、灌草丛和水生植被等。

    There are 6 vegetation types in the forest park at present , which can be divided into 32 series , 54 clumps , including Evergreen broad-leaved forest , Coniferous forest , Bamboo forest , Evergreen broad-leaved shrub , Shrub-grassland and aquicolous vegetation .

  4. 南山暖性次生针叶林的Fuzzy数学分类

    Fuzzy Numerical Classification of Warm Secondary Coniferous Forest at Nansan Mountain

  5. 结果表明在自然状态下研究区形成以暖性常绿针叶林为主的植被景观格局,植被景观格局处于相对稳定状态。

    The results show that the research area formed vegetation landscape pattern of warm evergreen coniferous forest which were mainly consisted of pine forest .