
bào nüè
  • brutal;cruel;despotic;tyrannical;tyrannous
暴虐 [bào nüè]
  • [brutal;cruel;tyrannous] 凶暴残虐

暴虐[bào nüè]
  1. 戈(幕后音):在社会主义的理念根基深层是一个对人的生命的暴虐与漠视的心态。

    BECK ( voice-over ): Growing deep within the roots of socialism is a brutal and dismissive view of human life .

  2. 为实现其自我发展,不惜以破坏自然环境为代价。当今社会自然遭受着人类暴虐似的统治,水污染、空气污染、噪声污染正吞噬着人类的美好家园。

    In order to realize the development , they would rather destroy the natural environment . In the modern society , nature is subjected to the brutal domination of human beings .

  3. 她被亲眼目睹的暴虐场面惊呆了。

    She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed .

  4. 她性情暴虐。

    She has a vicious temper .

  5. 正义必将战胜暴虐。

    Justice will prevail over tyranny .

  6. 在土耳其举行的20国集团(G20)峰会在帮助保护叙利亚平民的问题上应该表现出同样的决心,这些平民在ISIS和叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)政权的暴虐下遭受了巨大创伤。

    The G20 summit meeting in Turkey should show equal resolve to help protect the civilians in Syria , who have been so traumatised by Isis and the regime of President Bashar al-Assad .

  7. 如果你正在考虑从Android手机改用iPhone,那么这两款新机型仍然有一个方面是竞争对手无法比拟的——那就是处理器,整个设备的引擎,苹果在这方面遥遥领先,感觉暴虐对手。

    And if you are considering upgrading from an Android phone , there 's one area where the new iPhones still rank head and shoulders above their competition - the processor , the engine that runs the entire device , where Apple is so far ahead that it almost feels unfair .

  8. 数不清的信徒是在暴虐专横的政府之下忠心地服事主。

    Untold millions of believers have served him faithfully under despotic governments .

  9. 我老婆是个暴虐的中国“东北”女人,而且经常打我。

    My wife is stubborn Dongbei girl , and often beats me .

  10. 恐怖主义:全球化语境中的文化暴虐主义

    Terrorism : The Culture Brutality in the Context of Globalization

  11. 然而在喀土穆之外,暴虐的巴希尔政府不受欢迎。

    Yet Mr Bashir 's oppressive government is not popular outside Khartoum .

  12. 她为了脱离她那个暴虐的母亲而结婚。

    She married to get away from her tyrannical mother .

  13. 曾经是温顺的人们终于站了起来,反对暴虐的统治。

    The once docile population has finally risen up against the ruthless regime .

  14. 南方那一片暴虐横行、肆无忌惮的烂泥塘,也还有前途可盼。

    There was yet hope in that southern swamp of despair and violence .

  15. 一位身强体壮、性格暴虐名叫后羿的弓箭手拯救了人间。

    The earth was saved by a strong and tyrannical archer named Hou Yi .

  16. 他们吃的是邪恶的饼,饮的是暴虐的酒。

    They eat the bread of wickedness , and drink the wine of iniquity .

  17. 联合国发言人称这次袭击活动是无理的,暴虐的。

    A UN spokesman is calling the attack and

  18. 这个组织帮助那些家庭暴虐的受害者。

    The organization helps victims of domestic tyranny .

  19. 民众在他的暴虐统治下受苦受难。

    The people suffered under his iron rule .

  20. 20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。

    Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain .

  21. 竟会分担那死亡的暴虐无礼。

    Could share in that discourtesy of death .

  22. 他对他孩子的行为很暴虐。

    He behaved abusively toward his children .

  23. 女人说:“这儿没有暴虐的政治。”

    The woman said : " Here there is no harsh and oppressive government . "

  24. 与西方暴虐的龙不同

    Unlike the destructive dragon of the west

  25. 他们又因暴虐、患难、愁苦,就减少且卑下。

    Then their numbers decreased , and they were humbled by oppression , calamity and sorrow ;

  26. 肆意的暴虐行为、破坏、浪费

    Wanton cruelty , damage , waste

  27. 对于暴虐者反应也是暴虐行动。

    Tyranny reacts upon the tyrant .

  28. 历史告诉我们,当政体害怕统治失控时,它就会变得暴虐。

    As history points out , regimes become oppressive when they 're fearful about keeping control .

  29. 被这本杂志斥之为所有暴虐将军之最的魏勒将军。

    General weyler , whom the journal had denounced as the prince of all cruel generals .

  30. 与此相反,自私猖獗,冷漠蔓延,冷酷暴虐。

    In contrast , the selfishness is rampant , indifference is wide-spread , and callousness is furious .